Check out the National Speed Trap Exchange.
Going on a trip? Check out the National Speed Trap Exchange.
Going on a trip? Check out the National Speed Trap Exchange.
Going on a trip? Check out the National Speed Trap Exchange.
Why Obama’s poor primary performances matter.
The day of reckoning looms: Using the budget balancing rules Congress imposed on private companies, the annual federal deficit turns out to be five times greater than the official but fake numbers Congress normally publishes.
The big difference between the official deficit and standard accounting: Congress exempts itself from including the cost of promised retirement benefits. Yet companies, states and local governments must include retirement commitments in financial statements, as required by federal law and private boards that set accounting rules.
The deficit was $5 trillion last year under those rules. The official number was $1.3 trillion. Liabilities for Social Security, Medicare and other retirement programs rose by $3.7 trillion in 2011, according to government actuaries, but the amount was not registered on the government’s books.
The Google X Prize has agreed to recognize the guidelines created by NASA for protecting the historic first landing sites on the Moon.
In glancing at the guidelines, I found it fascinating that it only mentions the Soviet lunar rover sites as an aside, noting their value but stating that
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Dragon’s dress rehearsal rendezvou last night was a success, and the spacecraft has been cleared to proceed with berthing tomorrow morning.
Dragon’s test rendezvous with ISS tonight has begun.
The rendezvous won’t be completed until 6:30 am (Eastern), with two orbital engine burns scheduled for 3 and 4 am. For further updates you can go here. Or you can watch everything on NASA TV.
No more banging that ketchup bottle: Engineers at MIT have developed a coating for the insides of food containers that will allow all the food to flow out.
More information on the leftwing activist, Brett Kimberlin, who is trying to destroy bloggers who criticize him, and the effort of the blogosphere to fight back.
We’re here to help you: The University of Arkansas has been forced by the Obama Justice Department to allow a male student permanent access to female bathrooms.
From the Palestinian Authority: “[Christians and Jews] are inferior and smaller, more cowardly and despised.”
Two points: 1. This was read on the PA’s official television network by a a young girl as part of a children’s show. 2. Our federal government, under the Obama administration, has sent the PA hundreds of millions of dollars to fund this kind of bigotry and hate.
Dragon has been approved to approach within 1.5 miles of ISS tonight in its first rendezvous test. More information here.
If this goes well tonight, Dragon will next attempt to approach the station close enough for its robot arm to grab it.
The work is good if you can get it: Four Princeton physicists received over $1.5 million in lodging subsidies from the Department of Energy while on “temporary” assignment to other labs, even after living at that assignment for as much as 14 years.
The above story, from Science, takes a more sympathic view of this misuse of government funds. The Washington Post is more blunt:
Four high-ranking federal lab workers found a way to turn “per diem” funds for a temporary assignment into a steady flow of extra income — at taxpayers’ expense. The overpayments, discovered in an inspector general’s audit, boosted the annual pay of some of the employees by as much as $64,000.
The Department of Energy paid the four scientists roughly $1.8 million for daily lodging and “inconvenience” during assignments away from home. But these scientists were paid as if they were on temporary duty for up to 14 years — long after most had permanently relocated to job sites.
The problem with this story is that it isn’t an exception but the rule. Right now the wolves are guarding the chicken house, and they are raiding it routinely for as much cash as they can get. Consider for example last week’s story about the NIH study that has spent a billion dollars without even getting off the ground.
You give someone the equivalent of a blank check, and they will make no effort to do things efficiently, or even to do what you hired them for.
Never mind! Scientists who published a study last month that said they could find no evidence of dark matter in nearby interstellar space have re-analyzed their data and found that the dark matter is apparently there.
The National Academy holds a panel of past and present presidential science advisers, and invites only Democrats.
It just wouldn’t be right to allow an alternative perspective into the discussion, would it?
Leftwing civility: How a leftist activist/convicted bomber is working to destroy the lives of several bloggers.
The new colonial movement: At a conference in Washington DC yesterday both Russia and Japan announced the Moon as their next primary space exploration goal.
If the U.S. gets a competitive private aerospace industry going — which seems increasingly likely — I’m willing to bet those companies will get to the Moon before either of these governments.
“The Obama camp looks ominously like a cult of personality that tolerates no dissent.”
From a black, a Democrat, and a former Congressman.
What does this tell us? “Uncommitted” got 42 percent of the vote against Barack Obama in the Kentucky primary today,
Update: Meanwhile, in Arkansas, Obama is only getting 59 percent of the vote against a relatively unknown Democrat candidate.
The speaker is a Republican, and he is talking correctly about the first four years of the Bush Jr. presidency.
Based on new calculations, an astronomer has proposed the existence of an unseen planet four times the size of Earth lurking in the outer reaches of the solar system.
Iran is expected to launch its first maneuverable satellite tomorrow.
Killer microbes from the edge of space? One organization wants to know.
Leftwing civility: A conservative blogger and his family have been forced into hiding for revealing the criminal past of a leftwing activist.
R.I.P. Eugene Polley, inventor of the television remote control.
Several key elected officials who have generally been hostile to commercial space have commented positively to the successful launch of the Dragon capsule last night.
First, Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) released this short statement:
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Tone deaf: The Democrats on the Senate Appropriations Committee have approved raising airline security fees in order to fund the TSA.
The world’s tallest tower opened to tourists today in Tokyo.
The discrepancy refers to a claim made by the Obama administration about one benefit of Obamacare, compared to the reality of what has actually happened.
It is time to repeal this disaster of a law. We should also fire the politicians who foisted it on us.