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Another establishment Republican endorses Clinton

Today a former Romney official, one of many similar establishment Republicans from the Romney campaign as well as the Bush administration, announced in an op-ed that he is voting for Hillary Clinton in the general election.

I haven’t reported on this stream of Clinton endorsements by Republican politicos, as I generally consider most such endorsements to be meaningless. However, I think it important to make one comment. It is perfectly understandable if a conservative decides that he or she cannot support Donald Trump for president. Trump’s past history as a liberal Democrat certainly makes him a poor choice if you happen to be a sincere conservative who believes in the Constitution and small and limited government.

At the same time, if you are a sincere conservative you don’t then announce that you are endorsing Hillary Clinton and will vote for her instead. You either don’t vote for anyone for president, or you pick the Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson, who has his own problems but at least has a past conservative track record. By throwing their support to Hillary Clinton, these establishment Republicans are finally revealing to the world that they really never had any interest in conservative values and have always been lying when they said so. Instead, they are simply more interested in the power they gain in Washington, and will do whatever it takes to obtain that power, including supporting the most socialist, corrupt, and dishonest Democratic Party candidate presented to us in the past century.

Thus, these endorsements are actually very useful information. They finally tell us who the fake conservatives in the Republican Party are and, should Donald Trump win in November, will allow him to finally purge the party of these liars and backstabbers, so that we might be able to finally make real some progress in gaining some control over our presently very oppressive and destructive federal government.

Genesis cover

On Christmas Eve 1968 three Americans became the first humans to visit another world. What they did to celebrate was unexpected and profound, and will be remembered throughout all human history. Genesis: the Story of Apollo 8, Robert Zimmerman's classic history of humanity's first journey to another world, tells that story, and it is now available as both an ebook and an audiobook, both with a foreword by Valerie Anders and a new introduction by Robert Zimmerman.


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The audiobook is also available at all these vendors, and is also free with a 30-day trial membership to Audible.

"Not simply about one mission, [Genesis] is also the history of America's quest for the moon... Zimmerman has done a masterful job of tying disparate events together into a solid account of one of America's greatest human triumphs."--San Antonio Express-News


  • wayne

    Nicely stated.

  • Cotour

    Yes, the people looking at Trump and Clinton are really in a philosophical delema and conundrum.

    But when comparing Trump to Clinton it is much easier to justify supporting Trump than Clinton, especially if you understand the extent of Hillary’s duplicity and the amount of money involved going into her own pocket from very interested operators from all over the globe. It really is a sight to behold.

    Read it and weep, and anyone who is thinking of supporting Hillary to be the next president please attempt to justify your vote after reading these “contributions” to the “non profit” Clinton Foundation. And also keep in mind this money is all tax free to the foundation and the foundation has a good works (15% ?), to overhead (85% ?) ratio which can not be rated by the organizations that rate such non profits, because they have never seen any metrics like these. To say nothing of the correlation between the “donation” and the favor / access. Y

    You have to give the devil his due here, no one has ever seen any quasi political operating at this level in regards to selling access to government and the influence of a sitting Secretary Of State and possible future president. I step back and am really and truly impressed.

    Prince of Abu Dhabi and Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates Shaikh Abdullah bin Zayed al Nahayan and the Al Nahayan family of Abu Dhabi

    $5,000,000 Access to HRC at State Dept. and a $500,000 environmental speech by Bill Clinton given at the Emirates Palace Hotel in Abu Dhabi while HRC was meeting in Washington with Shaikh Abdullah.

    $500,000 State clearance for U.S. arms sales to Algeria. Deal included biological and chemical agents.
    Australia, Commonwealth of

    $75,000,000 Strong State Dept. for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which stands to be a boon for Australian multinational firms.
    Bahrain, Kingdom of

    $250,000 Muted criticism by State of Bahrain’s abysmal human rights practices.
    Boeing Corp.

    $900,000 State Dept. clearance for $29 billion arms U.S. arms sale to Saudi Arabia, including Boeing’s F-15 fighter.
    Brunei Darussalam, Sultanate of

    $5,000,000 State Dept. clearance for U.S. weapons sales to Brunei.
    Cameroon, Republic of

    $100,000 Influence buying by the Cameroon government with the Clinton State Department.

    $500,000 State Dept. support for Canada’s Keystone XL pipeline, eventually vetoed by Barack Obama.
    Chagoury Group <$5,000,000 in cash and a $1,000,000,000 pledge HRC delayed designating Nigeria’s Boko Haram as a foreign terrorist organization because of Chagoury Group’s investments and operations in Nigeria. Chagoury Group received the “Sustainable Development Award” from the CGI. Chagooury helped the family of Nigerian dictator Sani Abacha hide his wealth stolen from Nigeria’s oil revenues.
    Confederation of Indian Industry

    $1,000,000 Access for Indian businesses to U.S. government officials.
    Corning, Inc.

    $150,000 Clinton arranged for international access for the New York-based firm.
    Dahdaleh, Victor

    $5,000,000 Lobbyist for Bahrain state-owned aluminum company who sought a contract between the Bahraini firm and the U.S.-owned Alcoa World Alumina.
    Dominican Republic

    $25,000,000 Clinton Foundation board member Rolando Gonzalez’s company InterEnergy received contracts from Dominican government for wind energy projects. The firm received Domican President’s Gold Citizen Award in 2010.
    Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA)

    $100,000 State pressure on Justice Dept. to curtail criminal investigation of FIFA.
    Fernwood Foundation (Canadian foundation run by Canadian uranium mining mogul Ian Telfer

    $2,600,000 Telfer’s UrAsia and Uranium One Corporations, co-owned with Canadian mining magnate and “Friend of Bill” Frank Giustra receved favorable uranium mining deals with Kazakhstan and Russia’s ROSATOM and Kazakhstan’s KAZATOMPROM.
    Flanders, Government of

    €780,000 ($872,000) High-level access to U.S. government officials by Flemish government officials and businesses.
    GEMS Education, Dubai

    $5,600,000 Bill Clinton made “honorary chairman” of the Dubai company.
    Germany, Federal Republic of

    $250,000 High-level access to U.S. government officials by German officials and businessmen.
    Giustra, Frank (Canadian mining magnate) (Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership/Radcliffe Foundation)

    $31,300,000 State soft-peddled threat of the Islamic State because Lafarge had negotiated with the terrorists to maintain its operations in ISIL-controlled territory in Syria. arranged favorable deals with Kazakhstan and its president, Nursultan Nazarbayev.
    Hindustan Construction Corp. (India)

    $500,000 Access for corporate officials to U.S. government officials.
    Ireland, Republic of

    $158,300,000 Influence-buying by Irish government with the Clintons.
    Italy, Republic of

    $100,000 Influence buying by the Italian government with the Clinton State Department.
    Jamaica $100,000 Digicel Group, owned by Irish billionaire and Friend of Bill, Denis O’Brien, received USAID grant for a telecommunications project in Jamaica. Digicel (Jamaica) paid Bill Clinton $225,000 for a speech in Kingston. That was in addition to the $100,000 kicked in by Jamaica to the Clinton Foundation.
    Kuwait, Emirate of

    $10,000,000 State Dept. clearance for U.S. weapons sales to Kuwait.
    Lafarge Group <$100,000 State soft-peddled threat of Islamic State (ISIL) in Syria because Lafarge had an agreement with ISIL not to interfere in Lafarge activities in ISIL-controlled territory in Syria. HRC was a director of Lafarge between 1990 and 1992, at a time when the firm was selling strategic military materials to Saddam Hussein’s Iraq.
    Lesotho, Kingdom of

    $100,000 Kickback from $11.2 million Irish grant to Clinton Foundation for HIV/AIDS abatement in Lesotho.
    Mittal, Lakshmi, owner of ArcelorMittal, a major steel company, and board member of Goldman Sachs

    $5,000,000 Favorable opportunities in Kazakhstan, where Mittal is a member of the Foreign Investment Council of Kazakhstan. Dovetails with Bill Clinton’s uranium deals with Giustra and Nazarbayev.
    Sheikh Mohammed H. Al Amoudi (Ethiopian-Saudi billionaire)1

    $10,000,000 Influence-buying within the Clinton State Dept.

    $5,000,000 State advocated for Monsanto “Frankenfood” and “Frankenseeds” worldwide.
    Netherlands, Kingdom of the (Netherlands National Lottery)

    $10,000,000 State helped open up investment opportunities for Dutch firms in Africa.
    New Zealand, Government of

    $1,200,000 Influence-buying within the Clinton State Dept.
    Norway, Kingdom of

    $89,600,000 Norwegian government split up donations to make them look smaller than they actually were. Norwegian firms received investment opportunities in the developing world, courtesy of the U.S. Millennium Goals Corporation.
    Oman, Sultanate of

    $5,000,000 State clearance for U.S. weapons sales to Oman.
    Papua New Guinea, Government of

    $100,000 Influence-buying within the Clinton State Dept.
    Qatar, Emirate of

    $5,000,000 State Dept. approval for U.S. arms sales to Qatar. State pressure on Justice Dept. to curtail investigation of bribery payments regarding FIFA and 2022 World Cup host, Qatar.
    Ras al Khaimah, Emirate of

    $50,000 Influence-buying within the Clinton State Dept.
    Rwanda, Republic of

    $200,000 Influence-buying with HRC’s State Department.
    Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of

    $25,000,000 State Dept. approval for U.S. arms sales to Saudi Arabia
    Suzlon Energy, Ltd. (Amsterdam)

    $5,000,000 State and CGI promoted wind turbine solutions in developing countries. Suzlon, owned by an Indian national, is a leading supplier of wind turbines.
    Swaziland, Kingdom of

    $100,000 Access to U.S. government officials for Swazi government/private business leaders.
    Sweden, Kingdom of

    $7,200,000 Access to U.S. government officials for Swedish government/private business leaders.
    Switzerland, Confederation of

    $325,000 Access to U.S. government officials for Swiss government/private business leaders.
    Tenerife Island, Government of

    $50,000 High-level access to U.S. government officials by Flemish government officials and businesses.

    $10,000,000 State Dept. approval for U.S. weapons sales to Taiwan.
    United Arab Emirates

    $5,000,000 State Dept. approval for U.S. weapons sales to the UAE.
    United Kingdom

    £50,000,000 ($78,000,000) Access for key UK officials and UK businesses to key U.S.government policymakers.
    Victor Pinchuk Foundation (Ukraine)

    $8,600,000 Buy influence with Clinton at State to pressure Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych to free jailed former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko.
    Walmart, Inc.

    $5,000,000 HRC pressured Indian government to open up India to Walmart, an action opposed by India’s small retailers.
    In addition to these entities, there are separate Clinton family foundations that maintain their own revenue streams: the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton (BHCC) Foundation, the Clinton Foundation Hong Kong, William J. Clinton Foundation Charitable Trust (Kenya), William J. Clinton Foundation Charitable Trust (UK), and the Clinton Foundation Insalingsstiftelse (Sweden). All these entities maintain separate operations for the Clintons’ pay-to-play global racketeering operations.

  • Orion314

    Bob, well put… a former USAF member, of all the enemies this good old USofA has, I fear the USG the most.

  • PH Wilson

    You nailed it Bob. It’s not easy for me to support Trump’s big government policies but there’s no way in hell I’d ever be able to vote for Hillary. She is the antithesis of everything the Republican party is supposed to stand for.

  • Cotour

    I just added up all of those “donations” to the Clinton Foundation and they only add up to $602,647,000.00 million dollars, not even 3/4’s of a billion. Maybe these are only the “donations” establishable as being related to State Department influence? There is still 1.4 or so billion un accounted for? That’s one hell of a lot of money.

    Want to know the truth? Follow the money.

    “Through 2016 the foundation had raised an estimated $2 billion from U.S. corporations, foreign governments and corporations, political donors, and various other groups and individuals,”

  • Edward

    Cotour wrote: “But when comparing Trump to Clinton it is much easier to justify supporting Trump than Clinton”

    Ya think? I could make a case for Putin over Clinton, so favoring Trump over Clinton is a meaningless statement. I wouldn’t vote for Putin, either.

    Cotour wrote: “anyone who is thinking of supporting Hillary to be the next president please attempt to justify your vote”

    The same goes for anyone thinking of supporting that pseudo Republican, Trump. It is clear that he was installed into the Republican party for the sole purpose of fooling Republicans and conservatives into accepting liberal Democrat policies by bringing their policies into the mainstream Republican Party’s platform. In the year that he has been running as a faux Republican, this Trojan Horse RINO is doing far more damage to the party than all Democrats, combined, through all of history.

    The Democrats have been stating that they want to destroy the Republican Party, and they sent Trump to do it. His goal is being achieved, especially if he avoids getting the job that he does not want: president.

  • Cotour

    “The Democrats have been stating that they want to destroy the Republican Party, and they sent Trump to do it. ”

    Do you really believe that Trump was put up to this by the Democrats? Really?

    He may be a “pseudo” Republican, but she is the real deal Leftist, internationalist, globalist, importer of Islam, promoter of the culture of dependency, receiver of multi million / billions of dollars for access to power etc, etc.

    You see how easy understanding what must be done is, Edward. Even you can understand this. The Republican party needed razing and rebuilding and Trump is the only one able to accomplish it. What it will be reformed as is an unknown, but it is certainly better than what it has devolved into. No?

    Your holding on to something that does not really exist any more. How do you propose to move positively into the future? By complaining that the Republican party is not what you want it to be? Thats a real road to no where.

  • Edward

    Cotour asked: “Do you really believe that Trump was put up to this by the Democrats?”

    Let’s assume that all this is not a result of him being put up to this by the Democrats. If he was put up to it, what would he be doing differently in order to fool Republicans into voting for tyranny?

    Cotour wrote: “He may be a “pseudo” Republican, but she is the real deal”

    Which is exactly why I won’t vote for her. But just because she is evil does not make Trump a savior, especially when he continually espouses Big Government policies, just as she does.

    Cotour asked: “You see how easy understanding what must be done is, Edward.”

    Yes. I have been advocating doing the right thing for months, but Cotour advocates doing the wrong thing.

    Cotour wrote: “The Republican party needed razing and rebuilding and Trump is the only one able to accomplish it.”

    Now Cotour advocates turning the Republican Party into the Democratic Party, just with another name. This is what Trump is doing, right down to Republican leaders advocating *for* the Democratic Party’s nominee.

    Cotour asked: “What it will be reformed as is an unknown, but it is certainly better than what it has devolved into. No?”

    No. The Democratic Party is not better than the mush that the Republican leaders had turned the Republican Party into. The mush should have been turned back into the Republican Party, which would have been better, but Trump did the opposite and made it worse.

    Cotour wrote: “Your holding on to something that does not really exist any more.”

    No. And yes. I have dumped the Republican Party. It is not longer a political party that represents my principles. I no longer complain that the Democrats have hijacked it, because it is the road to tyranny– the Democrats (and Trump) are not about to give it back or take us to liberty. They have what they want and are fooling all those who are holding onto it (despite that it is something that does not really exist anymore) into continuing to vote Republican — despite it being a vote for a liberal Democrat. I have accepted that it is lost forever and dumped its sorry ass.

    And yes: I still hold onto the United States of America that I grew up in, but that disappeared when the government decided that it was allowed by the Constitution to tell me how to spend my own money. What other tyranny in all of history has had the audacity to direct its people as to how to spend their own money?

    Cotour asked: “How do you propose to move positively into the future?”

    By voting for liberty. Duh. Most people understand this simple concept: vote for what you want, because you will not get what you want by voting for something else (like a tyrannical Trump). To have the ability to choose and to vote for what we want is why we have the vote in the first place. Otherwise we might as well have a dictatorship or a monarchy.

    Voting for a tyrant such as Trump results in the same USA that voting for Clinton does. It may or may not take longer (Clinton may be distracted by her corrupt ways), but that is what a vote for Trump gets.

    If liberty is what you want, then a vote for Trump is a wasted vote.

  • Localfluff

    Who cares about the Republican party any more? The neocons don’t, they are abandoning it like rats. And the Democrats have a similar crisis with their Bernie Sanders wing. The establishment has failed. The old parties are dead.

    What is important now is the war against islam. Against child rape, enslavement of all women, execution of all LGBTQ, suicide attacks that murder civilians, intolerance and backwardness. The everyday arab “culture”. If this war is not fought and won, stone age arabism will be your only life style and sharia your constitution. Only after islam has been exterminated is it even possible to talk about any other thing. The conservastiffs have failed miserably and instead of repenting they now choose Hillary. There’s something with their psychology that makes them always pick the losing strategy. I’m not a psychiatrist, but I think it is called “stupidity”.

    Nature is taking care of islam by itself. Their “culture” of hate and violence causes such sever inbreeding that they will no longer be reproducible in a few thousand years. After 1300 years, that’s 100 generations in their child rape “culture”, 5% of arabs are born deaf, and spinal muscle atrophy is even worse. Genetic diseases cased by inbreeding, by islam denying those who love each other to marry. But this natural biological self extermination of islam is too slow and there is still a chance to save a core of human kind.

    Trump is making great speeches now, and keeps improving. He’s 70 and he’s still learning, adapting and winning. While the neocon rats prefer the dying Hitlary. Fail fail and fail one last time.

  • ken anthony

    establishment Republicans are finally revealing to the world that they really never had any interest in conservative values and have always been lying when they said so

    Let’s not miss this huge point with muddying trivialities.

    You Edward, in particular, seem to be missing this point. By revealing themselves they can be purged. The true tea party members would then be free to remold the republicans back to a more conservative fiscally responsible party. No matter how much you hate Trump, he made this possible. He made Pence possible. He made his list of potential supreme court nominees possible. He has surrounded himself with many true conservatives and he’s listening to them.

    If his plans don’t work that doesn’t mean progress can’t still be made. Trump has a history of learning from others which is why he performs ahead of schedule and below budget. Demand perfection and you get the liars we’ve had.

  • Edward

    Localfluff: “What is important now is the war against islam.”

    What is important now is liberty. Preventing Islam from taking it from us is only one aspect of the struggle ahead; another aspect is recovering our liberty from our various forms of governing bodies, including the fascistic UN.

    ken anthony: “The true tea party members would then be free to remold the republicans back to a more conservative fiscally responsible party. No matter how much you hate Trump, he made this possible.”

    The Tea Party does not have this power, within the Republican Party. Trump does, but he has enabled the Democrats to hijack the remainder of the RNC. Local Republicans may or may not have Tea Party power.

    “He made Pence possible.”

    So far, I am completely unimpressed with Pence. I had never heard of him before he was chosen as VP nominee, and I have hardly heard from him since. If he is a helpful conservative, then his time for making a difference is running out. We are 1/5 of the way through the campaign for president, and the Republicans have made a very poor showing, so far.

    “He made his list of potential supreme court nominees possible.”

    This was always possible. He merely made a list. Big whoop.

    “He has surrounded himself with many true conservatives and he’s listening to them.”

    Looks more like he is using them to help fool conservatives to vote for him. What is he doing to get independents to vote for him? How about to get Bernie’s supporters to vote for him?

    “Demand perfection and you get the liars we’ve had.”

    You do not pay attention to what I write. I do not demand perfection, I demand non-tyranny. Trump’s instincts are to be tyrannical. That he needs to listen to others in order to be non-tyrannical just shows that he is not the guy to make the decisions at 3 AM — or any other time. It demonstrates that the distinction between him and Clinton makes no difference.

  • m d mill

    RZ…exactly right, in every instance.

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