Today’s blacklisted Americans: All religious schools
They’re coming for you next: The homosexual lobby is pushing the Biden administration to deny accreditation to any religious school that did not endorse its political and sexual agendas.
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), America’s largest and most powerful LGBT lobby organizations, is pushing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to target Christian educational institutions, demanding that the Biden Administration strip colleges that adhere to rules and positions opposing homosexuality of their accreditation. The HRC’s “Blueprint for Positive Change,” which offers 85 recommendations, proposes eliminating non-discrimination exemptions for religious colleges if they refuse to abandon the biblical position on marriage.
The Blueprint states, “Language regarding accreditation of religious institutions of higher education in the Higher Education Opportunity Act could be interpreted to require accrediting bodies to accredit religious institutions that discriminate or do not meet science-based curricula standards. The Department of Education should issue a regulation clarifying that this provision, which requires accreditation agencies to ‘respect the stated mission’ of religious institutions, does not require the accreditation of religious institutions that do not meet neutral accreditation standards including nondiscrimination policies and scientific curriculum requirements.”
In other words, if a religious school forbids homosexual behavior among its students or teaches it is a sin, based entirely on that school’s religious beliefs, it accreditation should be cancelled, and its ability to provide students legally recognized degrees eliminated.
Understand that if you are homosexual you have plenty of very friendly schools to go to that will celebrate your sexual preferences and beliefs. No one is oppressing you because a Christian, Evangelical, or Orthodox Jewish school believe otherwise.
That’s not enough however for the leftist gay lobby. Just because it has successfully created positive options for itself throughout society it must still destroy any options for those who disagree with it. This is the epitome of oppression and intolerance.
At this moment the Biden administration has not accepted these recommendations, but if you think it won’t, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I want to sell you. One of the very first executive orders signed by Biden was one that required schools to let men who “identify” as women compete in women’s sports. They remain men in every biological sense except the clothes they wear, their hairstyle, and (most important) their utterly delusional belief they are a women.
If Joe Biden and the Washington leftist crowd that runs our federal government thinks this edict makes rational sense, we must expect them to do whatever they can to shut down religious schools for daring to express any dissent of the homosexual movement’s agenda.
The first amendment be damned! You are all going to obey our new leftist lords, or you will be silenced!
They’re coming for you next: The homosexual lobby is pushing the Biden administration to deny accreditation to any religious school that did not endorse its political and sexual agendas.
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), America’s largest and most powerful LGBT lobby organizations, is pushing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to target Christian educational institutions, demanding that the Biden Administration strip colleges that adhere to rules and positions opposing homosexuality of their accreditation. The HRC’s “Blueprint for Positive Change,” which offers 85 recommendations, proposes eliminating non-discrimination exemptions for religious colleges if they refuse to abandon the biblical position on marriage.
The Blueprint states, “Language regarding accreditation of religious institutions of higher education in the Higher Education Opportunity Act could be interpreted to require accrediting bodies to accredit religious institutions that discriminate or do not meet science-based curricula standards. The Department of Education should issue a regulation clarifying that this provision, which requires accreditation agencies to ‘respect the stated mission’ of religious institutions, does not require the accreditation of religious institutions that do not meet neutral accreditation standards including nondiscrimination policies and scientific curriculum requirements.”
In other words, if a religious school forbids homosexual behavior among its students or teaches it is a sin, based entirely on that school’s religious beliefs, it accreditation should be cancelled, and its ability to provide students legally recognized degrees eliminated.
Understand that if you are homosexual you have plenty of very friendly schools to go to that will celebrate your sexual preferences and beliefs. No one is oppressing you because a Christian, Evangelical, or Orthodox Jewish school believe otherwise.
That’s not enough however for the leftist gay lobby. Just because it has successfully created positive options for itself throughout society it must still destroy any options for those who disagree with it. This is the epitome of oppression and intolerance.
At this moment the Biden administration has not accepted these recommendations, but if you think it won’t, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I want to sell you. One of the very first executive orders signed by Biden was one that required schools to let men who “identify” as women compete in women’s sports. They remain men in every biological sense except the clothes they wear, their hairstyle, and (most important) their utterly delusional belief they are a women.
If Joe Biden and the Washington leftist crowd that runs our federal government thinks this edict makes rational sense, we must expect them to do whatever they can to shut down religious schools for daring to express any dissent of the homosexual movement’s agenda.
The first amendment be damned! You are all going to obey our new leftist lords, or you will be silenced!