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King Charles III proposes his own vision for space, focused not on private enterprise but on achieving a globalist utopia

We’re here to help you! King Charles III yesterday announced a major space policy concept which he dubbed Astra Carta, aimed at making the leftist utopian vision the prime guidance for any future exploration or settlement of the solar system.

The statement from the Palace says the “Astra Carta aims to convene the private sector in creating and accelerating sustainable practices across the global space industry. It also recognises the unique role that space can play in creating a more sustainable future on Earth and the need for the space industry to consider environmental and sustainability impacts beyond our planet. Its ambition encourages a focus on placing sustainability at the core of space activity.”

You can read a detailed summary of Astra Carta’s goals here [pdf]. Its aims however make clear Charles’ globalist and Marxist goals, as previously outlined by his 2021 Terra Carta proposal for Earth:

1. Aligning with the Terra Carta, existing global sustainability frame-works and recognized space agreements including: the Paris Climate Agreement, the Sustainable Development Goals, the Convention on Biological Diversity, the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the UN Outer Space Treaty, the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNCOPUOS) Guidelines on the Long-term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities and the Artemis Accords.

2. Upholding the sanctity of the universe by respecting the cosmic realm as a precious interconnected ecosystem. Our actions will be guided by a deep respect for the universe’s intrinsic value and the diverse life
it may hold.

3. Advancing sustainable practices by pioneering within industries for space exploration, where every endeavour is founded upon principles of ecological harmony and long-term viability. Through innovative technologies, responsible resource management and regenerative practices, we will ensure that our cosmic ventures leave a minimal footprint.

4. Creating incentives for sustainable growth by creating markets that reward sustainable practices and propel sustainable markets for space. By aligning economic interests with responsible development, we will catalyze a thriving and environmentally conscious space industry.

5. Pursuing collaborative endeavours and equitable access by fostering international partnerships and knowledge-sharing initiatives, transcending borders to harness the collective wisdom and resources of diverse nations and sectors.

Private property and private enterprise are only mentioned as an aside, with the strong implication that the goal will be to heavily regulate such activities in order to make sure they do not violate these aims. The document says it wants things to be “voluntary” but if you believe that I have a bridge in Brooklyn I can sell you real cheap.

The document also demands that the exploration of space also “Seek to foster partnerships with indigenous and local communities.” It is obvious we can’t explore space without establishing racial and tribal quota systems to include everyone, even if they have no interest or capabilities to contribute.

All in all, this proposal will make the exploration of space an international operation run by governments, much like the ISS has been operated. Little will get done, and in fact following Charles’ proposal will likely prevent anything from ever happening.

What the next few generations will decide to do? Based on the track record in the past half century, they will naively buy into Charles’ vision, and thus we can soon expect the renaissance in space exploration now unfolding due to the shift to private enterprise and competition to soon end. Instead, it will be replaced with lovey-dovey international cooperation, which in reality will simply put all control into the hands of a few.

Genesis cover

On Christmas Eve 1968 three Americans became the first humans to visit another world. What they did to celebrate was unexpected and profound, and will be remembered throughout all human history. Genesis: the Story of Apollo 8, Robert Zimmerman's classic history of humanity's first journey to another world, tells that story, and it is now available as both an ebook and an audiobook, both with a foreword by Valerie Anders and a new introduction by Robert Zimmerman.


The print edition can be purchased at Amazon. Or you can buy it directly from the author and get an autographed copy.

The ebook is available everywhere for $5.99 (before discount) at amazon, or direct from my ebook publisher, ebookit. If you buy it from ebookit you don't support the big tech companies and the author gets a bigger cut much sooner.

The audiobook is also available at all these vendors, and is also free with a 30-day trial membership to Audible.

"Not simply about one mission, [Genesis] is also the history of America's quest for the moon... Zimmerman has done a masterful job of tying disparate events together into a solid account of one of America's greatest human triumphs."--San Antonio Express-News


  • J Fincannon

    Wow! So much wrong here.

    >Upholding the sanctity of the universe by respecting the cosmic realm as a precious interconnected ecosystem.

    What does it mean “sanctity of the universe”? What ecosystem? We would die on Moon or Mars without bringing our own ecosystems. Also, the universe is not an interconnected ecosystem. The distances are huge. Mars and Earth is not an interconnected ecosystem. Only in the weirdest scifi way can it be so.

    >Our actions will be guided by a deep respect for the universe’s intrinsic value and the diverse life it may hold.

    What does this mean? Most of the Universe is empty. Thus it has no value. It sounds like some planetary biologist got his ear…. Prevent all forward contamination. We have to respect microbes.

    > Through innovative technologies, responsible resource management and regenerative practices, we will ensure that our cosmic ventures leave a minimal footprint.

    Does he mean he does not want to disfigure the Moon with a nasty Base (and pick up our trash while we are at it)? Has he looked at the Moon recently? It has been disfigured by some big objects. You could not even see from Earth ANYTHING humans have done.

    Oh, well….

  • markedup2

    I was going to leave the comment that J Fincannon has already left, so “+1” will just have to do.

  • My point remains: For a half century or more the general public and our intellectual class has routinely and naively accepted and adopted idiotic and utopian ideas like this one. We might see how foolish it is, but recent history suggests humanity in general no longer can.

    Wanna bet these policies become law in many places? They are already largely established by the foundation laid by the Outer Space Treaty.

    It will take a gigantic and unified effort of defiance to stop this steam roller.

  • Cotour


    The Problem with Intellectuals & Experts-Thomas Sowell:

  • GaryMike

    The true purpose of expanding population into the solar system is to get away from all the idiots of our species.

  • David Ross

    Every time Chucky Trey says “Sustainable”, everyone has to take a shot.

  • Ray Van Dune

    So France wants to tax us to save Earth, and the great spacefaring UK wants to hobble us to save the universe.

  • Sippin_bourbon

    A tyrant is going to tyrant.

    He no doubt imagines his descendant being Shaddam IV.

    Only he hopes it will be Windsor instead of Padishah

  • Mike Borgelt

    The Brits have the expression “barking mad” . King Charles is “Dagenham”. That’s two stations further than Barking on the tube line east out of London.

  • James Street

    King Charles, Bill Gates, WEF, IMF, WHO, UN…. They’re all evil perverts. What makes these unelected elitists think they have the right to rule over us? They are at war with We the People and America’s founding documents.

  • Star Bird

    The King sounds like he wants World Government run by the UN

  • Edward

    Robert Zimmerman wrote; “For a half century or more the general public and our intellectual class has routinely and naively accepted and adopted idiotic and utopian ideas like this one. We might see how foolish it is, but recent history suggests humanity in general no longer can.

    For half a century — actually closer to two thirds of a century — the general public thought that NASA and other governments were going to explore space in the way that Disney and von Braun showed us in 1950s television shows. It turned out that our elected officials do not do what we expect them to do or elected them to do, but instead they do what they want to do. We are taxed, but we are not represented. Our so called representatives have passed off most of their duties to unelected career bureaucrats, who also do whatever they want to do, without consequence.
    James Street asked: “What makes these unelected elitists think they have the right to rule over us?

    Well, they are smarter than us. They may not be rocket scientists or brain surgeons, or even be able to get a productive job in commercial industry, but they are smarter than us. That gives them the right, because they obviously know what is best for each of us, whereas We the People do not. We are too close to the problems of the real world to see the problems of the tyrannical world.
    From the Astra Carta:

    The Supporters of the Astra Carta:

    Recognize that space exploration is a global endeavor that transcends national boundaries and should be in the interest of all of humanity.

    Who decides what is the interest of all of humanity? A small portion of humanity, of course. The smart portion. If free market capitalists were set loose in the exploration of space, then all the interests of all the individuals might be explored rather than the exploration of the interests of the leaders who represent all those individuals. Those smarter-than-us leaders and bureaucrats should be the gatekeepers of humanity’s interests, because they know better than all of humanity does. We just aren’t smart enough to know our own interests, much less our best interests.

    … Recognize the importance of inspiring future generations to explore the unknown and cultivate a deep appreciation for the beauty and significance of the universe — using education to nurture a sense of wonder, curiosity, and respect for the next frontier and the discoveries that await.

    What the frak do these people think has been going on for the past two-thirds century? We already have the inspiration, the appreciation, and the nurtured senses, so why stifle this generation from making the discoveries that await? We are eager. We have the means. We are able.

    Let us loose and see how much better we can do than the “smart” guys, with their limited budgets and tiny imaginations.

    We have only been seriously at this commercialism of space thing for only a dozen years (before that it was limited to communications and a few observation satellites), and already we are better at access to space and far more concerned about debris than all the governments were — combined. We already have more satellites operating in space than all the governments combined. We will soon have launched more satellites and probes than all the governments combined.

    We are eager. We have the means. We are able.

    The funny thing is that the Magna Carta (Great Charter) was a document that limited the power of the central government and the resultant royal tyranny. These other Cartas seem to be aimed at retrieving these powers back from We the People. Clearly, King Charles is using the name to make it seem as though We the People will be better off, but he intends the exact opposite of the namesake’s intention. Already he is showing that he is a bad king. Kind of like King John was, which was why his subjects rebelled and forced the Magna Carta upon him. Now, Charles is forcing other Cartas upon his subjects, creating another royal tyranny.

    I bet his mother thought she had raised him differently.

  • Edward: Yeah, I think this whole change took place during WWII, so it is more like 3/4s of a century. Time flies I guess when you are having fun.

  • Dick Eagleson

    It’s a good thing this loon isn’t actually in charge of anything.

  • pzatchok

    limitless blather from that man.

    It must come from having to make so many speeches that he can recite this stuff with a straight face.

  • wayne

    {Expletive} the King!
    (And the horse he rode in on.)

  • wayne

    The British Royal’s and Elisabeth II Connections to the NSDAP
    (March 2023)

  • Jeff Wright

    To sip pin’

    There is no such thing as a house of Windsor.
    Chucky is a Hanover kraut.

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