June 27, 2021 Zimmerman/Pratt on Texas podcast on blacklisting

In addition to the short segment I did on Friday about commercial space exploration for Robert Pratt, I also recorded a 40 minute interview with him discussing the horrible wave of blacklisting and intolerance that is sweeping across America.

That second podcast is now available here. While much of it is a review of my daily column, “Today’s blacklisted American,” Robert and I expanded on the subject. You especially want to hear what I demand we do to stop this intolerance. It is for example not banning critical race theory from schools, a common tactic now being pushed by the generally ineffectual Republican Party in many states.

April 21, 2021 Zimmerman/Pratt podcast

On April 21st, I recorded another 35 minute podcast with Robert Pratt. That podcast is now available at his website at this link. From his description:

An update with author and historian Robert Zimmerman of behindtheblack.com on the current cancel culture we are experiencing, or as Bob put it: Blacklisting Americans.

Trust me, even though we were reviewing the many blacklist stories I have posted in the past few weeks that you might have read, you want to listen. I expand on those posts, outlining why I am doing them, and what they illustrate about our larger society. Free-thinking and liberty-loving Americans are no longer the majority in this country. We face a terrible battle to make “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” the central principle of America once again.

On a positive note, Pratt has begun re-establishing his radio network in Texas. The corporate blacklisters have tried to silence him, but he’s thumbing his nose at those petty tyrants. Go Robert!

On the radio

I will be doing a quickly scheduled appearance with Robert Pratt at 5 pm (Central) today on his Pratt on Texas radio network, airing across the Lone Star State. You can listen live here or from an affiliate station available here.

The interview is scheduled for 30 minutes, but it could go longer. The subject will be the muzzle of oppression that so many Americans are now willing to put on their faces.

On the radio

Tomorrow, September 24, 2020, at 6:00 pm (Central) I will be spending an hour on Pratt on Texas with Robert Pratt, aired on 790-AM KFYO in Lubbock, 1470-AM KYYW in Abilene, and 1290-AM KWFS in Wichita Falls. Also available here.

We will talk space a bit, but the bulk of the hour will be talking about the insane panic over the Wuhan virus, and the refusal of people to see that the epidemic is fading, and that it wasn’t the horror it has been sold has.

On the radio

I will be doing a half hour live, beginning at 6:05 pm (Central) with Robert Pratt on Pratt on Texas, aired on 790-AM KFYO in Lubbock, 1470-AM KYYW in Abilene, and 1290-AM KWFS in Wichita Falls.

The subject will be the coronavirus, and the insane overreaction to it by many who should know better.

On the radio

I will be visiting with Robert Pratt today at 6:05 pm (Eastern) for an hour on his Texas radio show, Pratt on Texas, aired on 790-AM KFYO in Lubbock, 1470-AM KYYW in Abilene, and 1290-AM KWFS in Wichita Falls.

I expect we will be discussing SLS and the effort of the corrupt culture of Washington to keep that unproductive boondoggle alive.

October 31, 2018 Zimmerman/Pratt podcast

Today I sent a half hour with Robert Pratt of Pratt on Texas, doing two segments. In the first segment, available here, we discussed the announcement by SpaceX that it was going to do the first flight tests of its Big Falcon Rocket out of its new spaceport in Boca Chica, Texas.

In the second segment, available here, Robert allowed me to vent about the disgusting behavior of the leftist protesters during a moment of silence for those killed by an anti-Semite in Pittsburgh.

Both are worth listening to, especially the second.

First link fixed!

On the radio

I will be spending a half hour today at 5:05 pm (Central) with Robert Pratt of Pratt on Texas, aired on 790-AM KFYO in Lubbock, 1470-AM KYYW in Abilene, and 1290-AM KWFS in Wichita Falls.

The subject will be the recent successful legal push back by conservatives against the oppressive lies from the left, as outlined in my post earlier this week, Some victories against modern leftist oppression.

And it appears that this push back is gaining steam, something we will certainly discuss.

June 8, 2018 Zimmerman/Pratt podcast

The podcast for my June 8th appearance on Robert Pratt’s Pratt on Texas radio show is now available here.

The discussion was focused on statements by Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) in support of continued funding for ISS. For a guy who ran for President under the banner of destroying what he called the “Washington cartel,” his present position lobbying hard for big space projects seems quite hypocritical, and requires some analysis.

On the radio

On Tuesday, December 19, 2017 I spent an hour with Robert Pratt on his Pratt on Texas radio show. Most of the show was devoted not to space and science but to discussing my weekly updates on the fascist culture on too many of today’s American campuses.

Robert has just let me know that this hour-long interview is going to be replayed twice over the next two weeks, on Christmas Day, December 25, 2017, and on New Year’s Day, January 1, 2018, both times from 6 to 7 pm Central time. He also let me know that the best link to listen is here.

So, if you have nothing better to do during these holidays, here is something that might help to fill your time.

May 6, 2016 Zimmerman/Pratt podcast

On Friday afternoon I spent 90 minutes with Robert Pratt on his radio show, Pratt on Texas. Unlike most radio hosts, Robert wanted to hear my thoughts not just on the state of the aerospace industry, but also on today’s politics. The conversation thus ranged beyond space during the last half hour. If anyone wants to hear this conversation, the podcast be found here.

Note: The podcast now works at this link.

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