Today’s blacklisted American was fired for refusing to participate in company’s programs that purposely excluded whites

Cancelled at Compass Group
Cancelled unilatiterally by Compass’ management

They’re coming for you next: Courtney Rogers, who was fired as a human resources employee from the large food services company Compass Group because she refused to participate in any way with its “whites-need-not-apply” training and mentoring programs, has now filed suit against the company.

You can read her complaint here [pdf], filed by her attorneys working with the non-profit legal firm, the Thomas More Society. The introduction of that complaint outlines clearly the bigotry of Compass’s management and the policies it wished to install, as well as Rogers sincere and futile effort to not participate in this segregation and discrimination:

In early 2022, COMPASS—one of the largest companies in the world—devised a “diversity” program that it misnamed “Operation Equity.” The program offered only women and persons of color the opportunity to participate in training and receive mentorship, with a promise of guaranteed promotion.

The program’s accurate name would have been “White-Men-Need-Not-Apply.” The program was motivated by racial animus against white men held by certain members of COMPASS’s senior management. COMPASS executives like JOANN CANADAY, Vice President of Human Resources Operations (Canteen), and RALENA ROWE, Vice President of Talent Acquisition, stated that the program was intended to “right the wrongs of the last hundred years.” And they threatened would-be opponents of their program: “This is the direction the world is going, jump on the train or get run over.” And they proclaimed: “We are not here to appease the old white man.” Of course, RALENA ROWE and JOANN CANADY anticipated that “There would be a homogenous group of people against this program,” and they planned to draft a response to objections made by people in that “homogenous” group.
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Teachers, parents, and even school districts sue PA Ed Dept over Marxist guidelines

Parents are rejecting this in droves
Now parents, teachers, and administrators are rejecting this mantra

In April a lawsuit against the Pennsylvania Department of Education was filed by the parents, teachers,and three different school districts in western Pennsylvania, challenging the guidelines issued by the state that would force leftist indoctrination down the throats of kids and teachers.

The Mars Area, Penn Crest, and Laurel school districts, as well as two teachers, several board members and parents, filed a lawsuit Monday trying to stop the Shapiro [Democrat] administration from implementing “culturally relevant and sustaining education,” also known as CRSE, in every school district in Pennsylvania.

Leonard Rich, the superintendent of the Laurel School District, explained to KDKA-TV why he and the district joined the lawsuit. “CSRE goes beyond and tells students what to think,” he said. “I’m more driven to tell students and encourage students on how to think.”

“The district’s objection that we are being mandated to not teach our kids how to think but what to think,” he added. “Freedom of expression is a First Amendment right.”

The Thomas More Society is representing the litigants. You can read the filed complaint here [pdf].

The new guidelines are right out of the critical race theory playbook, requiring schools and teachers to:
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Pushback: Baseball scout sues over COVID shot mandate that got him fired

1964 Civil Rights Act arbitrarily voided by the Washington Nationals
1964 Civil Rights Act: Arbitrarily voided by the Washington Nationals

Don’t comply: Bernard “Benny” Gallo, a major league baseball scout for the Washington Nationals has sued the baseball team for firing him when he refused for religious reasons to get COVID shots.

Gallo is being represented by the Thomas More Society, which has taken on a number of these cases and won. From the press release:

Serving his employers faithfully through the first 18 months of the pandemic, Gallo was terminated in late August 2021 after being denied a religious exemption by the baseball club. Gallo is seeking to have his firing reversed, his employment reinstated, backpay awarded, and restitution for the malicious deprivation of his rights. When dismissed by the Nationals, Gallo not only lost his livelihood and his life’s passion of working as a baseball scout, but also his elected position as Vice President of the Southern California Scouts Association, a distinction awarded him by his industry peers.

Thomas More Society Special Counsel Charles LiMandri, partner at LiMandri & Jonna LLP, explained that the Nationals instituted a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy on August 12, 2021. The mandate required them to have undergone vaccination by August 26. LiMandri pointed out that the Nationals’ team baseball players were not subject to this policy. MLB union members were encouraged to obtain COVID-19 vaccination, but not subject to the mandate.

“The dismissal of Mr. Gallo and the denial of his request for a religious exemption is discriminatory and unlawful,” detailed LiMandri. “The Nationals continued to employ others – including another scout – who requested and received similar accommodations for medical reasons.”

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