June 13, 2024 Zimmerman/Pratt on Texas podcast

Robert Pratt has now posted a new 30-minute interview with me as part of his Pratt on Texas podcast, discussing a whole range of recent blacklist stories, and their larger context within our sadly presently debased culture.

This is part one of a two part interview, the second half of which Pratt plans to post next week.

That podcast is embedded below. It can also be listened to here.
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April 5, 2024 Zimmerman appearance on the CJN Speaks podcast

The Cut Jib Newsletter podcast, produced by JJ Sefton of the Cut Jib Newsletter blog and CBD (a regular contributor to the Ace of Spades website), graciously recorded an hour-long interview with me yesterday. That podcast is available here and here. I have also embedded it below.

The main topic was the three-part essay I wrote last week, attempting to predict the many crazy and anti-American tactics we can expect from the Democratic Party in the coming months, before and after the election. We went into this at length, and both Sefton and CBD added some points that I had missed, which was very illuminating.

We also spent some time talking about space stuff, but because it is a political blog most of that discussion revolved around the politics that is presently helping or hampering the development of a new American space industry, independent of government control.

Listen to it all. I think you find it worthwhile. And note, when I discuss my book, Conscious Choice, there was one moment where I was going to illustrate an additional reason the book is worth reading, but then my mind went blank. I can tell you now that this point was how Conscious Choice puts the lie to the Marxist 1619 project that claims falsely that American was built solely on the backs of slaves. I tell the real story, and it says very much the opposite, that America was built on freedom, and the slave states of the South only acted to hinder its development into the wealthiest, freest, and most successful nation on Earth, in all history. More important, that success was for all its people, not just those in charge.

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