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“A naked abuse of authority.”

The quote that makes up my headline comes from Congressman Devin Nunes (R-California). It was said in response to the new information that has come out about how partisan and corrupt FBI agents, hostile to Trump and his administration, falsified the interview report of Trump’s then National Security Adviser Michael Flynn in order to get him either “prosecuted or fired” (their words). The full quote:

“The FBI set up General Flynn — that is clear as day,” Rep. Devin Nunes, ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, tells RealClearInvestigations. “There is FBI leadership ordering the case kept open when agents wanted to close it for lack of evidence, the discussion of getting Flynn to lie or trying to get him fired, the ambush interview, the withholding of exculpatory evidence, and many other acts of blatant malfeasance. None of this is standard procedure. It’s a naked abuse of authority.”

Nunes might be a politician and a Republican (with the expected partisan agendas), but everything he says here is accurate and true (as has been the case for Nunes throughout this sorry affair). The article outlines in excruciating detail the fraud and manipulation that FBI officials Peter Srtzok, Lisa Page, and Andrew McCabe went through to rewrite the report of Flynn’s FBI interview, in order to create the false impression that he had lied during that interview, and thus frame him.

Revealing this criminal activity and abuse of power by these FBI officials is good, but as long as they avoid indictments and punishment, we accomplish nothing. These people have to face juries, and go to prison. If they don’t, then nothing will change in Washington, and in fact we in the future can expect more such abuses, coming from both parties.

Genesis cover

On Christmas Eve 1968 three Americans became the first humans to visit another world. What they did to celebrate was unexpected and profound, and will be remembered throughout all human history. Genesis: the Story of Apollo 8, Robert Zimmerman's classic history of humanity's first journey to another world, tells that story, and it is now available as both an ebook and an audiobook, both with a foreword by Valerie Anders and a new introduction by Robert Zimmerman.


The print edition can be purchased at Amazon. Or you can buy it directly from the author and get an autographed copy.

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The audiobook is also available at all these vendors, and is also free with a 30-day trial membership to Audible.

"Not simply about one mission, [Genesis] is also the history of America's quest for the moon... Zimmerman has done a masterful job of tying disparate events together into a solid account of one of America's greatest human triumphs."--San Antonio Express-News


  • Phill O

    In this link, there is discussion of Flynn’s disapproval of the Obama admins, policy on Iran and the like. That admin certainly did not want Flynn in Intelligence, by this news source. While I am not familiar with this source, any comments are worth my while evaluating.

  • Gail

    Bob, you were right up until the last sentence: this isn’t being done by “both parties,” but overwhelmingly by the Vicious Party (aka DP), aided and at times abetted by a collaborating or spineless Stupid Party (GOP, or The Washington Generals).

    We all need to hang the dead albatross around the neck of the party that killed it: the “Democratic” Party.

    –Firmly Ex-Dem

  • Gail: In that last paragraph I was referring to the future. If no one gets punished for what the Democrats and their allies in the bureaucracy did, then future politicians from both parties will have no qualms about doing more, and worse.

    And don’t fool yourself. The Republicans in Washington have more than their share of sharks.

  • commodude

    Sen. McCain was no less guilty than the Democrats. Both parties need to be brought to heel, and reminded that the people are in charge, not the politicians. Rep. Issa is right there in the mix as well.

    YOUR (and my) guy is part of the problem, too.

  • pzatchok

    I no longer care about this.

    Not enough to worry about it.

    I am old enough to be willing to spend my life on the next revolution. And there will be a violent one.

  • Max

    “I am old enough to be willing to spend my life on the next revolution. And there will be a violent one.”

    Why socialism needs killing fields:

    Last paragraph of capitalism versus socialism perspective;
    “A socialist economy must employ negative incentives, the kind of incentives that law abiding people apply only to muggers and the like, in order to get light bulbs in the light sockets and toilet paper in the toilets. Thus the entire socialist country must be run as a prison, and all the citizens are lifers, and the nomenclatura are merely trusties.

    Needless to say, when this system is introduced, a great many people misbehave. You cannot send them to prison, they already are in prison.

    You have to murder them.

    Hence the need for efficient methods for the mass production of murder”

  • Sippin_bourbon

    I agree with the both parties sentiment at the end.

    When one party gets away with some thing, it becomes tacit approval for the other party to employ the same activity or adopt the same standard of conduct.

    Sometimes I think it’s planned. One party sees a particular abuse, and instead of acting to remove it, only imagines how it can be used to their own advantage. It’s usually small, and involves money, lobbyists or some form of twisting of facts to get in front of a camera. This is how we got The Swamp.

    It only encourages larger abuses.

  • Cotour


    A life long “Liberal Democrat”, “Feminist”, “Please don’t talk politics with me or send me your emails any more, it upsets me”, lady friend out of the blue sent me an email the other night, it read:

    “Read this today…you believe same? I wish this would stop”.

    The piece was apparently written by Mark Levin, Lawyer, Conservative / author / radio and TV talk show host, it looks and reads very much like something that I would have written and emailed to her myself.

    I replied very cautiously to her: “Lets be clear here, are you sending this to me because you just think that I will agree with it? Or, are you sending this to me because you “SEE” what is being proposed here and agree with what it points out and you are enraged and awakened to this danger? Or, you just want all of this confrontation and political warfare to end and everything once again be “Normal”? Choose one, I am very curious.”

    Her reply: “I agree and I’m scared”.

    Me: “I can not express to you my shock that you would, 1. Send me something written by Mark Levin, and that you would be reading something that he wrote. And 2. That you agree with its contents and its warning. Do you know what the implications are?”

    Her: “I’m a Republican now?”

    Me: “I am getting emotional, you will have to give me a few minutes.”

    Her: “lol. Yes, truly this situation has helped me to see the failings of the left…not that I was still on that side anyway, but now more than ever. Sheeple.”

    Me: “I do not know that you are a Republican or not, but if you understand what Mark Levin is getting at and the reality that he just lists while you see it happening in real time as it plays out across the nation and you agree with him, you can never vote for a Democrat or a Liberal or a “Progressive” again. Not if they continue to work as they have been demonstrated through evidence to usurp the Constitution and our personal freedoms and as most of them propose to rewrite or “Improve” it.

    So its for you to say what it is that you are if you have to label yourself, but you will never be able to vote for those who are actively perpetrating these offences against our Constitution and our personal freedoms. You are a Constitutionalist at the minimum now and I congratulate you. I got a little emotional I must say, I am pleased and maybe a little in shock?

    Her: “Agreed. But I’m not sure why you are shocked. Don’t you remember where I was at 5 years ago?? I didn’t vote at all in the last election. No way would I vote for Hillary where all the bull xxxx would be done under wraps.”. And yes, this year I will be. (She intends to vote for Trump)

    Me: “My head is spinning. There is hope if you can arrive at this conclusion, so therefore you can be less scared because there is hope. I just hope that I might have played some small part in your transformation.”

    Her: “Of course, you have. I am not a Democrat, not a Republican. I am a constitutionalist. Good night.”

    And that my friends is what is happening in the real world today in America :)

  • Cotour: My real fear now is that, using the epidemic, the Democrats will push through all-mail elections, and will then use this very faulty system to fix the results nationwide. They did something similar in California, with ballot harvesting. They’ve fixed elections for decades in Chicago, Minnesota, and elsewhere. They will have even more reason to do it in November.

    Thus, though it certainly appears that the Democrats have lost voters nationwide, we will not see that reflected in November’s polls.

  • Cotour

    Desperate times call for desperate measures, and we have and will all continue to witness just how desperate and depraved the Democrat leadership will in fact become in their existential efforts to remain relevant and alive.

    By any means necessary, we have been over it before and we both agree that they indeed can and will deliver on it, just like a cornered animal.

    (My head is still processing my friends email, and if she is able to rationally figure it out then so are others, and so have the Democrat leadership figured it out what it is that they have grown and therefore they will be required to further pervert everything that is good in our country. Bet on it, but still the implications although are not certain they are encouraging)

  • Cotour: I do agree, your friend’s email is amazingly encouraging. In my life I have literally never seen anyone I knew personally who was a knee-jerk liberal ever make such a shift.

  • Cotour


    When you ask yourself: Why was general Michael Flynn fired from the Obama administration in his capacity as Assistant National Security Advisor under National Security Advisor Susan Rice? Do you really know?

    Because general Flynn stood firmly in a counter security assessment position to what president Obama and his people thought and wanted related to the middle east situation and the Russians V the Chinese. General Flynn believed and pointed out that it was the Chinese and not the Russians that were the bigger and more important threat to be paying attention to in the world. An opinion that president Obama did not want to hear, Obama wanted the prime enemy of the United States to be the Russians and not the Chinese. Do you see the problem with this situation for general Flynn? (And our country?)

    President Obama had a formulated agenda to support and promote the Chinese, and vilify the Russians, no matter the reality of the truth of the security situation. Obama and his vice president, Joe Biden, were “Invested” in China and the Globalist world model, which the Chinese would dominate if allowed to fully be deployed. Remember, Obama put Joe Biden in charge of dealing with the Chinese, and Joe Biden immediately allowed his son Bo to sign a $1 billion dollar hedge fund “Investment” deal after arriving in China on air force 1 with his father, the vice president. A nice family enrichment and retirement plan. Obama and Biden had philosophical and direct financial interests in favoring China over Russia, and still do.

    What a president wants V what the objective national security reality is and having to advise the president and tell him what he does not want to hear. That is where general Flynn found himself.

    So general Flynn “Retires” from the Obama administration (Read: Was fired) and then joins the Trump campaign and speaks his truth about the Russians V the Chinese and their threat to the U.S., a direct offence to Obama and his efforts in the world.

    And then general Flynn signed up with the Trump administration who without doubt understood who in the world was the bigger threat to the U.S., something that president Trump had been talking about for many, many years, CHINA. And this Covid 19 virus event and how the Chinese handled it and everything else that went along with it is a prime example of just how dangerous they actually are.

    And then came head of the Obama FBI, James Comey and “I sent some guys over”, to set up general Flynn for his many anti Obama acts and to upset or take out Trump.

    You can put the rest together for yourselves.

  • Col Beausabre

    From Newsleak – “Trump’s Secret New Watchlist Lets His Administration Track Americans”

    WHAT !!! We can’t permit that !

    That’s the Democrats job !

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