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PA: Number of votes exceeds the number of voters by more than 200K

How convenient: A comparison of the number of actual voters logged in Pennsylvania versus the number of votes counted has discovered a 200k discrepancy, with the number of votes exceeding the number of voters by that amount.

A comparison of official county election results to the total number of voters who voted on November 3, 2020 as recorded by the Department of State shows that 6,962,607 total ballots were reported as being cast, while DoS/SURE system records indicate that only 6,760,230 total voters actually voted. Among the 6,962,607 total ballots cast, 6,931,060 total votes were counted in the presidential race, including all three candidates on the ballot and write-in candidates.

The difference of 202,377 more votes cast than voters voting, together with the 31,547 over- and under-votes in the presidential race, adds up to an alarming discrepancy of 170,830 votes, which is more than twice the reported statewide difference between the two major candidates for President of the United States.

In other words, the count somehow found about 200K extra votes that do not belong to any known voters. We don’t know to whom these extra votes went, but who cares? They make the final tally very suspect.

The analysis was done by a group of Republican state lawmakers, who then said this:

“We were already concerned with the actions of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, the Executive branch, and election officials in certain counties contravening and undermining the Pennsylvania Election Code by eliminating signature verification, postmarks, and due dates while allowing the proliferation of drop boxes with questionable security measures and the unauthorized curing of ballots, as well as the questionable treatment of poll watchers, all of which created wholesale opportunities for irregularities in the 2020 presidential election.”

“However, we are now seeing discrepancies on the retail level which raise even more troubling questions regarding irregularities in the election returns. These findings call into question the accuracy of the SURE system, consistency in the application of the Pennsylvania Election Code from county to county, and the competency of those charged with oversight of elections in our Commonwealth.

“These numbers just don’t add up, and the alleged certification of Pennsylvania’s presidential election results was absolutely premature, unconfirmed, and in error.”

That’s nice, but what is the state legislature going to do about it? It is their responsibility, and just whining about voter fraud allegations accomplishes nothing. They need to actually vote to decertify the election if they are convinced it “was absolutely premature, unconfirmed, and in error.”

The problem of course is their Republican leadership, which doesn’t want to do that, because it might hurt the feelings of the Democrats. God forbid! It is all right to disenfranchise millions of Republicans and allow for election fraud, but allowing Democrat feelings to be bruised cannot stand!

Genesis cover

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  • Nitecat

    I see no good way left to keep the Republic we were born into. Schlichter’s civil war # 2 books warn of a brutal near future , but most high level Republicans seem to think things will just go back to normal if Trump is gone. They have failed to act sufficiently for decades as Marxism has infected all our major institutions till we are at this point . The only thing I can see as a positive is if the Governors of the Red States declare that no unconstitutional laws or Fake Presidential edicts will be enforced in their States , and we must follow the model of the Counties and States that declared that unconstitutional gun laws would not be enforced . We should also start a movement to refuse to pay Federal taxes as a coalition of States unless the illegal election coup is nullified.

  • Cotour

    Lets channel Jeff F again:

    But those 200K extra votes are not proof of cheating, again, there is no proof.

    And those “extra” votes were found by Republicans and so they are very, very suspect. Once again you fail to prove anything and are just pushing the Republican and Trump obsessed disinformation narrative.

    Thanks for the “information” Mr. Zimmerman.

  • Questioner


    Can Vice President Pence Save Your Country Jan 6th?

    “If Mike Pence plays the JEFFERSON CARD it’s an automatic TRUMP Win!”

    H HRFC:
    “Pence MUST nullify the swing States . Technically they didn’t have an election because they never complied with the Constitution. They ran it using their rules, not what is written in law. Pence really has no option.”

  • Questioner

    This is an addition to my last comment:

    “Texas GOP FORCES Pence to Overturn Election Results!”

  • Edward

    Apparently, they were so busy counting the necessary number of BiteMe* votes, after they sent everyone else home, that they didn’t have time to pack a couple hundred thousand Trump votes into those suitcases.

  • Cotour

    We are all going to find out the answer to your question on Jan 6th.

    Is Mike Pence a man of consequence? A man of history? A man with the stones to do what must be done, damn the torpedoes? A man that will take the world by the onions and take care of business for America and the Constitution, and by extension the world?

    I do not know the answer to that question.

    His only indicator for me? He is a man of God and thus can not tolerate the lie that is plain to see in the 2020 presidential election.

    A good friend just sent this to me:

    If Mike Pence and all the others in Congress and the Senate, party affiliation aside, do not do what must be done then this may well be part of our future.

    In order for the Left to build what they desire first they must raze what is. And the crazier the better when it comes to destroying the society, throw rational law out the window, defund the police, confiscate private property, men are women and women are men, everyone achieves the same result, everything that sounds just too stupid to believe is their plan.

    This is the Marxist agenda and they are serious. And there are people like Jeff F, David, D. Messier who empower them all. And I am not certain that they truly understand exactly what the end result of their chosen logic will be. It baffles me.

    And so we need someone, some man, some woman of substance at the right place and the right time to cease the moment and take care of business. Americans that understand my point will not be tolerant for much longer IMO and they will in turn have to take care of business. (And right now that appears to be Mike Pence.)

    And why is that? Because those who were hired to do the job have been taken hostage by politics and they appear to be suffering from a rampant case of Stockholm syndrome. Many of them, like the Borg, have been assimilated.

  • wayne

    Star Trek Supercut:

  • Andrew_W

    There are more than 9 million voters registered in Pennsylvania, pound to a penny the claim that only 6,760,230 total voters actually voted is wrong.

  • David Eastman

    That’s basically the left’s response to everything on this subject. The numbers don’t match, so what, it’s just an error, there is no proof of fraud, the votes were counted and recounted, stop destroying our democracy by saying it’s not valid. I suppose it’s possible that of the two counts, the votes counted are accurate, and the incoming ballot count is the one that’s bad. But with so damn many of these errors, all in the battleground states, and all going the same way, can we at least take the possibility that something stinks seriously and do a real investigation? Because if we don’t do that as a nation, we’re not going to remain a nation.

  • Questioner

    12th Amendment Explained; Mike Pence’s Exclusive Authority to Overturn Election? (Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov):

    “According to a provision inside the 12th Amendment, Mike Pence might be able to certify Donald Trump as the winner of the 2020 election. But what would the ramifications of that decision be?”

  • Jeff H

    “…and the competency of those charged with oversight of elections in our Commonwealth.”

    They misspelled “integrity”.

  • Cotour

    A little bit more info on the procedure as per, Rep. Lee Zeldin.

    After Pence counts the votes and asks the question: Are there any here who have any objections?

    If there are objections every state that objects is given 2 hours of debate on the issue. So that could result in 14 hours of debate if all states that are in contention object.

    And then I believe there is a vote, and there are still more Democrat Congressmen than Republicans. And what Democrat other than being presented with evidence by Jesus Christ himself will be changing his or her vote?

    And then I believe Pence would either before the debate or after have the opportunity to reject it all and count the alternate electors for Trump.

    Either way the debate must be had and the evidence must be presented.

    And I assume that if this drags on that the Speaker Of The House becomes the temporary president. And you know who that is at this moment in time.

  • wayne

    Firstly: see the 12th Amendment to the Constitution, and then secondly see: the “Electoral Count Act of 1887,” and thirdly, see: June 25, 1948, ch. 644, 62 Stat. 675.(which is pasted below…)

    “”Congress shall be in session on the sixth day of January succeeding every meeting of the electors. The Senate and House of Representatives shall meet in the Hall of the House of Representatives at the hour of 1 o’clock in the afternoon on that day, and the President of the Senate shall be their presiding officer. Two tellers shall be previously appointed on the part of the Senate and two on the part of the House of Representatives, to whom shall be handed, as they are opened by the President of the Senate, all the certificates and papers purporting to be certificates of the electoral votes, which certificates and papers shall be opened, presented, and acted upon in the alphabetical order of the States, beginning with the letter A; and said tellers, having then read the same in the presence and hearing of the two Houses, shall make a list of the votes as they shall appear from the said certificates; and the votes having been ascertained and counted according to the rules in this subchapter provided, the result of the same shall be delivered to the President of the Senate, who shall thereupon announce the state of the vote, which announcement shall be deemed a sufficient declaration of the persons, if any, elected President and Vice President of the United States, and, together with a list of the votes, be entered on the Journals of the two Houses.

    *Upon such reading of any such certificate or paper, the President of the Senate shall call for objections, if any. Every objection shall be made in writing, and shall state clearly and concisely, and without argument, the ground thereof, and shall be signed by at least one Senator and one Member of the House of Representatives before the same shall be received.*

    When all objections so made to any vote or paper from a State shall have been received and read, the Senate shall thereupon withdraw, and such objections shall be submitted to the Senate for its decision; and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall, in like manner, submit such objections to the House of Representatives for its decision; and no electoral vote or votes from any State which shall have been regularly given by electors whose appointment has been lawfully certified to according to section 6 of this title from which but one return has been received shall be rejected, but the two Houses concurrently may reject the vote or votes when they agree that such vote or votes have not been so regularly given by electors whose appointment has been so certified.

    If more than one return or paper purporting to be a return from a State shall have been received by the President of the Senate, those votes, and those only, shall be counted which shall have been regularly given by the electors who are shown by the determination mentioned in section 5 of this title to have been appointed, if the determination in said section provided for shall have been made, or by such successors or substitutes, in case of a vacancy in the board of electors so ascertained, as have been appointed to fill such vacancy in the mode provided by the laws of the State; but in case there shall arise the question which of two or more of such State authorities determining what electors have been appointed, as mentioned in section 5 of this title, is the lawful tribunal of such State, the votes regularly given of those electors, and those only, of such State shall be counted whose title as electors the two Houses, acting separately, shall concurrently decide is supported by the decision of such State so authorized by its law; and in such case of more than one return or paper purporting to be a return from a State, if there shall have been no such determination of the question in the State aforesaid, then those votes, and those only, shall be counted which the two Houses shall concurrently decide were cast by lawful electors appointed in accordance with the laws of the State, unless the two Houses, acting separately, shall concurrently decide such votes not to be the lawful votes of the legally appointed electors of such State. But if the two Houses shall disagree in respect of the counting of such votes, then, and in that case, the votes of the electors whose appointment shall have been certified by the executive of the State, under the seal thereof, shall be counted. When the two Houses have voted, they shall immediately again meet, and the presiding officer shall then announce the decision of the questions submitted. No votes or papers from any other State shall be acted upon until the objections previously made to the votes or papers from any State shall have been finally disposed of.”

  • wayne


    “Every objection shall be made in writing, and shall state clearly and concisely, and without argument, the ground thereof, and shall be signed by at least one Senator and one Member of the House of Representatives before the same shall be received.”

    There is no scenario whatsoever in which Nancy becomes the ‘temporary president’ of the US. Much like the mythical ‘office of president-elect,’ which does not exist and has no standing in law, there is no such animal as ‘temporary president.’

  • GWB

    but what is the state legislature going to do about it?
    More importantly, what are the disenfranchised voters going to do about it?

  • Cotour

    Thanks Wayne, I will study this today.

    Temporary president? No, just like the “Office Of The President Elect”, but since the debate /battle may be prolonged theoretically past the date of inauguration then I will assume that because there is technically no president or vice president that the third person in the power lineage would become managing executive (?).

    If both the president and the vice president were unable to fulfill their responsibilities simultaneously then I would assume the Speaker Of The House would have authority. I doubt if it would get to that point, but you never know.

  • wayne

    you can search using the phrase “June 25, 1948, ch. 644, 62 Stat. 675.”
    –the complete PDF file is at:

    There is a time limit on debate. (and all objections must be in writing, without argument)
    Mitch is NOT going to do any maneuvering whatsoever, to assist Trump. (He’s up to his eyeballs in chinese-communists, holy cow, his wife’s family ships billions of dollars of chi-com merchandise (via ship), at the pleasure of the central-committee . The chi-coms own Mitch in much the same way they own Biden.
    –>Bought and paid.

    No matter what transpires, there will be a President declared by the end of the day. There is no scenario where this drags out to January 20th.

  • Cotour: You keep forgetting that in the House the vote will be by state delegation (50 votes total), not individual representatives. The Republicans control more state caucuses. If they vote for their candidate Trump wins.

  • wayne

    Time limits

    17. ) When the 2 Houses separate to decide upon an objection that may have been made to the counting of any electoral vote or votes from any State, or other question arising inthe matter, each Senator and Representative may speak to such question or objection 5 minutes, and not more than once; but after such debate shall have lasted 2 hours it shall be the duty of the presiding officer of each House to put the main question without further debate.”

    18) While the 2 house’s shall be in meeting as provided in this sub-chapter, the President of the Senate shall have power to preserve order; and no debate shall be allowed and no question shall be put by the presiding officer except to either House on a motion to withdrawal.
    That having been said— you’ll want to read section 19, very carefully. (This is where the “nancy could be president thing” comes from.)

  • wayne

    (I would tangentially note– everyone reading these posts, now knows more than any fake-news-media character knows or will report, and that includes the phony ‘constitutional lawyer’s.’)

    “If no Presidential candidate wins at least 270 electoral votes (a majority of the 538 available votes), under the 12th Amendment to the Constitution the House of Representatives decides the Presidential election. If necessary, *the House would elect the President by majority vote,* choosing from among the three candidates who received the greatest number of electoral votes. *The vote would be taken by State, with each State having one vote.* (The District of Columbia does not vote because it doesn’t have voting members in the House of Representatives.)
    If no Vice Presidential candidate wins at least 270 electoral votes (a majority or the 538 available votes), under the 12th Amendment the Senate elects the Vice President. *If necessary, the Senate would elect the Vice President* by majority vote, choosing between the two candidates who received the greatest number of electoral votes. Each Senator would have one vote.”

  • wayne

    I would add a historical factoid to all this;

    The House is closest to the People, which is why they have shorter terms than Senators and directly elected.
    Senators were originally appointed by State Legislatures, and designed to represent the State’s themselves. The direct election of Senator’s (see the 17th Amendment) voided that firewall, and the Senate no longer represents the States. (Which begs the question– why do we need a Senate?)

    The Fact is— American Hating Statists of all stripes, have spent the last 100+ years bringing us to this point. Two steps forward, one step back. That’s how they play, and its how they WIN.
    “Our side,” sad-but-true, can’t (or refuses to) focus for 100 days, much less 100 years. Which is why we LOSE.

    –Welcome to obama’s Amerika.
    (I seem to recall a wise man constantly reminding us here of this factoid…. and I want him to keep doing it.)

  • John hare

    Andrew at 9:38 pm mentioned over 9,000,000 voters in Pennsylvania, which if true invalidates this article and all the associated comments. Anyone are to address this?

  • 370H55V

    The only reason Joe Biden will be inaugurated on Jan 20 is GOP complicity, from the top likes of Doug Ducey, Brian Kemp, Brad Raffensperger, and the myriad GOP state legislators in the affected states–most of which have GOP legislative majorities.

    And that’s even before we look at the turncoats in Congress–Romney, Sasse, Collins, et al.

  • Cotour


    I believe the state delegations you mention are the delegates sent as electors. If there needs to be a vote by the Congress as it is comprised today on proceeding in some manner then the Democrats will be Democrats as per, Rep. Lee Zeldin.

    In order for it to get to the point where the states get their one vote it has to be recognized that the presented elector votes that are being questioned and the election has been spoiled.

    It is not clear how it will get from the one to the other if Zeldin is correct, and I would assume at that point that the vice president would take control? Things are a bit cloudy here for me.

    I will further review the information that Wayne has posted to see if I can clarify it for myself.

    Its pretty much uncharted territory. And, I am getting sick of hearing multiple talking heads and politicos droning on that Trump must not push this, Trump must concede. And it really is out of Trumps hands at this point. All Trump can or can not do is concede, and I never see him doing that given what is plain to see.

    No one wants any part of this, and so what? If this fraud and mass conspiracy is allowed to exist and is not confronted, no matter the end result or consequences, and the evidence revealed, then we as a country are lost. Just so many future steaks and pork chops for other to dine on if we as a people choose to look away.

  • Jeff Fauva

    I wonder if mistrust in the voting system will have any repercussions for the GOP in the GA runoff?

    “Counties are already required by state law to audit a set number of votes before they are certified — traditionally, counties select ballots to audit from a few precincts or voting machines — but that type of review only confirms that a voting machine functioned properly and correctly counted ballots, said Tammy Patrick, a senior advisor to the elections program at the Democracy Fund.”

  • wayne

    It’s far less uncharted territory than you might think. [phony TV lawyers just blow it out of their orifices’, non-stop.]
    (at the point of actually counting the electoral votes in congress, there’s no such animal as a “spoiled-election.” State legislatures have sole authority over how their electoral votes are determined, once they get to DC, it takes one House member + one Senator to object, in writing.)
    After the 1880 election, “they” made sure that would never happen again, hence the Electoral Count Act of 1887.

  • Cotour


    By definition, maybe not by the exact words used in the text, a “Spoiled” election would necessitate the extra actions taken by the vice president and the Congress and those state legislatures contained in the Constitution.

    We just are not that familiar with the process because it does not happen as often as it probably should happen. No one wants trouble. But trouble there is no matter what anyone wants.

    And so it must be dealt with and not smoothed over.

    How ever we get there.

  • Tom Billings

    It seems the Democrats haven’t improved their vote fraud techniques since the Kansas/Nebraska Wars. Way back then, they ran the first elections to determine whether Kansas would be a Free-soil State or a Slave State. It came out as the Slave Power winning, but with massive allegations of fraud. There was a Federal investigation, and they found that 8,363 votes had been cast, out of a total of registered voters of 5,875. The Feds supervised the next election, and the Democrats lost.

    Its rather obvious the DNC, and whoever is backing them, have become as sloppy as before, given that most of the FBI is on their side.

  • Andrew_W

    .Way back then, they ran the first elections to determine whether Kansas would be a Free-soil State or a Slave State.
    You forgot to mention that Pontius Pilate was a Democrat.

  • janyuary

    Wayne, thank you for writing the above, am still processing it. But had to say how validated (a word du jour!) I felt at your reference to “phony constitutional lawyers.” Any so-called Constitutional sage who seriously advises one to vote “against” the opponent, is a bad strategist at best. That they were frauds as strategists is one thing, but frauds as scholars, never occurred to me. My own fault because in a free market, consumers are responsible for informing themselves. This is very good reading here. And did you see Mr. Z’s latest on Summer at the Martian Poles? Just …. astounding. So cool. LIterally, as it happens!!!

  • janyuary

    “You forgot to mention that Pontius Pilate was a Democrat.”

    Andrew ….!! {^)

  • Cotour

    An interesting and instructive conversation between Mo Brooks and Judicial Watch’s, Tom Fitton:
    7 min.

    Not so cut an dried.

    And in the end it will be the Senate that will either rise up and do what must be done to preserve what must be preserved, and in their failure if they choose the path of the political weasel then there will be the destruction of the Republican party and it will be further delivered to the person who will without doubt inherit it, Donald J. Trump.

    And Mike Pence may indeed be the man of the moment that will drive the bus to where it will ultimately have to be driven.

    Again, what will he do?

  • wayne

    Jordan Peterson / Frederic Nietzsche / Akira the Don

    “When they call themselves the good and the just, do not forget that they would be Pharisees… if only they had – power!”

  • Rose

    Andrew_W: “There are more than 9 million voters registered in Pennsylvania, pound to a penny the claim that only 6,760,230 total voters actually voted is wrong.”

    I believe you are overestimating voter participation in the US. The most common turnout measure uses an estimate of Voting-Eligible Population (VEP) as the denominator, and current figures for the 2020 election are 66.7% nationally and 71.0% in Pennsylvania. (Rates varied between 55.0% for Oklahoma to 80.0% for Minnesota.)

    Some measures use Voting-Age Population (VAP), but that yields lower turnout figures that denominator includes those ineligible to vote due to citizenship or felony disenfranchisement.

    Anyhow, ~7M ballots cast on ~9M is consistent with this turnout given the ~90% of eligible PA voters registered.

  • Rose

    This article includes a response from the PA Department of State:

    The gist is that the 200K voter discrepancy comes from comparing numbers from two different systems — one reporting the election results, and the other (SURE / Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors) reporting voting history of registered voters.

    Many (most? all?) US states publish databases listing all registered voters, their registered party affiliation, and their voting history — that is, which elections they voted in and via what means, such as election-day, early-in-person, or absentee/by-mail.

    But according to the PA Department of State, their SURE database has not yet been fully updated for the 2020 general election, with incomplete data from at least four counties, so it is to be expected that the complete total from one system would disagree with the incomplete total from the other.

  • Jeff Fauva

    Amusing that the curator of this blog is ready to trash the voting system based on all this shoddy evidence. Perhaps one day he will admit this was all affinity fraud by Trump and his minions. Not holding my breath.

    “The problem of course is their Republican leadership, which doesn’t want to do that, because it might hurt the feelings of the Democrats. God forbid! It is all right to disenfranchise millions of Republicans and allow for election fraud, but allowing Democrat feelings to be bruised cannot stand!”

    After 4 years of “eff your feelings”, the problem with the GOP is that they don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.? Did that seem at all dissonant when you wrote it? Your own blog disproves the idea.

  • Andrew_W

    Thanks Rose, like other commenters here I’m not so familiar with US voter registration systems, I was just betting that the Trumpists would keep their perfect record of being wrong on their claims that: “Biden stole the election!” and “It was fraud!!”

  • Cotour

    This statement:

    “Amusing that the curator of this blog is ready to trash the voting system based on all this shoddy evidence. Perhaps one day he will admit this was all affinity fraud by Trump and his minions. Not holding my breath.”

    Demonstrates willful blindness. In all of your investigations, you, Jeff F, can not see or objectively find ANY examples of credible Democrat “Minions” collusion and examples of cheating? None.

    We will all be edumacated on Jan 6th about whether the many Congressman and women and Senators agree with your impressions of just how fair and honest the election indeed was.

    If after the question is asked: ” Are there any here who object to these results?” there are no objections then that will tell the tale of the 2020 presidential election. And either the truth of the matter will be embraced and revealed, or there will just be politics.

    And if its just the status quo politics and not the truth of the matter we, America and the world will all be diminished.

  • Andrew_W

    We will all be edumacated on Jan 6th about whether the many Congressman and women and Senators agree with your impressions of just how fair and honest the election indeed was.

    If after the question is asked: ” Are there any here who object to these results?” there are no objections then that will tell the tale of the 2020 presidential election. And either the truth of the matter will be embraced and revealed, or there will just be politics.

    And if its just the status quo politics and not the truth of the matter we, America and the world will all be diminished.

    That’s well written, and I agree with it, though with the opposite understand to you of what “the truth” is.

  • Cotour

    And it begins:

    I know of about 30 Congressmen that will be contesting the electoral votes based on the credible assertions that there was in fact concerted cheating by the opposition, and now we find that there will at least be one Senator that will also contest the results.

    Hawley added: “I cannot vote to certify the electoral college results on January 6 without raising the fact that some states, particularly Pennsylvania, failed to follow their own state election laws. And I cannot vote to certify without pointing out the unprecedented effort of mega corporations, including Facebook and Twitter, to interfere in this election, in support of Joe Biden. At the very least, Congress should investigate allegations of voter fraud and adopt measures to secure the integrity of our elections.”

    Something down the road comes and it can not be unseen or ignored. It will all get to where it needs to get.

  • Cotour

    In life there is TRUTH………..and then there is “truth”.

    Be careful, don’t confuse yourself as to which is which.

    Especially when you are observing politics.

  • Cotour


    And what we are all witness to is the play for the future power players in the Republican party and the future young blood presidential hopefuls as Trump exerts his now very considerable political influence. Abandon Trump and not allow it all to reasonably be revealed and debated?

    And you are out, might as well become a Democrat.

    The Trumpublican party will be born on January 6th, 2021. (And then both the status quo power Democrats and the status quo power Republicans in government and law enforcement will attempt to dog Trump legally if he is indeed deposed and becomes a private citizen, Soviet style.)

    And at that point the newly taken over Republican party will play the game as it needs to be played, just like the Democrats play it, hard ball.

  • Questioner

    LIVE: Georgia Senate Subcommittee Holds Hearing on Election Issues (Dec. 30) |

    Some truth-seeking tutoring for Andrew and Jeff!

  • janyuary

    Blame games are wastes of time that divert people who are in trouble from working together to find a way out of it.

    Today’s children, poised to grow up in bondage, are going to care zip zero about whose fault it was. The ones they will blame (rightly) are the ones who wasted time blaming instead of using time to pursue solutions.

  • Cotour

    Keeping in mind that the only solution in politics………is to win.

  • janyuary

    Cotour … ” …might as well become a Democrat.”

    *sigh* That has been the reality of voting Republican since 2008 at least.

    Didn’t you listen to what Trump said during the primary? I did. He sounded like a “maverick” Democrat. He acted like one, too. But he was marketed as something else and loyal Republicans who loathed him voted for him holding their noses. Now here we are.

    “Might as well become a Democrat …” McCain, remember? Or maybe you don’t. Then exponentially worse Romney in 2008 (this is leaving out the functional Democrats registered as Republicans in lower races as well) … and then in 2016exp onentially worse television personality and self-marketed “American icon” Donald Trump, born wealthy enough to indulge his vanity for marketing himself into fame. Few know the names or faces of the American billionaire “real estate moguls” who started with equal or less and are now worth two or three times more than Trump … but I know enough of them and I know enough about my profession to recognize a marketed “product” when I see it.

    Really, the time is coming to leave all this blame game behind us, to assess the real situation (that a large plurality of Americans think both parties/movements stink and have betrayed them and liberty), and unite to become free in a world where freedom will subject you to marketing designed to enslave you. To live in liberty, Americans must stop the blame game and start learning how consume marketing on their own terms rather than the marketer’s.

  • janyuary

    Romney in 2012, sorry … typo goof

  • janyuary

    Cotour: “…the only solution in politics………is to win.”

    It’s a solution only when the politics are smart and good. It is adding to the problem when the winning politics are stupid and bad. The Republican party and conservative movement have for about 15 years been so desperate to win, that they have agreed to “win” by handing victory to bad and stupid politics. This is how Republicans and conservatives lose even when they win. As we have seen.

  • Cotour

    There is no blame in what I am pointing.

    McCain, Romney and the rest are all RINO’s, they are finished they are over. There will be born on Jan 6th a new formulation of the Republican party, it will be to my thinking called the , Trumpublican party. You saw it here first.

    I am stating what is coming, not what was and lamenting it.

  • James Street

    Heh heh heh… DURING his testimony in today’s Georgia Senate subcommittee hearing on election issues, expert witness Jovan Pulitzer hacked via the internet into the Georgia Dominion system that’s being used in the runoff election.

    “BREAKING BIG: Expert Witness Says His Team Has Hacked into the Georgia Senate Runoff Elections — “We are in.” Witness Says Voting System Is Connected to Internet
    During a Senate hearing in Georgia over fraud in the 2020 presidential election, Jovan Pulitzer told the senate members, ‘At this very moment at a polling location in the county, not only do we now have access to the devices through the poll pad — the system — but we are in.'”

  • Questioner


    We don’t even need to fall back on testimonies from individual fraud events. Today’s senate hearing presented at least two clear mathematical pieces of evidence that the elections in Georgia were extensively rigged and falsified at large scale. One that stuck in my mind was the unnaturally low diversity of first and last names diversity and especially of its combinations, which can only be explained by the infiltration of fake people (names) into the voting process.

    Why named Georgian electors are not immediately withdrawn from the Senate of this state? This is just unreal. What evil happens here?

  • James Street: Thank you. I have now posted this, and also distributed the scoop to a number of major aggregate news sites. I expect it will start appearing as a big story very soon.

  • Edward

    You noted: “The gist is that the 200K voter discrepancy comes from comparing numbers from two different systems — one reporting the election results, and the other (SURE / Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors) reporting voting history of registered voters. … But according to the PA Department of State, their SURE database has not yet been fully updated for the 2020 general election, with incomplete data from at least four counties, so it is to be expected that the complete total from one system would disagree with the incomplete total from the other.

    So, are you saying that the PA Department of State has not yet fudged the 2020 election data or that the SURE system is not as up to date, or “sure,” as advertised?

  • Rose


    The PA Department of State says that the SURE database is not as up to date as is assumed by State Rep. Frank Ryan’s 200K ballot mismatch claim. That could have been an honest mistake on Rep. Ryan’s part, as you’d have thought all the data would be in by now. (Likewise, you’d have thought New York would have finished counting ballots by now, yet the NY 22 lead continues to ping-pong back and forth between Mr. Brindisi and Ms. Tenney.) Unfortunately, the PA DoS reply does not say how unusual such a delay is and whether this is typical governmental inefficiency or if it is unusual and possibly suspicious.

    The portal where you can pay $20 to download a copy of the database says, “This data is current as of 12/28/2020 and will be refreshed on 01/04/2021 at midnight.” That is at the least misleading, as in their response the PA DoS said the database is current only with the data they have received, and that several county submissions are incomplete. I don’t know how long the process has taken in the past and whether or not the PA DoS normally announces when all information is in.

  • Jeff Fauva

    And there it is…

    December 30, 2020 at 11:29 am
    Keeping in mind that the only solution in politics………is to win.”

    ..the election fraud claims are laughably shoddy. Folks on the right are looking for any fig leaf to obtain their preferred outcome. As Cotour said, in order to be viable in the Trumpublilcan party, one must show fealty. Currently, that means rejecting democratic means of being elected.

  • Cotour

    Happy you are paying attention.


    And then what will you do and say? There is a growing mass of evidence about election fraud and corruption (By and for your party. Talk about recognizing that winning is the only answer. Yours have fully embraced that truth and will say and do ANYTHING up to and including murder to succeed. And I respect that.).

    And that evidence has IMO influenced the outcome and it will be presented and argued during the Jan 6th electoral meeting. Neither a Congress person nor or especially a Senator would not ever get on board with something like this that was purely seen as partisan and they have not satisfied themselves that there was rock solid unarguable evidence of the fraudulent and corrupt activity.

    And Jeff F is still unable to detect ANY of it.

  • Edward

    So it is the fudged data option. They haven’t yet figured out how to properly fudge the data to match the votes that were counted, but think that they will have that done by Monday.

  • Jeff Fauva


    We are a nation of laws. It does not matter how much partisan smoke is put up – no court has seen any merit in any of the evidence that team kraken hast put forth. You are agitating for a putsch. Your ideas are against democratic ideals.

  • Cotour

    Jeff F:

    ” no court has seen any merit in any of the evidence ”

    No court has “Seen” any merit in the cases or heard any evidence because they want no part of the controversy, and they are partisan, and they live in fear (Elections at this level are really not in the purview of their job). This issue must be dealt with as proscribed by the Constitution by the Congress. And that is where it is headed.

    Man you have one hard head, are you German?

  • Cotour

    Evidence of destroying evidence is evidence.

    The day after it was ordered that the ballots be Kinetically examined a truck picked up the ballots in question and they were shreded, to military specifications.

    Jeff F, what do you make of such actions by the powers that be in Georgia? Its all made up? Republican delusion?

    Thick as a brick.

  • Edward

    The takeaway is that Pennsylvania’s election was certified at a time when the system that verifies the number of votes cast gave a value that was less than the number of votes counted. At the very least, there is a problem with the certification process, as this election was certified when the best data available showed election fraud. They certified their election when the discrepancy was far greater than the margin between the candidates. Combined with serious allegations of fraud, these certifications should never have been made.

    From the article:

    “These numbers just don’t add up, and the alleged certification of Pennsylvania’s presidential election results was absolutely premature, unconfirmed, and in error.”

    How can we have confidence in an election system that is as appallingly screwed up as the American system?

  • wayne

    A Few Good Man
    “You Can’t Handle the Truth”

  • Rose


    As I noted above, it is disappointing that the PA Dept. of State’s response didn’t explain the cause of the various county delays in updating voter history, nor did they note how typical such delays are. The requirements for the Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors (SURE) are codified in Pennsylvania Title 25 Section 1222 and 1223, dating to 2002, which do not specify a required time frame for voter history updates at the local commission level.

    SURE is not part of the election certification process and was never intended to be, though if the system were kept more up to date it could play a roll in supporting voter confidence. (The inverse has certainly been made clear).

    The Pennsylvania Auditor General, at the request of the Dept. of State, conducted an audit of the SURE system, issuing a report in December 2019. They found numerous deficiencies in the implementation of the system and made corrective recommendations, but most damningly, they were unable to conduct a complete audit due to lack of cooperation from the Dept. of State, the Dept. of Transportation (regarding Driver’s License information requests), and several county election offices.

    More information (such as what is behind the cause of the voter history updating delays and how typical they are) should be demanded, but I suspect this is more a case of bureaucratic inefficiency than anything else.

  • Jeff Fauva


    “No court has “Seen” any merit in the cases or heard any evidence because they want no part of the controversy, and they are partisan, and they live in fear (Elections at this level are really not in the purview of their job). This issue must be dealt with as proscribed by the Constitution by the Congress. And that is where it is headed.”

    So you’re saying courts want no part in their sole function, settling disputes.? Courts filled with Republican appointed judges? C’mon now. The truth is that there is no merit to the fraud allegations and the courts are functioning as intended by the Constitution.

  • Jeff Fauva


    “The day after it was ordered that the ballots be Kinetically examined a truck picked up the ballots in question and they were shreded, to military specifications.

    Jeff F, what do you make of such actions by the powers that be in Georgia? Its all made up? Republican delusion?”

    GA election results have gone-through all of the recounts and audits afforded by law. It’s settled – what happens to the ballots now is pointless. What does “kinetically examined” even mean?

  • Cotour

    “So you’re saying courts want no part in their sole function, settling disputes.? Courts filled with Republican appointed judges? C’mon now. The truth is that there is no merit to the fraud allegations and the courts are functioning as intended by the Constitution.”

    That is exactly what I am saying.

    A court in a national election context, especially one that is so politically charged and they themselves are more than likely predisposed are unwilling to take on a case of that sort. It is real terms out of their purview.

    Once again, this kind of election situation is specifically dealt with in the Constitution, controversies like this it is ultimately Congresses job to sort out. AND it is up to each state and its legislature to clean up their system of election, and that is why it is difficult to gain a standing designation in these cases. A state civil or criminal court deals in state civil and criminal issues.

    This is of the political realm. There may after the fact occur several prosecutions of individuals that have been found in those states to be culpable in the fraud and corruption that is plain to any reasonable person to see in civil or criminal courts in the various states. But this is different.

    The Congress ultimately is where the solution or resolution will be found in controversies involving the election of any president and not in a state court, not immediately anyway, good bad or otherwise. And that will be that and those who performed poorly related to this issue will be judge by the ultimate judges, THE PEOPLE at their next election. That is how this operates.

    I ask again, are you German in ancestry? Thick as a brick. Its either that and I will have no issue going over and over this with you until the little switch in your head goes to a switch “ON” position, or you are a Democrat operative and are just here doing you assigned job pushing chaos and confusion.

    Either way, I am here for you.

  • Jeff Fauva

    Cotour: Thanks for the response. 20% German, fwiw.

    Courts have taken up these matters and rendered judgments. Some courts may have not taken-up some of the cases for lack of standing, but this is not out of the ordinary at all. Some courts did take-up these cases and rendered judgments. Are you saying that the unanimous judgments that find Trump’s evidence uncompelling are frauds too?

  • Cotour

    Not frauds, some are without doubt partisan, most are scared of repercussions, and to be sure these several judges and courts will in the future no doubt be trying many of these documented election fraud perpetrators. And will find them guilty. But that is down the road and that is their purview.

    No, this 2020 presidential election and the associated controversies are all bound to be sorted out in the Congress, why is that? Because that is the entity that is proscribed in the Constitution where issues related to presidential elections must wind up. ITS THEIR JOB.

    And these now many state Congresspersons and the growing number of federal Congressional and Senate representatives would not touch this with a 50 foot pole if they were not certain of the voracity of the now many, many documented instances of voter fraud and corruption in this election and they understand that it has indeed effected the results of the election.

    And if I thought that it was all just based in partisan politics and butt hurt feelings and not fully justified based in evidence that will without doubt be presented in the proper form, which is the Congress. I would not support it for one second. No matter who the eventual winner turned out to be. Not for one second.

    This is not now at all about either Trump or Biden, it long ago stopped being about a political candidate. This is now about our country, our system, our Constitution and whether they stand for more than just partisan politics. If not we might as well be China or Russia at that point.

    And again, these now many Congresspersons and Senators would not go near any of this if they were not 100 percent sure about the allegations. Not for one second.

    (I knew you had to have at least some German in you)

  • Edward

    It now sounds like you are telling us that Pennsylvania certified its election without evidence that it was certifiable, during a time when many questionable events showed that there was a large probability of fraud. Even outside of the (Un)SURE system.

  • Cotour

    A legislator in any election will just accept the certified results of what appears to be a duly executed election. At some point there is an election system established and it is used. What else could they reasonably do? Nothing.

    Where this 2020 presidential election goes in a different direction is that the election was already contested before it happened and there was reasonable expectation that there would be fraud, and there would be fraud big enough to change the results of the election.

    AND there was involved a contestant, Trump and his people, who just do not quit, especially if fraud and corruption is plainly evident. And it plainly was and is at a level that has changed the result of the will of the people. Any other run of the mill Republican party candidate would have folded the next day. Trump don’t quit, above all else its his mantra.

    There is always some degree of election fraud and monkey business in every election in America or any place else on the planet I suspect. The question is whether the fraud is 1. Blatant an detectable, and 2. Can you prove it based in collectable evidence. And I think at this point in time the 2020 presidential election fits both requirements and must be contested.

    Again, this is no longer about any one candidate, the fraud and corruption was plainly detectable, there are mountains of evidence and it continues to pile high, and the fraud was consequential to the result. And in these facts the legislatures of the various states and the Congresspersons and Senators who are charged with verifying the results of this election and assign who will rightfully be empowered as the president in the coming term can do little else.

    And it still does not guarantee that Trump will prevail as I personally believe he should, this is politics, this is the political realm, and the arrived at result will be the arrived at result, and let the cards fall where they may and the consequences be assigned to those who have abandoned their responsibilities to their constituents.

    And that is what is underway.

  • Cotour

    And as this heats up we now have George Soros himself threatening Trump with his apparent control of Chief Justice Roberts? I think at this point Justice Roberts has been revealed to be compromised in some way or another. And George is not long for this world, and that as Martha says, is a good thing. Should have been a GITMO resident along time ago, a Leftist naturalized citizen subversive fomenting and financing unrest.

    Can’t make this stuff up, its all true and its playing out live and in living color. Remember, Trump forces the Left to reveal all.

    Trump must go, which is exactly why Trump must stay.

  • Jeff Fauva


    Do you know better than Bill Barr what constitutes election fraud? What’s his angle?

    One of the amusing things about Trumpism is to see GOP heroic figures thrown right under the bus. Romney, McCain, Jeff Sessions, Bolton, The Bush family, GOP court appointees – anyone who dares to cross Dear Leader.

  • commodude


    How are Sen. Romney(RINO and quisling, smiled when signing the most restrictive gun control legislation in the country) and Sen. McCain (Keating 5) republican heroes?

    Must be a different meaning than the one I’m used to….

  • Jeff Fauva\


    Well, they were both GOP nominees for president.

  • wayne

    Most excellent, statement of fact.

    Old Man (George) Romney was the Governor of Michigan (he stepped down from AMC* to run, early 1960’s, in a State controlled & totally dominated by the democrat-party) Mittens was elected Governor of Massachusetts for god sakes, and the father of Romney Socialized Medicine in Ma.
    –John McCain– the poor son-of-a-gun, was beaten one too many times while a POW in Vietnam. (In Hanoi btw, a City we meticulously avoided firebombing to ash.)

    {*AMC the now defunct american motor’s, as opposed to AMC the movie-exhibiter, owned by the chinese communist party & controls 80% of all theater-seats in North America.}

    I’m the first one to admit, “my side,” is filled with RINO’s & Krony-Capitalists. It drives me insane and they always play the same game, they talk a good talk at election time, then go off to DC and practice their Statist, Progressive-Republican, and/or Crony ways. They also love to be the “loyal opposition,” [i.e. looser-brigade] and endlessly raise money for GOP Incorporated. They make bank on the fact a large portion of the base will hold their nose and vote against any democrat opponent. (I’ve done it myself.)
    (In fact, I’d vote for satan before I’d vote for Barry, Hillary, or Joe.)
    —To say any of the people you mentioned were/are some sort of heroic-figures in the GOP, begs the question– ‘heroic’ to the party apparatus, to the rank-and-file, or to the Left?
    And none of those people are conservatives. (Holy cow, a lot of you folks on the left think David Brooks at the NYT’s is some sort of conservative.)
    (Personally, I’m a libertarian, conservative, republican (small l, c, and r) generally in that order.

  • wayne

    Crony Chronicles:
    “I Want To Be A Crony”

  • wayne

    Crony Chronicles:
    “Miracle on Wall Street”

  • Cotour

    (1st I want to comment on that George Soros video. Although it does look and sound like Soros because of the grainy nature of the video it may well be a deep fake (?) I can not tell.)

    Jeff F:

    Barr did his job and did it well IMO, he could have done more but chose not to go there. And Mr. Barr, who is a political creature of Washington, also wants no part of what is plain to many. The DOJ will or should be prosecuting what went on in the various states where it is plain that there is fraud, but that will come later.

    And, Barr is not going to sacrifice himself on the Trump altar, he is a well heeled lawyer who wants to go back to his nice life in corporate America and does not want to have protestors and who knows what else camped out in front of his house for the rest of his life.

    AND, you can not find what you have not looked for.

    I ask you again: Why exactly do you think that there are now so many Congresspersons and Senators lining up to at least support a Congressional examination of what in fact went on in the election? I stated that if I thought this was only about partisan politics I would have no part of it and I would say so.

    Its now not about who wins, not at all. Its about the security and validity of our election system because without that being secure there will not be any reason to vote in the future. None what so ever, why would you vote in the future?

    Jeff F: The Democrats cheated in the 2020 presidential election, and they cheated enough to effect the results. If I had any doubt again I would plainly say so. And they have been busted and that evidence will be presented where it needs to be presented, in Congress. What comes from that I am not certain.

    The Democrats are well known for their cheating in elections and that is documented 100 percent. Ask Richard Nixon.

    Newt Gingrich : “The Democrats never cared if Joe Biden campaigned or not, he was going to win one way or another.”

    Is what it is.

  • Edward

    Just how hard is it to tabulate the number of voters, anyway?

    A couple of decades ago, back when I was watching television, I came across a televised course on how to be a poll worker at my county’s precincts. It wasn’t hard. When people signed in and were given a ballot, that ballot was accounted for, even if it was spoiled. Spoiled ballots were also turned in separately from the voted ballots. All ballots were accounted for. At closing time, the number of people who voted was counted, the number of ballots used was recorded along with the number of spoiled ballots. All this was taken to the proper location for vote counting.

    Back in the good old days, before computers proved to be incompetent, tabulating voters and ballots was more instantaneous than it is these days. How does it take two months and a day in order to figure out how many people voted on Election Day? How can an election be certified if the number of voters cannot be correlated with the number of votes? This just adds another fishy smell to this election.

    Since the election of 2000, elections have become far worse, in the United States. It is almost as though incompetence has been built into many states’s systems. But it isn’t incompetence, as California’s election laws demonstrate.

  • Jeff Fauva

    Just a couple notes:

    “And Mr. Barr, who is a political creature of Washington, also wants no part of what is plain to many.”

    Brother, you called that right – he got out while the getting was bad, but not impossible.

    “The Democrats are well known for their cheating in elections and that is documented 100 percent. Ask Richard Nixon.”

    Ah yes, the world-renowned most honest man in the history of American politics, Richard Nixon. Is this canon in the inverse world – that Nixon was a straight-shooter that was railroaded or something? Serious question.

    It’s not that the elections have become worse, I think it’s the ubiquity of information and disinformation available online and elsewhere. We have both more insight into how the sausage is made, and more deliberate obfuscation and lies about the process/outcomes – and it comes at you much faster over wifi than your dial-up.

  • Cotour

    “Ah yes, the world-renowned most honest man in the history of American politics, Richard Nixon. Is this canon in the inverse world – that Nixon was a straight-shooter that was railroaded or something? Serious question.”

    No, you miss my point about the history of documented examples of democrat cheating in presidential elections.

    Know thy history, Jeff F.

    You talk like these kinds of things have never and would never happen. You give a new definition to , Naive.

  • wayne

    come on man! don’t be a dog-faced pony-whisperer, corn-pop don’t surf.
    Do you mean to tell me that JFK did not in fact, steal Chicago in 1960, at a minimum?
    Nixon– he gave us the EPA and the DEA (to name but 2) you people love that sort of big government stuff, don’t you?
    Politicians lie? I am shocked to discover this factoid.
    “Major Strasser has been shot. Round up the Usual Suspects.”

  • wayne

    Hans-Hermann Hoppe
    Democracy: The God That Failed
    Played 1,048,576 Times
    [so to speak…]

  • Jeff Fauva


    Fair enough – but I think citing Nixon about fraud is like citing Pete Rose about gambling.

  • Rose

    No Edward, that is not what I said. I said, “SURE is not part of the election certification process and was never intended to be”.

    This is akin to a team claiming they didn’t really lose the final game of the World Series because there was a delay in the publication of a sports almanac.

  • Edward

    You wrote: “No Edward, that is not what I said. I said,

    Then what evidence are you telling us that did Pennsylvania had to assure that the questionable events were not fraud?

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