“2012 was the worst year for fabrication and plagiarism since I began collecting data in 2005.”

The sad state of modern journalism: “2012 was the worst year for fabrication and plagiarism since I began collecting data in 2005.”

Silverman runs the website Regret the Error, cataloging journalistic errors and misconduct. This is his summary of this past year, and it ain’t pretty. The worst part is that there were a number of journalists on this list — CNN host and Time magazine editor Fareed Zakaria being the most prominent — who were caught either faking their stories or plagiarizing the work of others who were let off with a mere slap on the wrist. Consider that the next time you listen to Zakaria on CNN.

A North Carolina elementary school removed the word “God” from a poem written by one its students because one student’s parents complained.

Goodbye freedom: A North Carolina elementary school removed the word “God” from a poem written by one its students because another student’s parents complained.

After fully examining the issue during the BOE meeting, President and Chief Executive Officer Ken Paulson stated the school did in fact have the right to remove the word “God” from the child’s poem. “Courts have consistently held up the rights for students to express themselves unless their speech is disruptive to the school,” stated Patulson according to McDowell News. “When the little girl wrote the poem and included a reference to God she had every right to do that. The First Amendment protects all Americans. She had every right to mention God, (but) that dynamic changed when they asked her to read it at an assembly.” Paulson said that because the students were a captive audience – they were at a mandatory assembly with no place else to go if they didn’t want to attend – administrators had the right to remove the word “God.”

Hey, I thought being “edgy” and offensive was the way to go for truly creative people? Or does being “edgy” and offensive only apply when offending Christians and Jews?

Seriously, if the logic of this school official was taken to its natural limit, it would mean that you could silence any speech you disagreed with by merely complaining that you didn’t want to hear it. Under that logic, there is no such thing as freedom of speech.

The maker of “Innocence of Muslims” has been sentenced to a year in prison for parole violation.

The new America: The maker of “Innocence of Muslims” has been sentenced to a year in prison for parole violation.

It might have been a crappy film and the filmmaker might have been a bum and a liar who did violate his parole. No matter. That is not really why he was arrested. In the new America he was arrested and sent to prison because he dared make a film that offended Muslims and that the Obama administration did not like.

In the new America don’t offend the government, or they will find a reason to jail you.

A Texas judge is expected to rule today on whether cheerleaders have the right to quote the bible at high school football games.

A Texas judge is expected to rule today on whether cheerleaders have the right to quote the bible at high school football games.

And if he rules they can’t, I say they should go ahead anyway, as they have the right to express themselves no matter what a judge says.

Update: The judge has ruled in favor of the cheerleaders.

It now appears to be illegal to drive around in Dearborn, Michigan displaying Israeli flags on your vehicle.

The tolerance of Islam: It now appears to be illegal to drive around in Dearborn, Michigan displaying Israeli flags on your vehicle.

The [driver] involved was driving in front of the high school as it let out. He was backed up in traffic, a police car immediately behind him. He had Israeli flags on truck. When the students began their assault he rolled down his window asking them to stop. After they pulled him over the police used the rolled down window as a pretext to accuse him of instigating the altercation. While being questioned by the police in front of the high school the [driver] received death threats. The police denied hearing them though the individuals involved were only a few feet away.

The assault also included one high school student throwing a bottle at the car.

Damn, I wish I lived close to Dearborn. I would be organizing a large parade of cars with Israeli flags right this minute.

The new blacklist

The new blacklist.

As columnist Maggie Gallagher pointed out during the furor over Proposition 8, “Targeting an entire business because one person associated with it made (in their personal capacity) a donation to a cause is brand new.” Some gay activists are one step away from claiming that if someone disagrees with them, they shouldn’t be allowed to work anywhere. The original Hollywood blacklist never went that far, but you won’t see any movies made about the current intolerance of supporters of traditional marriage. [emphasis mine]

Read the whole article. It very clearly illustrates the reality today that if you disagree with the gay movement in any way, they are increasingly demanding that you should not be allowed a job anywhere, and your career, life, and family should be destroyed.

That doesn’t sound like the actions of an oppressed minority, does it?

This year’s Walter Duranty Prize for dishonest and corrupt journalism.

This year’s Walter Duranty Prize for dishonest and corrupt journalism.

The award is named after the New York Times Moscow Bureau chief from 1922 to 1936, who

whitewashed the repressive evil deeds of the Soviet Union, leading to that country’s recognition by none other than Franklin D. Roosevelt, while winning a 1932 Pulitzer Prize for his efforts.

[Duranty] did this whitewashing most prominently in the case of the Ukrainian Holodomor: the forced starvation of between 1.2 and 12 million ethnic Ukrainians, depending on whose estimates you believe. In other words, a lot of people. Duranty called that genocide “an exaggeration and malignant propaganda” in the newspaper of record. He also covered up the show trial of the British engineers who were tortured into falsely confessing that they were trying to sabotage Stalin’s Five-Year Plan … and similar events … all the time excusing those Soviet misdeeds with what became his personal mantra: “You have to break a few eggs to make an omelet.”

Meanwhile, he fiercely attacked those who dared criticize him, particularly the brave Welsh journalist Gareth Jones, who risked his life to report on the Holodomor, and the British author Malcolm Muggeridge, who returned the compliment by calling Duranty: “The greatest liar I have met in fifty years of journalism.”

Virtually the same year he was winning his Pulitzer, Duranty was reassuring Soviet authorities that he would allow them to vet all reports about their country before they appeared in The New York Times — effectively making that newspaper a U.S. branch of Pravda, for a time anyway.

Read or watch the whole thing (video at the link). The speeches are both sad and hilarious.

The Obama administration had declared that a company whose sole business is to publish Bibles is not religious enough for an exemption to the HHS contraceptive mandate.

The Obama administration had declared that a company whose sole business is to publish Bibles is not religious enough for an exemption to the HHS contraceptive mandate.

The company has of course gone to court. The mandate itself is odious and unconstitutional. It is not the business of the federal government to decide who is religious and who is not. Nor is it that government’s business to force behavior on anyone that they do not believe.

How ABC News destroyed a company with false allegations, and is now being sued for $1.2 billion because of it.

How ABC News destroyed a company with false allegations, and is now being sued for $1.2 billion because of it.

Though this attack by ABC was not obviously political, it followed the same pattern as their coverage of politics. They had an agenda, they pursued it without mercy, and they did so with a complete disregard for the facts. I hope they lose big in this case.

A high school teacher threatened a student last Friday for wearing a Romney t-shirt on dress-down day.

Leftwing tolerance: A high school teacher in Philadelphia threatened a student last Friday for wearing a Romney t-shirt on dress-down day.

The teacher allegedly told the girl to take off the shirt, saying it was like wearing a Ku Klux Klan sheet. The teacher allegedly threatened to use a marker to cross out Romney’s name and that of Rep. Paul Ryan, his running mate. The teacher also allegedly tried to throw the student out of class. The teacher also allegedly said that Carroll was “a Democratic school.”

New research has now documented the widespread bigotry of liberals in the academic community against conservatives.

Leftwing tolerance: New research has now documented the widespread bigotry of liberals in the academic community against conservatives.

Hostility toward and willingness to discriminate against conservatives is widespread. One in six respondents said that she or he would be somewhat (or more) inclined to discriminate against conservatives in inviting them for symposia or reviewing their work. One in four would discriminate in reviewing their grant applications. More than one in three would discriminate against them when making hiring decisions. Thus, willingness to discriminate is not limited to small decisions. In fact, it is strongest when it comes to the most important decisions, such as grant applications and hiring.

This behavior is hateful, prejudiced, intolerant, and close-minded. And it is occurring against individuals merely because they disagree with the accepted orthodoxy of liberal academia. Worse, it is occurring in our universities among the educated elites of our society. Such close-mindedness among the educated cannot bode well for our society’s future.

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