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Today’s blacklisted American: Seattle school board to hold segregated meetings to pick new school superintendent

Jim Crow celebrated in Seattle!
The return of Jim Crow, this time celebrated in the north, in Seattle!

“Segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!” Issaquah School District, located in the Seattle suburbs, has decided to hold segregated-by-race meetings to pick its new school superintendent.

Issaquah School District Superintendent Ron Thiele is retiring, and the school board is looking for his replacement. The board is holding three separate meetings this month to hear from parents and guardians. But the first meeting makes it very clear who should attend.

The district bulletin lists the meeting in the following way: “Meeting for Parents/Guardians of Color and Parents/Guardians with Students of Color to Give Input About Superintendent Search, 6 p.m., Zoom.”

The other two meetings are listed this way: “Meetings for Parents/Guardians to Give Input About Superintendent Search, 9 a.m., 2 p.m., 6 p.m., Zoom.”

When challenged about this illegal policy, the board defended it as follows:

[B]oard president Anne Moore defended the decision to hold a separate — but presumably equal — meeting. Moore claimed that some “historically marginalized families” in Issaquah feel “uncomfortable” in meetings. To mitigate their supposed discomfort, she said a meeting “surrounded by other people similar to them, makes it easier.” Yet she also claims it isn’t an example of racial segregation, a claim that conflicts with the very reason she gives for holding a meeting for “parents of color.”

In other words, Moore — who is white — thinks blacks are inferior and can’t handle public meetings with other races. They must be protected in their own little enclave.

At the school board meeting where Moore made these bigoted comments, it appears parents from all races were generally offended by the school board’s racist attitude.

“By holding a separate meeting for people of color, it is the same as saying people of color are not welcome to attend the other meetings,” a former board candidate testified at the public comment portion of the meeting. “So we have created a separate one just for them. We are an integrated community, all wanting the same thing — to hire the person best qualified for the job as superintendent. The one who will care about raising up all of our students. Why are you trying to divide and separate us by color? Really? Is this the example you want to set for our students? Shame on all of you.”

“It is discrimination to say that there is a specific meeting for people of color,” one parent said. “Or you could have used something else. I believe ‘people of color’ is the politically correct term to use. But to use that is … poor and discriminatory.”

Another parent called the segregate meeting idea “just absurd, offensive, and probably illegal. … If you’re wondering how to structure these meetings so that you’re inclusive: First and last, consult the Civil Rights Act, that will prevent … this problem that’s going on,” he continued.

The board refused to back down, and in fact made the problem worse with its rewrite of the “minority-only” meeting announcement:

As a School Board we understand that historically marginalized families may not share honestly or vulnerably about their experiences in our district if they are not surrounded by people that look like them or have a similar lived experience. In this meeting we hope to ensure all families have the space to connect, feel supported, and share authentically. Parents of all races are welcome to attend this meeting that intends to create a safe space for parents and guardians of color and parents and guardians with students of color who racially identify with historically marginalized races.

Once again, the board clearly thinks minorities are an inferior species that cannot handle rational and open discourse from all people. They must be protected, like little children.

In many other places in America this school would either face a quick recall or be voted out in the next election. Don’t bet on it, as it is located in the Seattle suburbs where the leftist big tech companies like Amazon and Microsoft have offices. The population in this region is all-in on this bigoted policy, being generally white, upper-middle class, and leftist, with a generally contemptuous view of others, either because they are not Democrats or because they aren’t white, upper-middle class, and leftist.

As such, they are eagerly returning the Democratic Party to its KKK roots, instituting segregation and Jim Crow laws. That those laws might be aimed at oppressing whites, not minorities, makes no difference. In the end the laws will oppress everyone while making minorities look like fools.

Genesis cover

On Christmas Eve 1968 three Americans became the first humans to visit another world. What they did to celebrate was unexpected and profound, and will be remembered throughout all human history. Genesis: the Story of Apollo 8, Robert Zimmerman's classic history of humanity's first journey to another world, tells that story, and it is now available as both an ebook and an audiobook, both with a foreword by Valerie Anders and a new introduction by Robert Zimmerman.


The print edition can be purchased at Amazon. Or you can buy it directly from the author and get an autographed copy.

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The audiobook is also available at all these vendors, and is also free with a 30-day trial membership to Audible.

"Not simply about one mission, [Genesis] is also the history of America's quest for the moon... Zimmerman has done a masterful job of tying disparate events together into a solid account of one of America's greatest human triumphs."--San Antonio Express-News


  • Cotour

    “Social justice” in other words.

    Liberals now Leftist in America in their push for “Social Justice” and the “fundamental transformation of America” become the thing that they state that they despise the most, racists and segregationists.

    This to me is similar to previous administrations expecting to help China develop from a third world country into a first world country and expecting them to throw off the chains of Communism. How has the fantasy in reality worked out? Neither the Leftists in America nor the Communist Chinese give a good GD for what is or was expected of them to do. Weakness and greed are their own rewards.

    They are what they are and must be dealt with understanding that truth.

    In time what comes out the other end of this cycle is not knowable for either at this moment in time, but through it we will be going.

  • Concerned

    Commies to the left of me,
    Marxists to the right,
    Here I am.
    Stuck in the middle with you

  • David Telford

    Crying shame. Did kindergarten in Issy, back when the salmon would run up Issaquah creek, before Gilman Vlg, and before they turned that lovely recreational airport into a business park so the Californians could…

    Ah, the memories!

    What is it about the PNW, the urban living, and easy money, that brings out the loonies?

  • BLSinSC

    Go to any paint store and ask for a color chart! Thumb through until you see something that you actually will not believe!! In amongst all the COLORS of black, brown, red, yellow, purple, green, and many others you will find samples of WHITE!! Kids today who do not have INTELLIGENT (or SANE) parents may not even know that WHITE IS A COLOR!!!
    As far as the “meetings” – which one do you think will result the selection of the next Super??? I’ll give you THREE guesses and the LAST TWO DON’T COUNT!!

  • Phill O

    Remember Jimmy Carter’s church was compelled to let blacks in when he got elected president.

    The democrats have certainly got a reputation.

  • pzatchok

    Turn it around on them and ask for a whites only meeting.

    Heads would explode.

  • Max

    Many childless couples have adopted black children, in fact it’s quite common. It’s also common to identify as black to make their children feel more sociably acceptable. (it can be confusing, but Parenthood does not come with a manual)
    I bet you know which meeting they will attend!
    You’re right!
    The meeting that best suits their schedule! Just like everyone else that will be attending.
    If the school board wants to make a big big deal of it… They have already opened a can of worms, let them make fools of them selves.

    Besides, truly concerned parents would want to know what was discussed at every meeting. Most likely hoping to influence the outcome.
    My taxes, my choice, my RIGHT!

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