A federal appeals court has ruled that the Obama administration has been violating the law by delaying a decision on the proposed nuclear waste facility in Yucca Mountain, Nevada.

The law is such an inconvenient thing: A federal appeals court has ruled that the Obama administration has been violating the law by delaying a decision on the proposed nuclear waste facility in Yucca Mountain, Nevada.

This is the typical behavior for this Democratic administration. Whether it involves Obamacare, nuclear waste, environmental rules, gun smuggling, federal appointments, or IRS tax regulations, the White House and President Obama believe themselves above the law, able to do anything they want, regardless of what the law actually says.

But don’t worry, Democrats, Obama will protect you from those evil tea party conservatives who simply want the Constitution followed!

The law and Obama at Yucca Mountain

Apropos to the space war between Obama and Congress over the Obama administration’s willingness to ignore Congressional legislation mandating the continuing funding of the Constellation program is this story about the administration’s efforts to circumvent federal law in order to cancel the use of Yucca Mountain in Nevada as a nuclear waste site. The courts have now expressly ruled [pdf] that the Obama administration it cannot do this: the law is the law, and they have to follow it. The key quote from the legal decision:

Unless Congress directs otherwise, [the Department of Energy] may not single-handedly derail the legislated decisionmaking process.

What a concept: the President and his appointees must obey the law!