Johnny Cash – Hurt
An evening pause: A truly moving music video by Cash, reflecting on his life in music and pictures.
Make your own memories this weekend.
Hat tip Judd Clark.
An evening pause: A truly moving music video by Cash, reflecting on his life in music and pictures.
Make your own memories this weekend.
Hat tip Judd Clark.
An evening pause: Performed live on television, 1969, on the Johnny Cash show.
Hat tip Jim Mallamace, who notes that “life imitates art, Ronstadt never married.”
An evening pause: I normally don’t post two suggestions in a row from the same reader, but this particular collapsible (!) guitar contrasts too nicely with Friday’s theorbo. From the youtube webpage:
If the ability to break down and re-assemble wasn’t crazy enough, it actually STAYS IN TUNE when you put it back together, thanks to the air-tight construction techniques and locking tuners!
The song is by Johnny Cash.
Hat tip Jeff Poplin.
An evening pause: In memory of the many ordinary and great people who worked and will work hard to build good things, now and into the future.
Hat tip Cotour.
An evening pause: Performed live on the Johnny Cash television show, c1969.
Hat tip Diane Zimmerman.
An evening pause: Hat tip Jim Mallamace, who said, “A song about longing and being incomplete.”
And seeing Willie Nelson without a beard in itself makes this worth watching.
An evening pause: Normally I prefer live performances. Normally I don’t like music videos edited with pretentious images, often about adolescent angst. This video is none of that. It is Johnny Cash, in his old age, looking back in time.
Hat tip Jeff Poplin.
Want to suggest an evening pause? Then say so in the comments here. Don’t post the suggestion, just say that you have something to suggest, and I will contact you!
An evening pause: A nice live performance of Steve Goodman’s classic song, with Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash and Kris Kristofferson providing backup and chorus for Willie Nelson.