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Scientists: Restrict all exploration on Mars to protect our future work!

In a paper just published, planetary scientists Australia have proposed strict guidelines for any future exploration on Mars in order to prevent future colonists from doing anything that might interfere with any future research the scientists might want to do.

The thrust of the paper, they comment, is to ensure that locales of geological significance on Mars do not suffer the same damage as many sites on Earth have faced. Sites on the Red Planet can be practically conserved while still allowing science and exploration to continue, they say.

“Geoconservation allows humanity to protect Earth’s story and geological history,” the researchers observe, “so that present and future generations can experience Earth’s aesthetic beauty, conduct scientific research, connect with various cultures, adequately protect and ensure the functioning of Earth’s biology and ecosystems, and learn about the history of our planet.”

Let me translate: “We academics fear allowing others the freedom to explore. We come first. Let’s create rules that will allow us to do what we want, while forcing others to ask us for permission to do what they want.”

Sadly, this mentality now rules throughout all of western civilization’s intellectual community, and its not much different than the totalitarian top-down attitudes of the Russians and Chinese. Those in charge or better educated simply know better than everyone else, and are hell bent on telling everyone what they can and cannot do.

The first few generations of colonists on Mars, the Moon, and the asteroids are going to find their hands badly tied. Freedom will not exist.

Genesis cover

On Christmas Eve 1968 three Americans became the first humans to visit another world. What they did to celebrate was unexpected and profound, and will be remembered throughout all human history. Genesis: the Story of Apollo 8, Robert Zimmerman's classic history of humanity's first journey to another world, tells that story, and it is now available as both an ebook and an audiobook, both with a foreword by Valerie Anders and a new introduction by Robert Zimmerman.

The ebook is available everywhere for $5.99 (before discount) at amazon, or direct from my ebook publisher, ebookit. If you buy it from ebookit you don't support the big tech companies and the author gets a bigger cut much sooner.

The audiobook is also available at all these vendors, and is also free with a 30-day trial membership to Audible.

"Not simply about one mission, [Genesis] is also the history of America's quest for the moon... Zimmerman has done a masterful job of tying disparate events together into a solid account of one of America's greatest human triumphs."--San Antonio Express-News


  • F

    Surprised they did not mention that even with spacesuits, everyone must also wear a mask in order to prevent the spread of COVID.

  • pzatchok

    The sad fact is geologists have only been the first to someplace when it is a new cave,
    Every other place on this planet they have often been the last to visit it. Why would they go unless someone else did not already go there and then tell them about it.

    If they want to be the first to visit a Mars area get there then and do some real exploring. Do not leave it for those braver than you.

  • This is the moment, 1992, in the U.S. Congress when the American Constitution was usurped, served up and made subservient to the U.N. Agenda 21.

    1992 the U.S. Congress, featuring the leadership of many on the self-righteous radical left, including the honorable much younger, Nancy Pelosi: 12 min.

    This is the moment in our Congress and following through on the Geroge Bush sr. One World / New World Order.

    And this Agenda 21 is one of the major “accomplishments” that the Democrats fear that Trump will disrupt and derail.

    And BTB this story is but an extension of that thought process of the elite thinkers and true and proper owners of the universe and reality.

  • sippin_bourbon

    They want to preserve the entire planet as a park, to prevent use?

    Oh, just restricted then.. okay.. the. Who decides what is okay, and what it not?

    Sound like a power grab.

  • Let’s continue:

    This illustrates the difference between what the elite thinkers propose reality in the universe be, and what it in real reality it is: 54 sec.

  • pzatchok observed: “Every other place on this planet they [geologists] have often been the last to visit it. ”

    Including, the Moon.

    This whole mindset is laughable delusion. The issuers of these edicts have no possible way to enforce. You may as well attempt to command the tide. Oh, wait, that’s been tried.

  • Allan

    We can be thankful for national parks and other conservation designations world wide for the efforts and success in preserving natural environments. Geoconservation they are calling it. Giving the authors the benefit of the doubt (without reading the links) the thinking may be to extend similar successful policies to Mars. The concerns are who does the deciding and will it be too over-reaching. Too powerful, in other words. Ideally it would all be negotiated in an effort to keep everyone happy.

  • Jeffrey Williams

    Let me guess: “We don’t want to pollute space with radiation…”

  • Curtis

    “Hi there scientists, I’ll be leading a team of explorers through the Martian highlands next month so you have a full month to get in there and do your science thing before we get there. “

  • Seawriter

    To paraphrase Stalin:

    How many armor divisions do Australian scientists control?

    The drive to colonize will be national – the first country to permit its people (note I don’t say citizens – that permits countries like China to be in this list) to settle Mars (or Moon) will simply ignore the scientists. Even if a treaty is signed it will have as much force as the Treaty of Tordesillas. (I suggest folks read up on that one.)

  • What is being missed here in this conversation? THE AGENDA

    “And this in my opinion is what founds and justifies the intense drive by the now radical and increasingly authoritarian, desperate Democrat party machine that MUST stop the disruptive to the statistics and the world agenda presidency of another Donald J. Trump presidency.”

    Paying attention yet?

  • You may as well attempt to command the tide. Oh, wait, that’s been tried.
    That was satire (King Canute wasn’t that dumb). This is not.

    locales of geological significance on Mars
    Has “geo” been accepted as an off-Earth prefix?

  • Lee S

    For once I am in general agreement here… I think it would be totally ok to keep humans at bay if we find signs of life, but if a planet is sterile, then this is just people finding stuff to campaign against… And let’s be honest… Whatever your beliefs or politics, we can all find better things to campaign against!

  • GaryMike

    Earth is home. Protect it.

    The rest of the universe is resources. Exploit them.

    We’ll no longer need to exploit the Earth.

    We’ll still have to deal with the intellectually challenged.

  • Allan

    Mr. Zimmerman:

    Have you considered adding an up or down arrow feature to the comment section?

  • Trent Castanaveras


    Gotta go with Kim Stanley Robinson’s “areology” and the variants of described in his Mars trilogy. Geo = “Earth”, Ares = “Mars”.

    Those brilliant books should be mandatory reading as a guide for all things of Martian/human interaction.

  • markedup2 cited and asked:

    “locales of geological significance on Mars
    Has “geo” been accepted as an off-Earth prefix?”

    What else you gonna use? Perhaps we can stretch the Greek to ‘earth’. As in, soil and rock. People know what you’re talking about. Like, ‘up in the air’ for an upset lander on an airless world. I think the Human reach into space is fascinating for how much of our origin we bring with us, and how we express it.

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