Author: Robert Zimmerman
Arab journalists demand the blacklisting of a Israeli journalist
Arab journalists demand the blacklisting of a Israeli journalist at a journalism conference in Qatar, merely because she is from Israel.
Arab journalists demand the blacklisting of a Israeli journalist at a journalism conference in Qatar, merely because she is from Israel.
Skeleton May Help Solve Mystery of Doomed Franklin Expedition
Starvation, scurvy, or lead poisoning? A skeleton from the 1848 Franklin Expedition to the Arctic may tell scientists what caused the expedition’s destruction.
Starvation, scurvy, or lead poisoning? A skeleton from the 1848 Franklin Expedition to the Arctic may tell scientists what caused the expedition’s destruction.
House spending panel cuts John Holdren’s science office budget by 55%
The House spending panel today proposed cutting the budget of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) office, run by John Holdren, by 55%.
“OSTP has chosen to disregard a strong and unambiguous legislative prohibition on bilateral engagement with China or Chinese-owned companies,” says language accompanying the 2012 bill, to be voted on tomorrow by the full appropriations committee. “OSTP’s behavior demonstrates a lack of respect for the policy and oversight roles of the Congress.”
I think the Obama administration is about to discover that ignoring the law as passed by Congress can have bad consequences.
The House spending panel today proposed cutting the budget of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) office, run by John Holdren, by 55%.
“OSTP has chosen to disregard a strong and unambiguous legislative prohibition on bilateral engagement with China or Chinese-owned companies,” says language accompanying the 2012 bill, to be voted on tomorrow by the full appropriations committee. “OSTP’s behavior demonstrates a lack of respect for the policy and oversight roles of the Congress.”
I think the Obama administration is about to discover that ignoring the law as passed by Congress can have bad consequences.
Neptune Completes Its First Circuit Around The Sun Since Its Discovery
Neptune has just completed its first orbit around the sun since its discovery in 1846. And the Hubble Space Telescope has taken some pictures in celebration.
Neptune has just completed its first orbit around the sun since its discovery in 1846. And the Hubble Space Telescope has taken some pictures in celebration.
Gore Announces New Campaign and Worldwide Event to Re-energize Global Warming Hysteria
Al Gore has announced a new campaign “to broadcast the reality of the climate crisis and mobilize citizens to help solve it.”
And I ask: what the hell does a propaganda campaign tell us about the climate? The answer: nothing. Just because you say so, Al, does not make it so.
On another note, satellite data continues to show absolutely no warming for the past decade.
Al Gore has announced a new campaign “to broadcast the reality of the climate crisis and mobilize citizens to help solve it.”
And I ask: what the hell does a propaganda campaign tell us about the climate? The answer: nothing. Just because you say so, Al, does not make it so.
On another note, satellite data continues to show absolutely no warming for the past decade.
wings in space
James McLane points out that the shuttle shape is not the only way to build a spaceship.
In an email to me Jim noted that he “is still trying to save NASA.” My response to him was that trying to save NASA right now is more hopeless than Don Quixote chasing a windmill. However, the engineering ideas he outlines in his essay are just the kind of innovative thinking required by the new private companies. And the more ideas the merrier!
James McLane points out that the shuttle shape is not the only way to build a spaceship.
In an email to me Jim noted that he “is still trying to save NASA.” My response to him was that trying to save NASA right now is more hopeless than Don Quixote chasing a windmill. However, the engineering ideas he outlines in his essay are just the kind of innovative thinking required by the new private companies. And the more ideas the merrier!
Public debt and the peril of Obamacare
Public debt and the peril of Obamacare.
Countries with universal healthcare fall into two camps:
1. Totalitarian regimes like Cuba and North Korea, and authoritarian Third World countries in the Middle East and Africa.
2. Western nations that free-ride off of American military spending and its provision of international security, but nonetheless run unsustainable budgets with immense debts trying to pay for their social welfare states. [emphasis mine]
In other words, we had better repeal this monstrosity or we face economic collapse, probably preceded by a dictatorship.
Public debt and the peril of Obamacare.
Countries with universal healthcare fall into two camps:
1. Totalitarian regimes like Cuba and North Korea, and authoritarian Third World countries in the Middle East and Africa.
2. Western nations that free-ride off of American military spending and its provision of international security, but nonetheless run unsustainable budgets with immense debts trying to pay for their social welfare states. [emphasis mine]
In other words, we had better repeal this monstrosity or we face economic collapse, probably preceded by a dictatorship.
The First Rule of Liberalism: Government failure always justifies more government.
The first rule of liberalism: Government failure always justifies more government.
The first rule of liberalism: Government failure always justifies more government.
Obama administration imposes new gun regulations, NRA will sue
The law is such an inconvenient thing: The Obama administration has unilaterally imposed new gun regulations on the border states to Mexico. The NRA has announced it will sue.
The law is such an inconvenient thing: The Obama administration has unilaterally imposed new gun regulations on the border states to Mexico. The NRA has announced it will sue.
“Some of them seem to believe that the government can simply keep spending beyond its means forever with no negative consequences.”
House Budget Bill Would Leave it to NASA To Apportion Bulks of Cuts
The House bill that brings NASA’s budget back to 2008 levels essentially leaves it to NASA to figure out what to cut.
If true, what this means is that NASA itself will have to choose what it considers important. The one problem is that according to this article Congress is still requiring NASA to spend $3 billion on the program-formerly-called-Constellation. which gives the agency less flexibility in doling out the cash.
The House bill that brings NASA’s budget back to 2008 levels essentially leaves it to NASA to figure out what to cut.
If true, what this means is that NASA itself will have to choose what it considers important. The one problem is that according to this article Congress is still requiring NASA to spend $3 billion on the program-formerly-called-Constellation. which gives the agency less flexibility in doling out the cash.
Shuttle mission extended one day
The shuttle mission has been extended one day.
The shuttle mission has been extended one day.
First International Planetary Caves Workshop
Interested in caves on other worlds? You might want to attend the First International Planetary Caves Workshop to be held October 25-28, 2011 in Carlsbad, New Mexico.
Interested in caves on other worlds? You might want to attend the First International Planetary Caves Workshop to be held October 25-28, 2011 in Carlsbad, New Mexico.
3D printing
Underwater Antarctic volcanoes discovered in the Southern Ocean
Underwater Antarctic volcanoes discovered in the Southern Ocean.
Underwater Antarctic volcanoes discovered in the Southern Ocean.
Global warming — or not
In the realm of science, when a computer model is contradicted by empirical observation, the model is deemed to have been refuted. Only in the field of global climate do purported scientists refuse to recognize that basic principle.
In the realm of science, when a computer model is contradicted by empirical observation, the model is deemed to have been refuted. Only in the field of global climate do purported scientists refuse to recognize that basic principle.
“We’re building spacecraft, not bizjets.”
The real future: “We’re building spacecraft, not bizjets.”
The real future: “We’re building spacecraft, not bizjets.”
Ethane lakes in a red haze: Titan’s uncanny moonscape
Titan’s ethane lakes in a red haze.
So far, there are no recognisable signs of organic life. That’s not surprising: by terrestrial standards, Titan is a deep freeze with surface temperatures at a chilly -180°C. Yet Titan is very much alive in the sense that its atmosphere and surface are changing before our eyes. Clouds drift through the haze and rain falls from them to erode stream-like channels draining into shallow lakes. Vast dune fields that look as if they were lifted from the Sahara sprawl along Titan’s equator, yet the dark grains resemble ground asphalt rather than sand. It is a bizarrely different world that looks eerily like home. Or as planetary scientist Ralph Lorenz puts it: “our prototype weird-world exoplanet”.
Titan’s ethane lakes in a red haze.
So far, there are no recognisable signs of organic life. That’s not surprising: by terrestrial standards, Titan is a deep freeze with surface temperatures at a chilly -180°C. Yet Titan is very much alive in the sense that its atmosphere and surface are changing before our eyes. Clouds drift through the haze and rain falls from them to erode stream-like channels draining into shallow lakes. Vast dune fields that look as if they were lifted from the Sahara sprawl along Titan’s equator, yet the dark grains resemble ground asphalt rather than sand. It is a bizarrely different world that looks eerily like home. Or as planetary scientist Ralph Lorenz puts it: “our prototype weird-world exoplanet”.
Standing up for your rights with the police when they ask for id
If you have broken no laws, you are not required to show the police your id. Getting them to accept this legal fact is often quite difficult. It is even more difficult if you should approach them with a camera while openly carrying a gun, as this man does. Watch the video below to see he not only refuses to give them his id, he literally walks away in the end, leaving the two cops befuddled.
Some background on the video can be found here.
TSA agents pat down 6-year-old twice
TSA agents pat down 6-year-old twice.
TSA agents pat down 6-year-old twice.
Kate Bush – Running up that hill
Bill would let federal health researchers ban certain chemicals
Giving more power to unelected bureaucrats: A new bill would let federal health researchers unilaterally ban certain chemicals.
Giving more power to unelected bureaucrats: A new bill would let federal health researchers unilaterally ban certain chemicals.
Confessions of a moon rock thief
Confessions of a moon rock thief.
And in a related story: Fish captain fights to keep long-missing moon rock.
Confessions of a moon rock thief.
And in a related story: Fish captain fights to keep long-missing moon rock.
The space shuttle docks with ISS, for the last time
The space shuttle docks with ISS, for the last time.
The space shuttle docks with ISS, for the last time.
A senator’s flying violation causes him to introduce legislation to change FAA
Senator James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) and pilot, sanctioned by the FAA for landing on a closed runway — the closure of which had not been publicly announced by the FAA — has introduced a bill to change how the agency polices pilots.
Senator James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) and pilot, sanctioned by the FAA for landing on a closed runway — the closure of which had not been publicly announced by the FAA — has introduced a bill to change how the agency polices pilots.
Mount Etna eruption closes airports and causes clocks to run 15 minutes fast
Mount Etna had its fifth eruption this year Saturday, closing the local airport and causing local clocks to run 15 minutes fast. With lots of good images.
Mount Etna had its fifth eruption this year Saturday, closing the local airport and causing local clocks to run 15 minutes fast. With lots of good images.
Carp Attack
NASA continues to stall on heavy-lift rocket
It ain’t ever happening: NASA continues to stall on their final design for Congress’s mandated heavy-lift rocket.
No one should be surprised by this. Obama has never wanted NASA to build this rocket, when it was Constellation and now when it is the program-formerly-called-Constellation. Moreover, Congress hasn’t given NASA enough money or time to do it anyway. Better the program die and the money is used for something else, or cut entirely in order to reduce the crushing federal debt.
It ain’t ever happening: NASA continues to stall on their final design for Congress’s mandated heavy-lift rocket.
No one should be surprised by this. Obama has never wanted NASA to build this rocket, when it was Constellation and now when it is the program-formerly-called-Constellation. Moreover, Congress hasn’t given NASA enough money or time to do it anyway. Better the program die and the money is used for something else, or cut entirely in order to reduce the crushing federal debt.
Thomas Dolby’s “She blinded me with science” as performed by the Muppets
An evening pause: Thomas Dolby’s “She blinded me with science” as performed by the Muppets.