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Murder for the sake of climate idealogy

Bumped. Scroll down to see the update.

This video has been making the rounds on the web. Though I warn you that is somewhat graphic, it is essential that you watch it.

When I first saw this about a week ago, I didn’t quite know what to make of it. It was so vile and offensive I could not believe that it was legitimate. It obviously wants to pay some homage to Monty Python, but even Monty Python never went this far. How could anyone possibly think that killing small children in the name of environmentalism was in any way funny? And how could anyone ever believe that this video would persuade anyone to go along with the 1010 environmental campaign? If anything, the video does an excellent job of discrediting this organization and everyone involved with it.

Thus, despite what some bloggers were saying, I held back commenting, just to make sure the video was real and not a terrible prank meant to sabotage.

There is now no reason to hold back. Late last week, the 1010 organization itself issued an apology, admitting that this video was their handiwork. Before I continue, I think it is worthwhile for you to also read their apology, in all its venal glory. In many ways, it condemns them and their allies far more than the video did:


Today we put up a mini-movie about 10:10 and climate change called “No Pressure”.

With climate change becoming increasingly threatening, and decreasingly talked about in the media, we wanted to find a way to bring this critical issue back into the headlines whilst making people laugh. We were therefore delighted when Britain’s leading comedy writer, Richard Curtis — writer of Blackadder, Four Weddings, Notting Hill and many others — agreed to write a short film for the 10:10 campaign. Many people found the resulting film extremely funny, but unfortunately some didn’t and we sincerely apologise to anybody we have offended.

As a result of these concerns we’ve taken it off our website. We won’t be making any attempt to censor or remove other versions currently in circulation on the internet.

We’d like to thank the 50+ film professionals and 40+ actors and extras and who gave their time and equipment to the film for free. We greatly value your contributions and the tremendous enthusiasm and professionalism you brought to the project.

At 10:10 we’re all about trying new and creative ways of getting people to take action on climate change. Unfortunately in this instance we missed the mark. Oh well, we live and learn.

Onwards and upwards,

Franny, Lizzie, Eugenie and the whole 10:10 team

What does this apology tell us? First, they not only thought that killing children in the name of environmentalism was “funny”, they thought it was “extremely funny.”

Second, they don’t think they did anything wrong. They are merely sorry that some of you are offended. For everyone else, the video was peachy keen and they therefore make it available to the world for as many people to see as possible.

Third, they see no point in trying to persuade anyone to their point of view. They are absolutely sure that they are right, with a certainty that is, for me, quite disturbing.

To put it another way, this film was their movement’s version of a wet dream, a fantasy showing us all exactly what they wish they could do to anyone who does not agree with them. Worse, they are certain that most people agree with them, and will also laugh uproariously at the sight of environmentalists murdering their foolish and wrong-headed opponents, one by one.

As I wrote recently, events like this prove that protecting the climate and environment has nothing to do with the goals of this movement. Instead, what they want is power. And with 1010’s video, they have shown us quite vividly what they will do, once they have that power.

I think it worthwhile to remind everyone what happens when such certainty gets wedded to power. The results are quite horrible.

“In the end, the words were said by Oliver Cromwell, ‘I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken.'”

Update: The director of 10:10 UK, Eugenie Harvey, has issued a new apology. According to the Harvey, “We are going to investigate what happened, review our processes and procedures, and share the results with our partners.” Gee, considering that Harvey was one of the signatories to the first apology I would have thought she knew what happened to begin with. Why does she need an investigation? Is she looking for someone to take the rap?

There is a reason for this new apology, however. It seems that at least one financial donor is backing away from the 10:10 organization. The first apology simply failed to spin the story well enough.

Second Update: The original video was pulled by 10:10 several years ago, and is hard to find in its original form. I have now posted a version that has been edited only slightly by an environmentalist. He didn’t really change anything, but merely inserted some preachy text explaining why it is justified to murder little children for the sake of the environmental cause.

Genesis cover

On Christmas Eve 1968 three Americans became the first humans to visit another world. What they did to celebrate was unexpected and profound, and will be remembered throughout all human history. Genesis: the Story of Apollo 8, Robert Zimmerman's classic history of humanity's first journey to another world, tells that story, and it is now available as both an ebook and an audiobook, both with a foreword by Valerie Anders and a new introduction by Robert Zimmerman.


The print edition can be purchased at Amazon. Or you can buy it directly from the author and get an autographed copy.

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The audiobook is also available at all these vendors, and is also free with a 30-day trial membership to Audible.

"Not simply about one mission, [Genesis] is also the history of America's quest for the moon... Zimmerman has done a masterful job of tying disparate events together into a solid account of one of America's greatest human triumphs."--San Antonio Express-News


  • arthur d carney

    it comming if you don’t buy the false science of man made global warming..

    The second video is powerful, it shows what happens when people surrender to government control

  • Kelly Starks

    >…If anything, the video does an excellent job of discrediting this organization and everyone involved with it.

    I’d agree, but the number of eco-nazis who open say things like “..Global Warming deniers are the same as holocaust deniers..”, and “..should be put on trial for crimes against humanity”..; or the number of eco group leaders talking about forced population reduction (somehow missing no developed country has enough kids to even maintain their population); I think a lot of them see this as a much more slight exaggeration then reasonable people would.

    Extremists of any faith, often see eliminating or repressing thoughs that are in the way of your “noble” cause.

  • Kelly Starks

    The secound vid is very good, and disturbing clip from the show the assent of man.

  • Chris L.

    I’m just trying to wrap my head around the idea that at least 90 people were involved with this thing and no one (as in, not one single person) objected when they got to the line in the script that read “and the children explode”. Are these people so into the kool-aid that they can’t see what a huge (as in bigger than the known universe) PR mistake they were about to make? And that non-apology apology, “sorry if you silly twits were too stupid to get the joke about the exploding children, next time we’ll try to dumb it down for you”, really is worse than the original video.

  • Dukes cooper

    Get over it. It’s a video, no children were harmed in its production. In reality there are millions of children in this world that have no food, no parents ,no shelter. That is outrageous and unacceptable, not a video representation that is over the top to elicit a reaction.

  • Jeff porter

    This video brings to mind the propaganda put out 20 years ago by the anti hunting/ trapping movement which featured photos of maimed animals that were maimed by the activists, to stir up hatred towards hunters!


    This is very nice!!

    I wonder when they might come out with a vasectomy commercial that snips the whole thing off??
    Social welfare office the old lady says, “Sir, you have a large family (more then 2) and you are asking for more social welfare aid?”
    She gets up and screamed out, “Off with his head!!”

    Immigration – illegal aliens, “Off with his head!!”

    Prisoners, “Off with his head!!”

    And again, you all know what head I am talking about.

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