Going Broke: Treasury Down to $58.6B in Cash, $130.5B Borrowing Authority

The reckoning is about to arrive: The federal treasury is down to $58.6 billion in cash with only $130.5 billion in borrowing authority.

Meanwhile former Democratic operative George Stephanopoulos reports that a tentative deal between the parties in Congress will finalize the cuts from last year’s budget at $33 billion.

As I said, the reckoning is about to arrive.

Geert Wilders: Time to Unmask Muhammad

Geert Wilders: Time to unmask Muhammad.

Anyone who voices criticism of Islam and Muhammad is in grave personal danger – as I have experienced. And whoever attempts to escape from the influence of Islam and Muhammad risks death. We cannot continue to accept this state of affairs. A public debate about the true nature and character of Muhammad can provide insight and support to Muslims all over the world who wish to leave Islam.

When is an Asteroid Not an Asteroid?

When is an asteroid not an asteroid?

The layered structure of Vesta (core, mantle and crust) is the key trait that makes Vesta more like planets such as Earth, Venus and Mars than the other asteroids, McCord said. Like the planets, Vesta had sufficient radioactive material inside when it coalesced, releasing heat that melted rock and enabled lighter layers to float to the outside. Scientists call this process differentiation.

This question immediately demonstrates once again the terrible mess the International Astronautical Union made when it decided several years ago to define what makes a planet, and came up with a definition that simply doesn’t work. For if Vesta should be considered a planet, why not Pluto?

University Protects Student Who Issued Jihadist Death Threats Against Conservatives and Jews

More craziness: McGill University has decided to protect the student who issued jihadist death threats against conservatives and Jews.

Some examples of the student’s threats: “I want to shoot everyone in this room,” followed by “I should have brought an M16.”

Here is McGill’s interpretation: “We have come to the conclusion that the messages don’t constitute a threat to the community.”

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