Today’s new blacklist member: Senator Josh Hawley
They’re coming for you next: Merely because conservative Senator Josh Hawley (R-Missouri) was disturbed by the many allegations of voter fraud and election tampering during the November 3rd election and wanted these allegations investigated before agreeing to the certification of a Joe Biden victory, he has become a marked man, with one publisher canceling a contract to publish his book, and the hotel chain Loews canceling a planned fundraising event for the senator.
Somehow, to the Loews corporate management, simply raising questions about voter fraud is now an act of violence and insurrection. From the Loews company:
We are horrified and opposed to the events at the Capitol and all who supported and incited the actions. In light of those events and for the safety of our guests and team members, we have informed the host of the Feb. fundraiser [for Hawley] that it will no longer be held at Loews Hotels.
Meanwhile, Simon & Schuster canceled Hawley’s book for similar absurd reasons.
As a publisher it will always be our mission to amplify a variety of voices and viewpoints: At the same time we take seriously our larger public responsibility as citizens, and cannot support Senator Hawley after his role in what became a dangerous threat.
That Hawley has for months consistently condemned all violence and rioting, this statement by Simon & Schuster reeks of crocodile tears, hypocrisy, and blatant partisanship. Trust me, as a modern publisher whose staff is dominated by young minds indoctrinated by leftist academia, Simon & Schuster has no interest in “amplifying a variety of voices and viewpoints.” Say something that criticizes the dominant leftist culture and they will squash you like a bug, instantly.
Welcome Senator Hawley to hallowed ground. You have now been blacklisted, merely because you have a different opinion than these liberal thugs. Hold your head high.
They’re coming for you next: Merely because conservative Senator Josh Hawley (R-Missouri) was disturbed by the many allegations of voter fraud and election tampering during the November 3rd election and wanted these allegations investigated before agreeing to the certification of a Joe Biden victory, he has become a marked man, with one publisher canceling a contract to publish his book, and the hotel chain Loews canceling a planned fundraising event for the senator.
Somehow, to the Loews corporate management, simply raising questions about voter fraud is now an act of violence and insurrection. From the Loews company:
We are horrified and opposed to the events at the Capitol and all who supported and incited the actions. In light of those events and for the safety of our guests and team members, we have informed the host of the Feb. fundraiser [for Hawley] that it will no longer be held at Loews Hotels.
Meanwhile, Simon & Schuster canceled Hawley’s book for similar absurd reasons.
As a publisher it will always be our mission to amplify a variety of voices and viewpoints: At the same time we take seriously our larger public responsibility as citizens, and cannot support Senator Hawley after his role in what became a dangerous threat.
That Hawley has for months consistently condemned all violence and rioting, this statement by Simon & Schuster reeks of crocodile tears, hypocrisy, and blatant partisanship. Trust me, as a modern publisher whose staff is dominated by young minds indoctrinated by leftist academia, Simon & Schuster has no interest in “amplifying a variety of voices and viewpoints.” Say something that criticizes the dominant leftist culture and they will squash you like a bug, instantly.
Welcome Senator Hawley to hallowed ground. You have now been blacklisted, merely because you have a different opinion than these liberal thugs. Hold your head high.