A map of Opportunity’s journey on Mars as it approaches its tenth anniversary since landing on January 25, 2004.
A map of Opportunity’s journey on Mars as it approaches its tenth anniversary since landing on January 25, 2004.
The map gives some nice perspective of just how far the rover has traveled in the past decade, as well as the increasing scale of the geological features it has observed. Opportunity began inside tiny Eagle Crater, moved on to larger Endurance Crater, then to the even bigger Victoria Crater, and now to the truly massive Endeavour Crator, 14 miles in diameter.
A map of Opportunity’s journey on Mars as it approaches its tenth anniversary since landing on January 25, 2004.
The map gives some nice perspective of just how far the rover has traveled in the past decade, as well as the increasing scale of the geological features it has observed. Opportunity began inside tiny Eagle Crater, moved on to larger Endurance Crater, then to the even bigger Victoria Crater, and now to the truly massive Endeavour Crator, 14 miles in diameter.