Today’s blacklisted American: For too many, it ain’t my problem

Rick, stating the truth in Casablanca
Still asleep, and tragically, they refuse to wake up.

Last week I took a break from publishing my daily “Today’s blacklisted American” column. It is without doubt a depressing chore to detail day after day examples where power-hungry thugs smash their jackboots on the faces of innocent people, merely because those innocent people committed the horrible crime of disagreeing with thugs.

I found I needed that break. I also had sensed — from the overall decreasing interest by news aggregate sites in my column — that the news business, even the conservative news business, was becoming bored with these stories.

Worse, I sensed that many readers found these stories distasteful and wished to avoid them. Though I don’t give a rat’s ass that these ostriches (with their heads in the sand) were bothered, it was nonetheless depressing to sense such people existed, and nothing I did could ever penetrate their close-minded brains.

My post announcing this break sadly confirmed my worse fears.
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The modern horror story

Two stories in the news today illustrate the debased and corrupt culture of our modern leftwing society, even though neither story is about anything that society has actually done.

First there is this story out of Syria of the brutal beheading of an 82-year-old retired archaeologist by ISIS.

Mr Asaad had been detained and interrogated for over a month by the ultra-radical Sunni Muslim militants, who demanded to know where many of the ancient city’s priceless artifacts had been taken in the days before and after ISIS took control of the city. Sickening images proudly shared on social media by supporters of the terror group showed the mutilated remains of Mr Asaad chained to a railing, with his severed head – still wearing glasses – placed on the floor between his feet.

Then there is this story about the release of another undercover Planned Parenthood video.

In the latest video produced by the Center for Medical Progress, Holly O’Donnell describes a medical technician using scissors to cut through the face of a newly aborted but nearly fully developed baby boy at a Planned Parenthood facility so that his intact brain could be extracted.

Both stories describe acts of evil by evil organizations. In the first case it is the brutal murder of a scientist by Islamic fundamentalists merely because he couldn’t produce any gold or silver artifacts for them to melt down for money. In the second, it is the nonchalant dissection of a newborn baby boy, with the technician coolly declaring that this was “…the most gestated fetus and closest thing to a baby I’ve seen.”

To me, however, the real horror is not what these organizations have done, as terrible and evil as it is. The real horror is the willingness of our intellectual elite society, most of whom are liberal and Democrat, to look the other way, either to pretend these things aren’t happening (as in the case of ISIS) or to aggressively defend the organization in its behavior (as in the case of Planned Parenthood).

We all know the saying: “For evil to triumph good men need only do nothing.” In today’s society, I have increasing doubts that the people who want to do nothing about these evils are good.