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On Christmas Eve 1968 three Americans became the first humans to visit another world. What they did to celebrate was unexpected and profound, and will be remembered throughout all human history. Genesis: the Story of Apollo 8, Robert Zimmerman's classic history of humanity's first journey to another world, tells that story, and it is now available as both an ebook and an audiobook, both with a foreword by Valerie Anders and a new introduction by Robert Zimmerman.


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The intellectual dishonesty of Democrats proven once again

Democrat Neil Baron, either very lazy or a enthused slanderer
Democrat Neil Baron, either very lazy
or a enthused slanderer

The Cleveland Plain Dealer was forced on June 18, 2024 to retract entirely a June 9th op-ed written by Democrat lawyer and political consultant Neil Baron when it was threatened with slander and libel lawsuits from three FBI whistleblowers because of the blatent false accusations Baron included in this op-ed.

Baron’s op-ed, which can still read here, was mostly a partisan attack on Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and his effort to expose the FBI’s non-stop abuse of power. In doing so, however, Baron accused three FBI whistle-blowers of doing things they did not do.

George Hill, advocated dismantling the FBI, claiming it’s better to “die than to have domestic intelligence.” Another, Garret O’Boyle, said Jan. 6 was a “set up” by Democrats and the FBI. He posted a video of himself at the Capitol sporting body armor, a gas mask and an AR-15 rifle. A third, Marcus Allen, assaulted several Capitol Police on Jan. 6, and claimed the insurrection was a government scheme.

As noted in the newspaper’s apology and retraction it admitted Baron’s accusations were simply false.

Allen was not a participant in the Jan. 6 insurrection in Washington D.C. and has never been accused of assaulting Capitol Police officers during the insurrection. O’Boyle did not claim the insurrection was set up by Democrats or post video of himself at the Capitol wearing body armor, a gas mask and an AR-15 rifle. While George Hill has been critical of his former employer, he did not make a quote attributed to him in the column or advocate for dismantling the FBI.

In other words, Baron was making these accusations up, and the newspaper did no fact-checking prior to publication, accepting those bald-faced lies without question. That they were lies is illustrated by how fast the newspaper reacted when told they were lies, retracting the op-ed only one day after it was approached by representatives of the whistle-blowers.

Baron’s nonchalant willingness to slander and libel these FBI whistleblowers might have been simply laziness or it could have been intentional. Either way, that he did it — and the newspaper was so willing to publish it — is sadly normal behavior these days for the left and the Democratic Party, something that became normalized and universal during the Obama administration. While this demagoguery on the left existed beforehand, Obama made it the number one debate tactic for the left, what I call his legacy of hate. After Obama every dissenting opinion was either “racist,” “bigoted,” “extreme,” or an advocate of “white supremacy.” No debate is allowed. Slanders against anyone are always justified to further the leftist cause. And if you can use these false accusations to get someone censored or blacklisted, all the better! [An additional late note: The insistence by the Cleveland Plain Dealer to use the “insurrection” repeatedly in its own retraction apology for what was nothing more than a demontration and relatively mild over-reaction by protesters on January 6 — compared to typical leftist Antifa and BLM and pro-Hamas riots — is another illustration of this demagogery by the left.]

This pattern was nicely illustrated only last week when the entire mainstream media suddenly decided that all conservative candidates in Europe were part of something called “the far right.” Having the same reasonable conservative positions — small government, individual freedom, limited regulation, viable border policies — that have existed literally for centuries was now an extreme position that must be questioned as being beyond the pale.

If I wanted, I could put up a new post citing additional examples of this leftist scapegoating every single day, but that might get very boring. I underline it today because it is essential that the public begin seeing the Democrats and the left for what it is: demagogues whose only debate tactics appear to be slanders, lies, and blacklisting their opponents.

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  • David M. Cook

    Two quotes come to mind: “a lie goes around the world before the truth can get it‘s pants on”. And Lincoln‘s famous “you can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can‘t fool all of the people all of the time!”

  • BOOM! Supporting evidence:

    “Like all things radical, Liberal, Leftist, anti and un-American these media talking heads and many more apparently live in fear of what a Trump presidency will do TO THEM. You know, exactly what they have been doing and attempting to do to Trump and anyone who dared to proclaim themselves a rational Democrat, a Conservative and a patriot to their country since 2016.”

    Liberal, Radical Leftist Democrat party doctrine is officially a verifiable mental illness.

  • Dave

    They think like this, and I suggest it is natural for them to assume that behavioral temptation exists for all. So, yeah, they are worried about what the other side will do to them if they get power.

    “Our side” typically doesn’t countenance this kind of behavior. But then “their side” would see us as liars. Back to my supposition on what is natural for them to perceive and believe.

  • Chris

    The continued use of the word “insurrection” both in the original letter and the “retraction” shows one of the most important tools the left uses and has mastery over – the selection and meaning of words in the debate.
    Since “insurrection” is used in the retraction it is now established unless strong objections are raised. Bob has done so, but have the readers of The Plain Dealer even thought of this; or did they make the mental check mark that Mr Baron was corrected even though the “insurrection” still stood.

    We see this in many of our debates and issues
    We live in a Representative Republic with founding principles and laws, not a democracy where the madness of crowds may rule
    I have been gay many times in my life but never homosexual
    Killing a child is killing a child, no other name is fitting
    I am a Native American- I was born here
    Affirmative Action vs racist based hiring
    Gender – a term in grammar describing words vs a person’s sex. The descriptor “biological” is unnecessary as well.

    This list goes on… Every time the incorrect term is used a piece of the argument is lost.
    The correct words are important.

  • Milt

    Der große Lüge, the state sponsored Big Lie, is of course at the very heart of the progressives’ strategy for seizing total power in this country, just as it was central to the agenda of the Nazi regime. For those who are unfamiliar with this term, there is a nice summary of its history at

    Be warned, however, that a central part of this Wikipedia entry — irony alert! — is the accusation that Donald Trump (and NOT the Jacobin left) is the contemporary exemplar of this technique. Indeed, as is almost universally the case, the media, including Wikipedia, slavishly equate (another Big Lie) Conservatives / Republicans with Nazis and Fascists, and Progressives / Democrats with Freedom Fighters and Defenders of Democracy. In short, this entry not only *defines* the Big Lie but it provides a wonderful example of how it is used (if you are paying attention and have a sense of irony) in practice.

    The astonishing thing, even at this late date, is that almost no one in the presstitute media appears willing to report or comment on this kind of gross inversion of the truth. God, no. What is blindingly obvious if one applies simple observation and logic — i.e., who is actually using the technique of the Big Lie in today’s world to obscure the truth and seize / retain power — is thus completely ignored. A Big Lie through Omission.

    PS — Once again, please remember that those on the “progressive” left are by definition (cf, M. Scott Peck) “the People of the Lie,” and that is simply who they are and what they *do*.

  • Max

    “Germany is wrestling with a potentially explosive debate over whether to ban the far-right party Alternative for Germany, or AfD.”

    The second largest political party in Germany is so popular that the extreme left feels it necessary to use any methods at their disposal to eliminate it. They call it the “party of the Nazis” while using Nazi tactics to harass and squash it. As I read about it, they are actually centralist wanting traditional lives without Progressives shoving their demands down the populations throat‘s…

    Just pointing out we’re not the only ones fighting the left from taking over our lives. The current administration has destroyed our country, and Germany is worse than ours.
    The rest of Europe is not far behind.

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