October 31, 2018 Zimmerman/Pratt podcast

Today I sent a half hour with Robert Pratt of Pratt on Texas, doing two segments. In the first segment, available here, we discussed the announcement by SpaceX that it was going to do the first flight tests of its Big Falcon Rocket out of its new spaceport in Boca Chica, Texas.

In the second segment, available here, Robert allowed me to vent about the disgusting behavior of the leftist protesters during a moment of silence for those killed by an anti-Semite in Pittsburgh.

Both are worth listening to, especially the second.

First link fixed!

September 19, 2018 Zimmerman Beyond Reality appearance

If you want to listen to my appearance yesterday on Beyond Reality Radio, the podcast is now available on youtube here, cued to the start of the segment.

This appearance was a real pleasure, because it was very clear the hosts had not only researched things beforehand so they could come up with good questions, they also listened to what I actually said. I hope to appear again on their show.

On the radio + September 18, 2018 Zimmerman/Batchelor podcast

The Batchelor podcast is embedded below the fold in two parts. Meanwhile, I will be on the radio for extended appearances both tonight and tomorrow night. Tonight I make what I think will be my first appearance on Beyond Reality Radio from approximately 12 midnight to 2 am (eastern). Tomorrow I make another one of my long appearances on Coast to Coast from 12 midnight to 2 am (pacific).

Every one of these should be a blast.
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September 4, 2018 Zimmerman/Batchelor podcast

Embedded below the fold, in two parts. The first segment covers two subjects in depth: First, the airleak on the Soyuz capsule on ISS and the consequences for Russia, and second, the controversy over the decision by the filmmakers of the movie First Man to leave out the scene where the astronauts planted the American flag on the Moon. With the second topic I outline my present thoughts about this in detail, something I think my readers might find edifying.
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