Today’s blacklisted American: Pernicious anti-white bigotry controls the government in Seattle

Seattle: dedicated to segregation!
Seattle, controlled by Democrats and dedicated to the new segregation!

“Segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!” Because of the continuous and never-ending racial bigotry that is now normal in Seattle and which eventually forced him from his city job, Joshua Diemert has sued for $300,000 in compensatory and punitive damages.

You can read the lawsuit here [pdf].

The list of abuses against Diemert is beyond horrible. Simply because he is white he was forced to resign a supervisor position so that two unqualified minorities could replace him, was then denied later promotions, then investigated for no reason, and was later accused of being a genocidal Nazi while being forced to attend critical race theory classes that routinely labeled all whites as bigots. As only one small example, consider these details from his complaint:
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