No Strings A Cappella – Past Three O’ Clock

An evening pause: Though written as celebration of the birth of the baby Jesus, I think the lyrics really apply all newborns. As William Wordsworth said, we arrive “trailing clouds of glory.”

past three o’clock,
on a cold frosty morning,
past three o’clock,
good morrow masters all.

born is a baby
gentle as may be,
son of the Eternal
Father supernal.

mid earth rejoices
hearing such voices.
ne’ertofore so well
carolling nowell!

cheese from the dairy
bring they for Mary,
and, not for money,
butter and honey.

thus they: i pray you,
up sirs, nor stay you
till ye confess him
likewise and bless him.

Hat tip Edward Thelen.

USAF Band – Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring

A evening pause: This is almost a real flash mob event at the Air & Space Museum. It seems as if they sneak up on the holiday crowds, but at the same time I am not so sure. Too many cameraman around, as well as performers. Regardless, it is a great performance.

Hat tip Edward Thelen, and Tim Vogel (who suggested this a couple of years ago when I was especially dismissive of fake flash mob events. Since then I’ve mellowed). Also, as Edward notes, the schedule of events at the end of this video no longer applies.

Portrait of Lotte, 0 to 18 years

An evening pause: Somehow, to me, this seems a fitting introduction to the holiday season. From the youtube website, “Lotte from the Netherlands (Utrecht) becomes 18 years old in this film! Dutch filmmaker and artist Frans Hofmeester has been filming and photographing his children Lotte and Vince since birth. Every week the images are shot in the same style.”

Hat tip Edward Thelen.

Robbie the Robot sells for $5.3 million in auction

The science fiction movie prop Robbie the Robot has sold at auction for $5.3 million, making it the second most expensive movie prop in history.

The complete Robby suit, control panel, his jeep, numerous spares, alternate original “claw” hands, and the original wooden stage shipping crates, were sold yesterday (November 21, 2017 ) by Bonhams in New York for US$5,375,000 including buyers premium.

The only purpose-built movie prop to have ever sold for more is Marilyn Monroe’s “subway dress” from The Seven Year Itch (1955) which was sold by Profiles in History for $5,520,000 (inc. buyers premium) in 2011.

Samantha Whates – Anyone Who Knows What Love Is (Will Understand)

An evening pause: Hat tip Jim Mallamace, who tells this story about the song’s origin: ” Future country music star, Jeannie Seely, worked as a secretary at Liberty and Imperial Records in 1963. The producer for the record company, Eddie Ray, was looking for a new song for Rythm & Blues legend, Irma Thomas.

“After each day’s work, Seely would work on her own compositions on the studio piano. One day, Seely was asked to attend an Artists and Repertoire meeting by Ray. She came to the meeting with her stenography pad but was told, no, he wanted her to sing that song she was writing the night before.

“‘Anyone Who Knows What Love Is’ became a 1964 hit for Irma Thomas in both the R&B and Pop charts. It was the first song Seely had published.”

250,000 Dominoes

An evening pause: I haven’t posted one of these in awhile, and this one is a doozy, including three new US domino records: largest domino field, largest domino structure, and largest overall domino project in America. It took 19 builders from 5 countries 7 days (over 1,200 combined hours) to build it.

As I have noted before, I welcome suggestions for evening pauses. If you have suggested before, please suggest again! And if you have never done so but have something you want to suggest, comment here (without mentioning the suggestion itself) and I will provide you info on how to submit your suggestion.

The Danish National Symphony Orchestra – Star Trek Medley

An evening pause: It is never a bad thing to listen to the music from Star Trek (though I would have preferred a larger percentage of this piece devoted to Alexander Courage’s original score).

Hat tip Willi Kusche.

Readers: If you want to contribute to Behind the Black, you can! I am in need of Evening Pause suggestions. If you haven’t suggested any before and want to now, comment here (without posting the link to your suggestion) and I will contact you!

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