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On Christmas Eve 1968 three Americans became the first humans to visit another world. What they did to celebrate was unexpected and profound, and will be remembered throughout all human history. Genesis: the Story of Apollo 8, Robert Zimmerman's classic history of humanity's first journey to another world, tells that story, and it is now available as both an ebook and an audiobook, both with a foreword by Valerie Anders and a new introduction by Robert Zimmerman.


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NY funeral directors: Government is padding Wuhan flu deaths

According to funeral directors in New York, the government is significantly exaggerating the mortality from the Wuhan flu, assigning it as the cause to practically every death

In conversations with several funeral directors across New York City, O’Keefe [of Project Veritas] uncovered a shocking narrative where, without fail, every director he spoke to expressed his or her concern that coronavirus deaths are being inflated and every death in NYC is being recorded as a COVID death with or without testing to confirm.

“They are putting COVID on a lot of death certificates because people who are going to their hospital with any kind of respiratory distress, respiratory problems, pneumonia, the flu — the flu-like symptoms lead into the COVID-19,” said Joseph Antioco of Schafer Funeral Home. “To me, all you’re doing is padding the statistics. You’re putting people on that have COVID-19 even if they didn’t have it. You’re making the death rate for New York City a lot higher than it should be.”

Such corruption in New York, a Democratically-controlled one party state for decades, is not a surprise. It tells us that we cannot trust the numbers now being issued for coronavirus coming from this state. And since New York accounts for about a third of all deaths in the U.S., the totals for the Wuhan flu in this country are highly suspect.

We are being scammed.

One other aspect of this story: Note that all Project Veritas did was some fundamental journalism. They called funeral directors and asked them what was happening. What a concept. Real journalism. I have embedded the full Project Veritas video below the fold.

The support of my readers through the years has given me the freedom and ability to analyze objectively the ongoing renaissance in space, as well as the cultural changes -- for good or ill -- that are happening across America. Four years ago, just before the 2020 election I wrote that Joe Biden's mental health was suspect. Only in this year has the propaganda mainstream media decided to recognize that basic fact.


Fourteen years ago I wrote that SLS and Orion were a bad ideas, a waste of money, would be years behind schedule, and better replaced by commercial private enterprise. Even today NASA and Congress refuse to recognize this reality.


In 2020 when the world panicked over COVID I wrote that the panic was unnecessary, that the virus was apparently simply a variation of the flu, that masks were not simply pointless but if worn incorrectly were a health threat, that the lockdowns were a disaster and did nothing to stop the spread of COVID. Only in the past year have some of our so-called experts in the health field have begun to recognize these facts.


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  • Phill O

    Note that the highest density of cases involve democrat controlled areas. A map should coincide with Trump states for Covid-19 low areas.

    Hidalgo county NM remains Covid-19 free.

    And I had to go back to Covid Canada!!!!

    However, it seems clear to me that the left would rather send countries into economic recession than have a conservative control! There seems to me to be an active thought process here.

  • commodude


    It hasn’t been a one party state for decades. The city, yes, the state, no

    Gov. Pataki was Governor for 10 years, and up until the last election cycle the Republicans controlled the Senate, which could effectively serve as a check on power.

    That ended with the 2018 election, when the Democrats gained control and now have one party rule.

  • commondude: You are right. My experience living in New York City for the first two-thirds of my life colored my writing.

    Then again, just because Pataki was governor for a decade and the Republicans had control of the state senate does not mean that conservatives had some say. Pataki was a RINO, and the Republicans in the state senate resembled the backstabbing Republicans in Congress, who for decades have lied about their conservative values while working hand-in-glove with the Democrats to maintain power.

  • Andrew_W

    Project Veritas is an American right-wing activist group.[1][2][3][4] The group uses “disguises and hidden cameras to uncover supposed liberal bias and corruption”.[1] The group is known for producing deceptively edited videos about media organizations and left-leaning groups.[5][2][6][7][8][9][10] In a 2018 book on propaganda and disinformation in U.S. politics, three Harvard University scholars refer to Project Veritas as a “right-wing disinformation outfit”.[11]

    Mr. Zimmerman is never fussy about the sources he uses, just as long as they support the narrative he wants to believe.

  • Cotour

    “In a 2018 book on propaganda and disinformation in U.S. politics, three Harvard University scholars refer to Project Veritas as a “right-wing disinformation outfit”.[11]”

    The pot calling the kettle black.

    What is, is, no matter from where it comes.

  • commodude


    At least with the Senate in the hands of (largely upstate) republicans, there was a check on the power.

    As it stands now, it’s Dictator Fredo. (Il Duce minuto?)

  • Andrew_W

    “What is, is,”
    When it is, but likely it actually isn’t.

  • commodude

    Andrew, they didn’t even need Veritas to “expose” this.

    The state themselves STATED they determined that 3K deaths were determined to be COVID-19 related without a single test being done:

    The city reported 7,563 confirmed and 3,914 probable deaths from COVID-19 as of Wednesday night, an increase of 578 people from Tuesday’s 10,899 death count.

    Those probables are deaths that MIGHT be related to COVID, but there was no test. In other words, they assumed and ascribed the deaths to COVID to pad the numbers and get more money.

  • Ray Van Dune

    Democrats scamming to get extra emergency funds in a crisis? I’m shocked, shocked, I tell you! Let’s have the FBI look into how the Trump White House set this up!

  • Mike Borgelt

    “three Harvard University scholars refer to Project Veritas as a “right-wing disinformation outfit”.

    When you are to the left of Stalin, anyone else looks “right wing”.

  • I hope my readers recognize that it is totally irrelevant whether Project Veritas is rightwing or leftwing. What matters is that their video simply shows the conclusions of about four different funeral directors in the New York area, all of which say the same thing.

    Their politics is beside the point. What they say is the point. The mortality statistics in New York are being faked, extensively, and cannot be trusted.

  • Cotour


    Tucker is on point here:

    What is the nature of man related to power? You all know the answer and we see it in this video where governors can do what ever they please to “Make you safe”. And I love the flying talking drones in New Jersey, its so “The Prisoner”.

    Lets hope all of this is being absorbed by the millennials that identify as Liberals, or Democrats, or “Progressives” and will be commented on in November.

  • Chris

    Andrew_w: all on the left think any effort to expose the truth is “right wing”

    When you watch the videos – on many subjects, the persons in the videos expose themselves.

    For COVID-19 we must wonder – as we see some on the serology testing saying – not so many are infected – i.e. they want to lower the denominator. Then we see the numerator (deaths from COVID) being *possibly* inflated.

    The monetary incentive is there for a COVID death.

    So *possibly* keep the number of overall cases lower and deaths higher. Hmmm.
    Needs to be investigated, maybe nothing, BUT …. those who protest investigation – suspects.

    See for yourself on their website.

  • R7 Rocket

    Nipples Cuomo of NYS and Bill DiCommio of NYC are forcing nursing homes to accept infected patients (Wu Flu and other infections) in order to increase the death rate on purpose. Andrew_W has endorsed this state-sponsored murder and he has endorsed communist-style terror famines.

  • Rose

    @Phill O: “Sweden the big experiment.”

    The PJM article you linked quoted a Trump tweet:
    Despite reports to the contrary, Sweden is paying heavily for its decision not to lockdown. As of today, 2462 people have died there, a much higher number than the neighboring countries of Norway (207), Finland (206) or Denmark (443). The United States made the correct decision! 7:45 AM – Apr 30, 2020

    Is that part of a coherent message? First “Liberate Minnesota / Michigan / Virginia” (Apr 17), then throw Gov. Kemp under the bus after reportedly being supportive of GA’s reopening plan in a phone call earlier in the day (22 Apr), and now rag on Sweden for what may still wind up being the best course of action in the long run. (Is any European country still operating under the assumption that they will be able to hold out under lockdown long enough to eradicate the virus like NZ has pretty much done or AU is attempting?)

    The US with all its lockdowns, isn’t faring much better Sweden, with 199 deaths/million vs. their 263. Plus their Stockholm County’s 596 is better than New York State’s 1,227 or New York City’s 1718 — or even New Jersey’s 849.

  • Col Beausabre

    “Harold Cox tells a story of his life as a young man in India. He quoted some statistics to a Judge, an Englishman, and a very good fellow. His friend said, Cox, when you are a bit older, you will not quote Indian statistics with that assurance. The Government are very keen on amassing statistics—they collect them, add them, raise them to the nth power, take the cube root and prepare wonderful diagrams. But what you must never forget is that every one of those figures comes in the first instance from the chowty dar [chowkidar] (village watchman), who just puts down what he **** pleases.”

  • mkent

    Project Veritas is an American right-wing activist group.[1][2][3][4] The group uses “disguises and hidden cameras to uncover supposed liberal bias and corruption”.[1] The group is known for producing deceptively edited videos about media organizations and left-leaning groups.

    They have been ACCUSED of deceptively editing videos. To my knowledge, after every such accusation they have posted the entire unedited video online and proven the accusations baseless.

    I don’t doubt that Project Veritas has been able to find four funeral directors who believe that. Just look at the number who believe that here. That doesn’t make it true. Unlike other Project Veritas videos in which the participants are talking about what they themselves are doing, this video is talking about what *other people* are doing. This video has participants saying “I believe that…” not “I did that…”

  • Andrew_W

    Commodude, here are the confirmed and probable cases in NZ, you’ll notice that NZ also has plenty of cases categorized as probable, there’s no incentive to create fake cases in NZ.
    Throughout the count of cases in NZ, which I’ve watched closely, there’s only 1 case of a probable turning out to be re-categorized as a negative.
    Obviously there’s a difference in that the NZ data is diagnosis of cases, not diagnosis of deaths. We’ve had one case of a probable dying, autopsy confirmed Covid19 as the cause of death.

    Those probables are deaths that MIGHT be related to COVID, but there was no test. In other words, they assumed and ascribed the deaths to COVID to pad the numbers and get more money.

    As in NZ the diagnosis will not be “assumed”, it’ll be a result of clinical investigation, you present no evidence that those clinical diagnoses are wrong.

  • Andrew_W

    Mr Zimmerman: I hope my readers recognize that it is totally irrelevant whether Project Veritas is rightwing or leftwing.

    Absolutely true, but if a source is known to be politically partisan (left or right) it’s claims on a politically charged issue should not be taken at face value. Only a very naive or very partisan person would take claims without skepticism.

    . . . their video simply shows the conclusions of about four different funeral directors in the New York area, all of which say the same thing.

    So? Was that all 4 funeral directors in the NY area? Given the partisan nature of Veritas do you think that those 4 were randomly selected? That interviews with funeral directors that had opinions that were against Veritas’s narrative would also have been included? Are you really that naive Mr. Zimmerman?

  • Andrew_W

    Sounded like gossip to me, but if you’ve got something from Fox that verifies the Veritas claims that lots of deaths are being categorized as Covid when they’re not, please link to it, “verifies” does not mean just repeat the claims, it means verify that those claims are true – with real evidence, not scuttlebug.

  • Andrew_W

    mkent: They have been ACCUSED of deceptively editing videos. To my knowledge, after every such accusation they have posted the entire unedited video online and proven the accusations baseless.
    Not quite:

    Lots of other stuff on that page that, to me suggests O’Keefe is a sleeze.

  • Edward

    Rose noted that Trump said “The United States made the correct decision!

    This depends on the goal. If we were trying to prevent the healthcare system from being overwhelmed, we have seen that it would not have been had we not shut down the economy, so it was the wrong decision for that — the stated — goal. We even locked down counties that had no risk of having their healthcare systems overwhelmed. Again, the wrong decision for those areas.

    If we were trying to save lives overall, then we failed there, too. The corrupted reported numbers, that some people continue to rely upon show, that the loses are approaching the predicted losses for the regular social distancing without lockdown. Our three week lockdown is continually being extended because the lockdown did not do the job it was supposed to do when it was started. Wrong decision for that goal, too.

    Was the goal to keep a thriving economy? Wrong decision.

    What is shown in the video does not require a conspiracy, and it does not take much to believe that deaths are reported as stated in the video. The video is consistent with the CDC’s own reporting criteria. In the first week of April, we learned that the CDC changed the reporting criteria to include deaths with Coronavirus as well as deaths from COVID. About a week later, the CDC changed the criteria to include suspected virus related deaths, and that is what the video is documenting — that coroners are reporting suspected Coronavirus deaths — no tests necessary, just judgment as influenced by federal financial incentives. The CDC announced that they now allow padding the numbers, and the video shows that this is what coroners are doing. As the one person said, it is assumed (suspected) that everyone in the nursing homes have Coronavirus. This was expected by we thinking Americans, but those who toe the party line try to question that the numbers are really being padded.

    Trust the CDC. They are being padded.

    This is a classic case of Bastiat’s “That Which Is Seen and That Which Is Not Seen.” We can see the damage done by COVID-19, and through models we can imagine the lives saved because of travel restrictions and hand washing (2 million American lives), social distancing and face masks (another 100 thousand lives), and also because of lockdown (another 40 thousand lives). These numbers were reported by Fauci and Birx, but not until after the lockdown started. The conclusion by de Blazio was that if it saved a single life, any action was worth the consequences. So to save 40 thousand lives, we metaphorically burned down Paris by burning down our economy. Now those 40 thousand are dying anyway. Plus the collateral damage of those who cannot receive routine healthcare, so their conditions worsen until they, too, die.

    Amazingly, we did not do the lockdown in order to save lives from COVID-19, because that can only be accomplished through herd immunity, where the disease cannot spread through the population. Most years, we attempt to create herd immunity by providing vaccinations, especially to those most vulnerable, but we don’t have that option for COVID-19. We did the lockdown in order to keep from overwhelming the healthcare system so that we could keep treating routine medical cases and save lives that would otherwise be lost.

    What is also seen is a portion of the damage caused by burning down our economy: 30 million lost jobs, several trillion dollars in bailouts and corruption — er — other spending, and many furloughed medical professionals.

    There is a lot of collateral damage that is not yet seen, such as just how many businesses and jobs will never reappear. There is also collateral damage that will never be seen, such as how many people die because medical care was delayed or denied to people who were not emergency cases. With talk of “excess deaths,” the irony is that these lost lives will ultimately be counted as COVID-19 deaths, too, not lives that could have been saved had we not locked down our healthcare system from routine healthcare.

    So this lockdown has been an epic fail, in America, because the execution lost sight of the objective. We shut down healthcare for the very people that we had intended to save by performing the shutdown. Plus we are permanently damaging our economy. And we are reporting that we have a terrible portion of the world’s COVID-19 deaths — by far more than our fair share.

  • Andrew_W

    Edward: So this lockdown has been an epic fail, in America . . .

    Can’t argue with that.

  • wayne

    You do realize, Wikipedia is considerable less, than an unbiased source?

    “Dem Operative in Lawsuit Deposition Answer for Attack & Their Selective Editing”
    Project Veritas, April 15, 2020

  • wayne

    “Project Veritas & Lies in the Media”
    James O’Keefe — Rubin Report
    May 3, 2019

    Noted right-wing fanatic Dave Rubin talks to James O’Keefe…..

  • wayne

    “Dave Rubin (& husband David Janet,) Meet Donald Trump”
    Rubin Report April 21, 2020

  • Cotour

    Andrew W:

    Are you arguing that your default position is that if there is no documented evidence that the death numbers in NYC and NYS are being slanted in favor of Covid 19 then those numbers must be as they are being reported? Because that is in fact what it is that you are proposing.

    If true then that would IMO be the definition of naïve, you know little of the people and the system that you are judging.

    I think what you will find when this all shakes out is that during this time period of the virus contagion that there miraculously no other causes of death, specifically within the borders of NYC and NYS.

    This is all about the $$$$$ right now, and let the law suits rain down to federal, state and municipal governments, who will for the most part be protected by the declared federal emergency condition of the entire country to some great degree.

    And then of course down to and through the Communist Chinese leadership who over the decades of litigation will become liable for trillions of dollars in compensation to those injured by their failed execution of their international fiduciary responsibilities.

    A war by any other name would smell as sweet.

  • Andrew_W

    Are you arguing that your default position is that if there is no documented evidence that the death numbers in NYC and NYS are being slanted in favor of Covid 19 then those numbers must be as they are being reported? Because that is in fact what it is that you are proposing.

    No and wrong. My position is that obviously the claim that was made that “they’re writing covid on all the death certificates” made by Michael Lanza in the propaganda piece has been demonstrated false.

    The true number of covid deaths is uncertain, but the weight of evidence is that covid deaths are under-counted, not over-counted.

    I think what you will find when this all shakes out is that during this time period of the virus contagion that there miraculously no other causes of death, specifically within the borders of NYC and NYS.

    You haven’t been paying attention, there has been a huge increase in the number of deaths over what would be expected in NYC (and other cities and countries around the world) many of which are not being attributed to covid, if the number of covid deaths in NY is being pumped up to get Federal dollars why does NY follow that same pattern of increases in non-covid deaths in places that aren’t getting federal dollars or anyone else’s money as an incentive that might cause inflation of covid numbers.

    As I said before, show me something from Fox that verifies the Veritas claims that lots of deaths are being categorized as Covid when they’re not, please link to it – and “verifies” does not mean just repeat the claims, it means verify that those claims are true – with real evidence, not scuttle-bug.

  • Cotour

    I will do better than that, I will in the coming days be asking people, nurses and doctors who I personally know working on the front lines what they are observing and I will report back.

    Again, this is no longer about people who have been killed directly or indirectly by Covid 19, its all about the $$$$$.

  • Max

    Yesterday, a local talkshow host, was going off on how his wife got a call from a government agency who wanted to change the death certificate on her father who, after taking care of him for five years, died of Lou Gehrig’s disease. “TWO MONTHS AGO”

    A reporter in DC has heard comments about how the numbers are being altered for the purpose of chaos. (It’s hard to know where you stand when the ground keeps shifting under your feet) groups and websites that have a large following, like John F Kennedy Junior, who has documentation on immunization shots and how they do more damage than good by computing the gov. numbers. He will no longer be able to do so with fake numbers.

    That reminds me of a show I listen to briefly with a Taro card reader. He pulled the death card on a person who quickly asked, “does this mean I’m going to die?” The Taro card reader said “oh yes”, I can say that with certainty. Maybe not soon or for another 30 years but we all die.
    I wonder if the people who are having their death certificate changed will be registered twice? That would have the added benefit of not only the true cause of death for vital statistics, but being counted for coronavirus as well. (Kind of like dead people voting in elections or paper ballots through a copy machine) It inflates the numbers on paper without anyone overloading the hospital so insurance pays for phantom patients. This is what most of Medicare and Medicaid do on a regular basis anyway because no one cares, it’s just the governments money. (Think of it as stimulus money for little guys instead of the corporate banks or the Stock market)
    When Joe Biden can give billions of taxpayer money to those who funnel the money back to him and his party, I’m sure nobody’s going to do anything about this fraud. (how did Obama go to Washington being in debt and come out of the White House with $100 million?)
    When Hillary can sell uranium and keep the money as if she owned the uranium, then I suppose anything could happen.
    Although the details are fuzzy, she also helped Walmart issuing free term insurance policy on all Walmarts employees that continued for the rest of the employees life. The family didn’t get much but Walmart, the beneficiary, would get $1 million every time an employee died.
    I wonder if New York’s money problems will go away after this pandemic…. or the next one, or the next one…

  • commodude

    Andrew, while at this point it’s not even worth discussing this as your beliefs override facts, PA attempted the same gambit, was caught, and removed the deaths from the COVID tally.

    NY has done the same, but won’t adjust the tally, as one party at the moment controls the entire process, and there is NO ONE to bring them to heel unless the voters wake up in November.

  • Andrew_W

    Commodude: PA attempted the same gambit, was caught, and removed the deaths from the COVID tally.

    Except that’s not what your link says, there’s no suggestion there that deaths were inflated for a financial gain as is being claimed by Veritas, the debate in PA is strictly over whether or not cases diagnosed as caused by Covid by a doctor but absent a Covid test to confirm should be included in the count.

    Do I trust doctors to diagnose whether or not deaths are due to Covid vs other causes? I’m confident they’re get it right almost always, as long as they diagnosed and properly assessed the person before death.

    So is the political interference by doctors doing doctoring or by bureaucrats and politicians overruling the medical diagnoses made by doctors?

  • commodude

    Andrew, they are incentivized to “prove” (or guess, or just, well, assume) that deaths are related to COVID. You clearly trust your government.

    COVID deaths result in financial aid to the district, therefore, they are financially beneficial, therefore, a doctor who knows how his bread gets buttered, will ascribe deaths to COVID whether or not they are.

    Coroners and medical examiners are positions hired by politicians or outright elected politicians.

    You choose to trust big brother.

    I do not.

  • Andrew_W

    a doctor who knows how his bread gets buttered,

    Well, perhaps you and I are just judging the ethics of other’s based on our own.

  • commodude

    Entshuldigen sie bitte?

  • Andrew_W

    It’s not big brother doing the diagnoses, it’s the doctors. In PA it was big brother that’s over-ruled the doctors diagnoses, removing those cases from the list of covid deaths. So it’s you trusting big brother over the doctors.

  • commodude

    Andrew, at this point I will disengage completely.

    Your pandering to the left has gotten beyond tiresome, and your refusal to see anything wrong with totalitarian government control is maddening.

    You live in a country which has completely forgotten the pride of the ANZACs, given over to pacifism and letting others be your shield. You gladly suckle at the teat of your protectors, and trumpet the surrender to government control.

    Before I use language which would break the rules our most civilized host has set, I bid you adieu.

  • Andrew_W

    I see you’ve run out of talking points and so resort to smears. Have a nice day.

  • Edward

    You wrote: “Before I use language which would break the rules our most civilized host has set, I bid you adieu.

    I, too, have found Andrew_W (not to be confused with the other Andrew) too obtuse to bother reading.

  • R7 Rocket

    Andrew_W is okay with arresting lone whites in beaches while releasing non-white criminals from prison (reveals the hysteria as phony). He supports shutting down restaurants and other businesses who have no lobbyists while keeping subways open (this reveals that his concerns are entirely fake). He has implied that it’s okay to take food out of our mouths. And has supported Nipples Cuomo and Bill DiCommio’s acts of murder (forcing nursing homes to accept infected patients).

    He has refused to respond to my comments.

  • Andrew_W

    Andrew_W is okay with arresting lone whites in beaches while releasing non-white criminals from prison
    Please quote where I say that.

    He supports shutting down restaurants and other businesses who have no lobbyists while keeping subways open.
    Please quote where I say that.

    He has implied that it’s okay to take food out of our mouths.
    Please quote where I imply that.

    And has supported Nipples Cuomo and Bill DiCommio’s acts of murder
    Please quote where I say or imply I support any acts of murder.

    He has refused to respond to my comments.
    Please quote my refusal to respond to your comments.

  • Cotour


    All in one statement we see the verification that both governments, both the American and the Chinese governments ultimately and fundamentally run under an operational model that recognizes that Strategy Over Morality (S.O.M.) dominates how they all must objectively view the world and how they in fact must strategically think and operate. When push comes to shove all potentials exist and may be executed for the many strategic reasons that may exist. Morality is optional, adhered to by “Others” (That’s you). Be reasonable, but never limit yourself trapped within your own morality.

    “The Chinese government has vigorously denied that the virus leaked from the laboratory, and at one point suggested that
    the American military created it.”

    And in fact either reality is potentially true.

    Although from what I have been able to gather it IMO is more likely that the virus “escaped” from the research lab just 1000 feet from the “Wet Market” in Wuhan China due to poor security practices. That is a reasonable conclusion, but in the real world we understand that being reasonable and logical can only take you so far.

    So, you can make an argument that because of the location of that research laboratory and its close proximity to the Wuhan market there is a strategy model that would support another “operator” other than the incompetence of those Chinese scientists within the laboratory to release a virus in that environment that has produced many other virus contagions in the world previously and would cause a world wide health and economic disaster that would serve many, many agendas. Its big, its ambitious, its uncontrollable once its unleashed, but it would serve to accomplish so much to reset the power and economic paradigm of the world.

    And the top agenda of any of those who would want the extreme change in the power and economic structure of the world and specifically in America in an election year might well pull something off like the Communist Chinese leadership implies. But to me right now it does appear that this virus contagion is the result of at least human error within the laboratory as indicated by the cover up actions of the Communist Chinese leadership. A natural, probably bat virus, being studied and through human incompetence allowed it into the environment and the Chinese leadership ensured that it would spread around the world and ensuring all to be afflicted rather than just them. All strategy, no morality.

    Human incompetence and lax security should always be your default go to explanation. “To err is human”, and then let the resulting disaster unfold before your eyes.

  • Cotour

    A Left leaning friend sent me this:

    “The origin of the Trump Pandemic is most likely natural and not a laboratory release:

    The 60,000 dead in the U.S. are the result of a totally incompetent federal government:”

    Mt reply:

    You tow that line.

    I would suggest that when the cards are all reviewed it will be the likes of DeBlasio that will be revealed to once again be the most incompetent and deadly as are all Leftists. He allows the homeless to unconditionally inhabit, I.E. crap and live in the streets and the subways, and you will find that that is where and why the spread here in NYC was so intense and costly. Just one more gift from the Left of which you think you are one.

    And both DeBlasio and governor Cuomo were the ones who were not at all prepared for what they were clearly instructed was a potential, a pandemic. No, they were busy building “The most progressive and illegal immigrant welcoming state and city in the country”. And remember this one, its a beauty: A. Cuomo: ” America was never that great”. Not with your kind of leadership its not.

    And, Trump is doing just fine.

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