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Today’s Blacklisted American: To celebrate Memorial Day, a federal official bans the American flag

Brooke Merrell:
Brooke Merrell: Proud to ban the American flag

In another example of the fundamental hostility that federal officials feel for their country, officials at Alaska’s Denali National Park recently told contractors working in the park they were forbidden from flying Old Glory on their trucks and equipment, as construction workers have done for more than a century.

According to the contractor, Denali National Park Superintendent Brooke Merrell contacted the man overseeing the federal highways project, claiming there had been complaints about the U.S. flags, and notifying him that bridge workers must stop flying the stars and stripes from their vehicles because it detracts from the “park experience.”
Denali National Park Superintendent Brooke Merrell

“The trucks are flying these American flags, about a foot atop the trucks, about three-foot by four-foot flags, and they said they don’t want this,” the contractor explained. “They’re saying it isn’t conducive and it doesn’t fit the park experience.”

Up until this week, however, the flags were displayed without incident. It was only when the park began running tour buses that the order was given to take down the flags, he added.

That some tourists complained should have meant absolutely nothing to Mrs. Merrill. This is America, this is a national park of America, and flying the American flag is the right of every American.

Mrs. Merrill however really isn’t an American. Her loyalties apparently lie elsewhere, probably with the leftist, Marxist agenda that probably influenced her in her education and previous employment.

Merrell moved to Alaska in 2009 as a transportation planner and environmental coordinator. A Pennsylvania native, she received a master’s degree in urban planning. Prior to moving to Alaska, she worked for the City of Portland and the Gulf Islands National Seashore, along with left-leaning environmentalist and social justice groups such as DNA People’s Legal Services and Columbia Riverkeeper.

It is thus no surprise that she is quick to agree with someone who finds Old Glory objectionable. Better in her mind for the Park Service to fly Pride flags pushing the queer agenda.

That this story broke over the Memorial Day weekend — a day meant to honor those who gave their lives to defend the United States and its constitutional republic — is even more disgusting. If any of my readers want to express that disgust to the Park Service, here’s some contact information: National Park Service Regional Director for Alaska Sarah Creachbaum at (907) 644-3510 or by mail at 240 West 5th Avenue, Suite 114, Anchorage, AK 99501.

Genesis cover

On Christmas Eve 1968 three Americans became the first humans to visit another world. What they did to celebrate was unexpected and profound, and will be remembered throughout all human history. Genesis: the Story of Apollo 8, Robert Zimmerman's classic history of humanity's first journey to another world, tells that story, and it is now available as both an ebook and an audiobook, both with a foreword by Valerie Anders and a new introduction by Robert Zimmerman.


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  • F

    We need to establish a colony for these people.

    On Venus.

  • Commodude

    F, Why pollute a potential habitat?

    Support groups will meet on Pluto, BYOO2.

  • James Street

    Charles Osgood segment about Larry the flag guy. A CBS news special about a man who honored fallen soldiers by lining the processional route with flags.

    “Larry Eckhardt The Flagman CBS Sunday Morning 5 27 12”
    (3 minutes)

  • David Eastman

    I’ve actually written my congressman, for what little good it will do, asking him to push for a federal law/regulation to the effect of “The US Flag is the symbol of this nation’s ideals and heritage, and under no circumstances may there be a policy, regulation, or law that prevents or discourages its display in accordance with [flag code reference here]”. We’ll see if I get a response.

  • Tom

    I wonder what her plans are for dealing with all those Bald Eagles trespassing over her wild, Socialist paradise. Does her “edict” impact the contract made with those truckers? Hmmmm. Either way, I suspect that she’ll be moving up the leadership ladder at National Parks soon.

  • David Lohnes

    I clicked on the Pride flags link thinking it would be a story about flying a pride flag at national parks. Instead it was a collection and history of pride flags which confused me until I realized this was on the National Park Service web site. What the …? I pray that Trump’s priority will be to remove this rot from the bureaucracy and shut down many departments, starting with the Department of Education. I’ve been pushing my state representatives to remove DEI departments from all Ohio institutions.

  • Curious what these National Park Service folks think about that. Bet she didn’t poll the room for ‘diverse’ viewpoints from her colleagues.

  • Edward

    From the article:

    “The trucks are flying these American flags, about a foot atop the trucks, about three-foot by four-foot flags, and they said they don’t want this,” the contractor explained. “They’re saying it isn’t conducive and it doesn’t fit the park experience.”

    But the sight of the much larger trucks are conducive to the park experience? Are the sights of the bridges and the permanent scars of the roadways also conducive to the park experience?

    What about the flags at the park entrances, the ranger stations, and the visitor centers?

    We can see why she cannot get a job outside of government.

  • Milt

    Funny, she doesn’t *look* like someone who despises this country and everything that it stands for. The problem is, she and millions and millions of younger people like her have grown up imbibing the woke Kool-Aid about what a hellhole of irredeemable evil and repression the United States is now and has always been. And, yes, even the National Park System — per Ken Burns, “America’s Best Idea” — was built on the back of the theft of native lands and the oppression of indigenous peoples. As is de rigueur at government agency meetings in San Francisco, one imagines that Ms. Merrell opens the day with a ritual apology to the the aboriginal people whose land the National Park Service stole from them.

    Likewise, it must be tough for her to work there if she is triggered by the sight of the American flag — if it is still there — in front of her
    office. Just a thought, but I wonder if she has considered setting herself afloat on an ice floe to help expiate for all of her ancestors’ sins?
    It’s the least that she could do.

  • Concerned

    Milt–great idea. Another good suggestion for her is to camp out in the midst of the grizzly bear, like that guy Timothy Treadwell, preferably in the spring after hibernation season.

  • pzatchok

    Lefties purposely take jobs like this to change their little part of America into a “clean” America with no right leaning influences.

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