July 30, 2019 Zimmerman Space Show podcast

David Livingston has now made the podcast of my two hour appearance on the Space Show available. You can either listen or download the podcast here.

Another show. I will admit when the conversation shifted to the federal budget and the desires of space geeks to have lots of money for space, regardless of the debt it creates, I got a little hot. I then referenced this essay by me from November 2011: NASA, the federal budget, and common sense.

Everything I wrote then still applies. Worse, no one in our federal government has attempted any of it. The federal budget continues to rage out of control, and what NASA spends continues to be spent poorly.

May 7, 2019 Zimmerman Space Show podcast

David Livingston has now made the podcast of my two hour appearance on the Space Show available. You can either listen or download the podcast here.

I would call this one of the best shows. Among the topics discussed was the smallsat rocket revolution, the corruption of governmental rule expressed by the creation of Gateway without the approval of elected officials, and the Chinese threat to the U.S. space industry and military.

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