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Musk abandons the Democrats, will vote Republican in November

In another example of the leftist Marxist Democratic Party losing long time supporters, Elon Musk revealed in a podcast today that he has switched his voter registration from Democrat to independent, and now plans to vote Republican in the upcoming election.

Elon Musk, admitting he had voted “overwhelmingly” for Democrats in the past, has changed his mind.

Musk is registered as an independent voter; he announced the switch over video link at a tech summit in Miami, Florida, hosted by the All-In podcast.

“I have voted overwhelmingly for Democrats, historically,” Musk acknowledged. “Like I’m not sure, I might never have voted for a Republican, just to be clear. Now this election I will,” Newsweek reported.

Musk however is not alone. Donald Trump is actually a much more famous example, having been a typical New York liberal Democrat for decades, only to reject that party in the mid-2010s for its increasingly radical communist agenda. Trump discovered to his surprise (as has Musk) that the conservative Republican Party better reflected his personal philosophy. Both men represent large numbers of ordinary people, who see themselves as moderate liberals and now find disgusting the bigoted, hateful, and anti-American agenda of the Democratic Party.

The meme below that Musk himself posted in a tweet on April 28, 2022 illustrates this process most clearly.

Has the Democratic Party been fleeing its voters, or have they been fleeing it?

Musk’s switch however is hardly a surprise. I have been expecting it for more than a decade. I saw its inevitability when I saw Musk give a speech at the National Press Club in 2011. Though he knew then America was the place to be to innovate and create new things, he did not really understand why.

During the question and answer period, the moderator asked Musk, “How is it that America is able to innovate so well, given all the challenges? How does that continue to happen? Why is that?”

This was Musk’s answer: “It’s kind of like the statement about democracy, it’s a bad system but it’s the least bad. The United States is the least bad at encouraging innovation.”

What Musk completely missed, however, is the fundamental reason why the United States still remains the world’s power house when it comes to attracting creative individuals like Musk. And that reason can be summed up in one forgotten word: freedom. [emphasis in original]

Watching the Democrats increasingly and aggressively squelch freedom for the past decade has helped Musk learn this lesson. It is a lesson anyone can learn, if they keep their mind open and do not become wedded to any particular political party.

Whether the Democrats will be kicked out of office in November however remains entirely uncertain. It is increasingly clear that they no longer have the votes to win anywhere but in isolated urban centers that have been Democrat one-party states for decades. Their willingness and ability to commit election fraud however remains strong, especially because the incompetent and corrupt Republican Party has done so little in the past two years to clean up voting systems nationwide.

Musk could be joined by many millions of other past Democratic Party loyalists, and that party might still be able to fake enough votes to guarantee a win. They’ve done it before, and you can bet they will try to do it again in November.

Genesis cover

On Christmas Eve 1968 three Americans became the first humans to visit another world. What they did to celebrate was unexpected and profound, and will be remembered throughout all human history. Genesis: the Story of Apollo 8, Robert Zimmerman's classic history of humanity's first journey to another world, tells that story, and it is now available as both an ebook and an audiobook, both with a foreword by Valerie Anders and a new introduction by Robert Zimmerman.

The ebook is available everywhere for $5.99 (before discount) at amazon, or direct from my ebook publisher, ebookit. If you buy it from ebookit you don't support the big tech companies and the author gets a bigger cut much sooner.

The audiobook is also available at all these vendors, and is also free with a 30-day trial membership to Audible.

"Not simply about one mission, [Genesis] is also the history of America's quest for the moon... Zimmerman has done a masterful job of tying disparate events together into a solid account of one of America's greatest human triumphs."--San Antonio Express-News


  • Col Beausabre

    “A conservative is a liberal who has been mugged by reality” – Irving Kristol

  • V-Man

    You might find yourselves repeating the Battle of Athens (1946) a thousand-fold this fall. Time will tell.

  • Alton

    Florida as of January 1st had 400,000 plus, more Republican registered Voters than Democrats..for the first time in more than two Decades.

    New England COVID refugees walked Away with many U-Hauls down I-95.
    NICE, many sold their homes to the persons leaving NYC,. at the rough real estate top, just as the other Coastal Californians have moved to Texas. Note: U-Haul charge $2,000 into Texas, renting an On To California return one way about $700.

  • Col Beausabre

    The problem is those people from California and Massachusetts bring their politics with them

  • Doubting Thomas

    Yes they do bring their politics with them. Texas today is touch and go with lots of people from California who are thrilled to buy an “so affordable” house for “only” a million dollars and then will talk your ear off about how backward Texas is in issues of “social justice”.

    I salute Elon for the stands he is taking and the apple carts he has been tipping over, I just hope that the powers that be don’t get even tougher on him and Starship.

  • Col Beausabre observed: “The problem is those people from California and Massachusetts bring their politics with them.”

    Because they demonstrably cannot learn. I question the sentience (different than intelligence) of people who can so willfully ignore the Universe slapping them in the face. If sentience is self-awareness, what does that say about people who are unaware of the consequences of their actions?

  • Concerned

    Blair Ivey asks:” If sentience is self-awareness, what does that say about people who are unaware of the consequences of their actions?”
    Einstein had an answer: the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome.

  • Concerned

    Bob mentions the Democratic Party/Big Tech/Big Media fraud problem and the complicity of their Republican enablers. These entities wield and have seized enormous power and have crossed the Rubicon into illegitimacy. Many conservative commenters on other boards insist we won’t be able to vote our way out of this. I pray they’re wrong.

  • Concerned noted Einstein’s comment on the futility of insanity. But, I think there is much more going on here that needs attention. We have just assumed that to be human, is to be sentient. The East may have already figured this out. ‘Enlightenment’ may just be self-awareness.

  • Except that Einstein never said it. As Wikiquote notes in this regard:

    ‘Variously attributed also to Benjamin Franklin and Mark Twain. The earliest known occurrence, and probable origin, is from a 1981 text from Narcotics Anonymous: “Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results.”’

  • Gary H

    Texas is threatened by economic migration from Blue states..not just California, but black and hispanic populations are beginning to realize that the left does not deliver. My wife is asian and when we shop at asian markets/shopping centers, a high percentage of people are masked, so I’m not so sure that this segment is moving to the right. Yes, I believe that in many instances, with current Covid levels, that mask = left. So, I’m not confident that this group is moving right..I could be wrong. I escaped the politics of California, so maybe my views are just wishful thinking.

  • pawn

    The rise of electronic media has resulted in people focusing less on what they actually see in front of them. Many people seem to be “addicted” to their machines that now serve as a group consciousness.

    As long as the economic refugees limit themselves to their previous social media connections, they will remain blind to their new surroundings.

    Social media is the biggest factor in the polarization we are seeing these days.

    Musk is right on the money (ha!) with his prodding.

  • Cotour

    Again, as predicted, in the end this proposal by the government for a “Disinformation” Czar is at best illegal. Totally and entirely unconstitutional. Desperation and anything up to and including murder defines the Democrat party, Orwell called it all.

    Especially when they have a certifiable nut set to head it up.

    Nina Jankowits has resigned from Homeland Security, a nut and liability of the first order.

    And they are serious.

  • sippin_bourbon

    I call it it a win Cotour, but I have no faith that they will not just wait and try again later with a new name.

    They will wait for the right crisis or urgent need.

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