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Mitch McConnell makes a fool of himself

The leader of Republican failure, Senate leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), today had the nerve to say that Congress’s inability to block Obama’s Iran deal was still a victory because they “won the argument with the American people.”

He really does think Americans are stupid. Under the leadership of McConnell and House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), Congress two months ago wrote and passed the Corker-Cardin bill to allow the Iran deal to be passed with only a one-third minority approval from both houses of Congress, instead of the constitutionally required two-thirds majority in the Senate. In other words, this corrupt Republican leadership stacked the deck in favor of Obama and the deal in order to make it easy to pass.

He now has the chutzpah to call this a victory because the debate about the bill caused the American people to oppose it!? The American people always opposed this deal, or any deal that would funnel billions of dollars to this terrorist regime and allow them to build nuclear weapons. What he and Boehner needed to do was to oppose this deal unequivocally, using the power the constitution gave them to block it. Instead, they manipulated the vote to get it passed, and then make believe they opposed it all along.

And McConnell said this on September 11th of all days!

These guys have got to go. They do not represent the Republican Party, or the conservative movement. Instead, they are quislings and fifth columnists, working to sabotage the will of the American public, which voted overwhelmingly for Republicans and a conservative agenda in the last election.

Genesis cover

On Christmas Eve 1968 three Americans became the first humans to visit another world. What they did to celebrate was unexpected and profound, and will be remembered throughout all human history. Genesis: the Story of Apollo 8, Robert Zimmerman's classic history of humanity's first journey to another world, tells that story, and it is now available as both an ebook and an audiobook, both with a foreword by Valerie Anders and a new introduction by Robert Zimmerman.


The print edition can be purchased at Amazon. Or you can buy it directly from the author and get an autographed copy.

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The audiobook is also available at all these vendors, and is also free with a 30-day trial membership to Audible.

"Not simply about one mission, [Genesis] is also the history of America's quest for the moon... Zimmerman has done a masterful job of tying disparate events together into a solid account of one of America's greatest human triumphs."--San Antonio Express-News


  • Cotour

    Thank you Mr. Obama (and Mitch McConnel and John Bohner) for spreading Islam throughout the world.–one-for-every-100-refugees-who-arrived-last-weekend-10495082.html

    How do you explain the un-explainable?

    Such an appropriate story on 9-11.

  • Cotour

    This is not an explanation, the only thing you are doing here is recognizing after the fact that this particular entire group of American leaders have sold the country and the Constitution down the river. This IMO is a form of treason. (And to be fair the leaders of the last 30 years have also played their part in delivering us to this point)

    “These guys have got to go. They do not represent the Republican Party, or the conservative movement. Instead, they are quislings and fifth columnists, working to sabotage the will of the American public, which voted overwhelmingly for Republicans and a conservative agenda in the last election.” This is an appropriate statement but its also a BS cop out.

    How did we get here? How do you explain the un explainable? This entire thing has been set up, what has the motivation been? This is not by mistake, what are the motivations? What are the incentives? If we continue to dance around the facts and have conversations after things have been perpetrated what is the point?

  • Cotour

    To be clear:

    ” This IMO is a form of treason. ”

    Not you writing what you wrote but these empowered leaders that are perpetrating these things.

  • Edward

    Great. The Republicans saw how Gruber grubered the Democrats, so now they think that they can gruber their own constituents.

    As the saying goes, “If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain.”* Thus, liberals are easily (mis)guided by emotional arguments (e.g. “the Earth has a fever”), but Conservatives demand critical thinking (e.g. “tipping them of is like, ‘Oh, the police are coming! Hide the drugs.'” ).

    Democrats are easily grubered. Republicans are not. Senate Majority Leader McConnell is not as smart as he thinks he is. In fact, it is increasingly clear that he is a liberal, and at his advanced age this means he has no brain at all. Which explains his chutzpah.

    * This is NOT a Churchill quote, but often attributed to him. It may be derived from Anselme Polycarpe Batbie, who thought he was quoting Edmund Burke.

  • Cotour

    IMO what is going on is much, much bigger than just, “oh well, they fooled us again, better luck next time”.

    Much, Much Bigger.

    Even the un explainable at some level has to have an explanation. We have been fooled alright.

  • Edward

    My point was that *we* have not been fooled by McConnell’s foolish statement or his treacherous deeds.

    We know that what he says is a load of road apples (horse stuff). He idiotically believes that we are stupid enough to believe the drivel that spews from his mouth.

    As you have been pointing out for months, our leaders are willing to sacrifice We the People and our freedoms for their own nefarious purposes. Those purposes are Much Bigger goings on than the surface reveals.

    You are not fooled. I am not fooled. Robert is not fooled.

    McConnell, however, is a tool, a useful idiot, and a fool. A fool with an evil mission, yes, but a fool nonetheless.

  • Cotour

    We are not fooled but the play goes on anyway and the players continue their charade and they say their lines at the appropriate time, but the charade IMO is much bigger and much more incestuous and counter American then the public understands.

    And this is a symbolic and appropriate day to have the discussion.

  • D.K. Williams

    I suspect these so-called GOP leaders were bought off with lobbyist dollars.

  • Rick

    At some point, McConnell and Boehner will start ruining any chance of a Republican victory in 2016.
    We all fell for the campaign promises in 2012 and 2014, believing the excuses of not having majorities in the House and Senate.
    Now we hear the excuses of “We don’t have a veto proof majority ” Well why can’t they at least put bills on Obamas desk to veto?
    The excuse is”We don’t want to held responsible for shutting down the government “but to my uneducated mind, If Obama vetoes a bill that funds the government, then HE is shutting down the government.
    I didn’t vote in 2008’because I refused to vote for McCain, and if the Republican establishment pulls their usual “Its his turn” crap I may not vote this time.
    Something has to change in the Republican Party.

  • Cotour

    And here the opinion is from on high, Supreme Court Justice Breyer advocates for the surrendering of American sovereignty over foreign laws as does Justice Ruth Buzzy.

    American law is, should be and should remain the world standard based on our Constitution and not U.N. standards. If there is to be a One World Government shouldn’t it be based on American law?

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