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The rot in academia is very deep-rooted

The poison Ivy League
The poison Ivy League: pushing bigotry as goal #1!

Last week I wrote how the bankrupt testimony of the heads of Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania, and MIT in front of Congress, where all three gave legalistic answers when asked whether a call for the genocide of Jews would violate their colleges’ code of conduct, might have finally made ordinary Americans aware of the depravity and corruption that now permeates almost all of American academia.

It certainly appears so, based on the loud and almost universal condemnation of these three college presidents, with numerous calls for their resignations, from both Republicans and Democrats as well as students, teachers, and alumni.

What I did not note however was how deeply rooted that depravity and corruption is within academia, that even if all three of these presidents were immediately fired it would likely change nothing.

In fact, we can see the depth of that depravity by the response from all three colleges to this controversy. Only one president has so far been removed, and there only partly. At UPenn, President M. Elizabeth Magill submitted her resignation as president on December 9, 2023, after a meeting of the college’s board of trustees. That resignation however did not sever her ties to the school. She is still a tenured faculty member at the college’s law school, with the chairman of the board issuing his own endorsement of her good qualities (even as he resigned as well).

In other words, the university is very sorry you were offended. Magill did nothing wrong, we are doing nothing wrong, and we are going to do as little as we can to get the heat off of us as quickly as possible, so that we can then resume doing what we have been doing, indoctrinating racial hatred and anti-Semitism in all students.

Meanwhile at Harvard, the board of trustees responded by issuing a full endorsement of its own president, Claudine Gay, refusing to sanction her in any way for her willingness to allow anti-Semitism at Harvard. Worse, this endorsement occurred after news reports revealed she had repeatedly committed plagiarism in her published work. From the trustee’s statement:

With regard to President Gay’s academic writings, the University became aware in late October of allegations regarding three articles. At President Gay’s request, the Fellows promptly initiated an independent review by distinguished political scientists and conducted a review of her published work. On December 9, the Fellows reviewed the results, which revealed a few instances of inadequate citation. While the analysis found no violation of Harvard’s standards for research misconduct, President Gay is proactively requesting four corrections in two articles to insert citations and quotation marks that were omitted from the original publications.

In this tumultuous and difficult time, we unanimously stand in support of President Gay. At Harvard, we champion open discourse and academic freedom, and we are united in our strong belief that calls for violence against our students and disruptions of the classroom experience will not be tolerated. Harvard’s mission is advancing knowledge, research, and discovery that will help address deep societal issues and promote constructive discourse, and we are confident that President Gay will lead Harvard forward toward accomplishing this vital work. [emphasis mine]

The highlighted words are important, because they are an utter lie. Not only is Harvard ranked last in supporting free speech by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) — with the lowest score possible, zero — university officials proved their contempt for the first amendment and free speech by cancelling two days earlier a lecture by a visiting congressman, apparently because that congressman had just made a public statement noting Harvard’s low free speech ranking and how Gay’s claims during her congressional testimony supporting free speech were completely hollow.

The organizers of the lecture, from the college’s John Adams Society, had made all arrangements with the school, and had all their paperwork in order for a December 8th lecture. As late as December 5th college officials had confirmed that all was okay and that the event would happen.

Then, suddenly, the day after the congressman had made his public remarks, Harvard suddenly announced the event was cancelled for the bogus reason that the event had a non-Harvard-affiliated co-sponsor. University officials also lied and claimed that they had no record of any event in their files, despite documented and numerous email exchanges with John Adams Society members’ previously.

It also appears that when Harvard discovered in October that Gay had committed plagiarism, it not only worked to smooth over her offense, it attempted to cover it up while simultaneously threatening the New York Post with legal action should it report it.

Meanwhile, the response at MIT to president Sally Kornbluth’s testimony has been complete silence. Unlike Magill and Gay, who immediately attempted to quell the outrage by making statements of apology afterward, Kornbluth has said absolutely nothing. Nor has her college responded in any way. It appears they have decided if they just wait for a few weeks, the firestorm will quiet down and they will then be able to go on as they have, allowing their Jewish students and teachers to be threatened and harassed continuously.

What is clear from all three colleges is a strong desire to maintain the status quo, as much as possible. None of them have done anything to shut down their bigoted Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion offices that now promote racial hatred by focusing entirely on a student’s racial, sexual, and ethnic identity rather than the person itself.

The user's manual for all three universities
The modern academic user’s manual

Please devote a few minutes looking the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion websites of all three universities (at Harvard, at MIT, and at UPenn). You will be sickened both by the bigotry exhibited as well as the lack of awareness about how bigoted they each are. UPenn’s office for example issues a report [pdf] that proudly touts its racial hiring quotas and the effort the college is making to meet them. MIT meanwhile excitedly notes that its own racial quotas have resulted in a decline in white students and faculty by anywhere from 12% to 14%.

Harvard’s office in turn posts a defiant response to the Supreme Court’s decision that outlawed such racial discrimination. Gay herself issued a statement claiming the university’s support of these racial programs “remains steadfast.”

Rather than recognize the rot that permeates these schools, it appears their officials want to maintain and even strengthen it. Their goals are no longer teaching but pushing Marxist racist policies, in all things, even if that means favoring terrorist organizations like Hamas, while allowing harassment and violence against Jews.

Worse, these schools are not the exception, but the rule across all of academia. If you care to look, you will find it difficult to find any university today that doesn’t have a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion office. You also will find that they all practice racial discrimination in hiring, admissions, and even grading, and that teaching intellectural rigor has been replaced with empty Marxist slogans.

A major house-cleaning is necessary. It must begin first with parents and high school students nationwide, who must reject these schools as options. It must then continue with the business community, who must either reject graduates from these schools, or rate them of lower quality.

And this house-cleaning must continue with state and federal legislatures. All funding to these institutions must be challenged and reduced. If they wish to support racial bigotry they should do it on their own dime.

Genesis cover

On Christmas Eve 1968 three Americans became the first humans to visit another world. What they did to celebrate was unexpected and profound, and will be remembered throughout all human history. Genesis: the Story of Apollo 8, Robert Zimmerman's classic history of humanity's first journey to another world, tells that story, and it is now available as both an ebook and an audiobook, both with a foreword by Valerie Anders and a new introduction by Robert Zimmerman.


The print edition can be purchased at Amazon. Or you can buy it directly from the author and get an autographed copy.

The ebook is available everywhere for $5.99 (before discount) at amazon, or direct from my ebook publisher, ebookit. If you buy it from ebookit you don't support the big tech companies and the author gets a bigger cut much sooner.

The audiobook is also available at all these vendors, and is also free with a 30-day trial membership to Audible.

"Not simply about one mission, [Genesis] is also the history of America's quest for the moon... Zimmerman has done a masterful job of tying disparate events together into a solid account of one of America's greatest human triumphs."--San Antonio Express-News


  • Col Beausabre

    Bob, You made a misteak – the mascot of these “schools” (reeducation camps/indoctrination centers is more like it) isn’t 1984, but 666.

  • Andi

    Minor edit in paragraph before quote: “had repeatedly committed plagiarism in”
    similarly, in fourth paragraph after quote: “had committed plagiarism”

    I love all the detail in your writing, and wish I could be so precise. Keep it up!

    I am now totally embarrassed to have to admit that I attended two of the three schools named in your article, and have let them know this in responding to their requests for donations. I will let the alumni associations know as well.

  • Andi: All fixed, including a mispelling of “affiliation” that I spotted in the process.

    That you are an almuni at two of these schools places you in a position to actually have some influence, small as it might be. Let them know, loudly, what you think of them.

  • Billy Jay

    Names. It’s the only way. Institutions are made up of individuals. Name names and shame them into oblivion.

  • Jeff Wright

    Magill huh?

    Call her “Slippin’ Lizzy.”

  • Tom Billings

    Bob, in this I must disagree with you. You said:

    “A major house-cleaning is necessary.” …. and, ….

    “You also will find that they all practice racial discrimination in hiring, admissions, and even grading, and that teaching intellectural rigor has been replaced with empty Marxist slogans.”

    You evade the reason they do this, and thus their incentives for doing it. It is not random.

    These universities do it to both boost employment for their non-STEM graduates, and to get donations from governments. Specifically, donations from governments that want to shape American society, in ways that set well with a wave of reaction against industrializing societies around the world. That particular wave of reaction is Caliphate Revivalism. Their immediate tool is donations for “Middle East Studies Departments”, which are surprisingly complacent about all the other things that universities want to do with donated money, like hire more administrators in DEI.

    To make Caliphate Revivalism prevail, their first step is the destruction of Jews, everywhere. They start that step with Israel, its defamation and its isolation, on and off campus. They will only end it when industrializing countries can no longer even think of defending any industrial culture, which means they cannot defend themselves against the renewal of a worldwide imperial Caliphate.

    The core problem is that since 1088A.D., when the Universitat De Bologna was chartered by Henry IV, the social institution called today “University” is a training center for government clerks, and an advocate for the State, since various levels of the State employ more University graduates than any other organization in society. The difference now is that even the Democrats are beginning to realize that it is *not*our*State*, holding the donation leash.

    This is why the solution is not reform or “a good scrubbing”. That will only put off the day when the next wave of reaction does something similar. The only change that will work is to replace the social institution of the University, and its dependent institutions, with some other means of passing knowledge, from one generation to the next, that does not accept support from any State. That task is going to be a screaming, howling nightmare, but it must be done, or we will find ourselves back under agrarian culture hierarchies, like the University, defaming and undermining the highly productive networks of industrial society around the world. Yes, that includes Israel.

  • Beverly

    We are facing “la trahison des clercs.”

  • @Beverly: that’s *exactly* what Niall Ferguson argues

  • Tom Billings suggested:

    “The only change that will work is to replace the social institution of the University, and its dependent institutions, with some other means of passing knowledge, from one generation to the next, that does not accept support from any State.”

    European monasteries performed much this same function from the sixth to the fifteenth centuries AD, a period spanning the so-called Dark Ages, into the Age of (European) Exploration. Of course, you may want to be a fighting monk, given the experience of monasteries in the Vikings range.

  • Milt

    While the DEI agenda may be contemptible, it certainly can be profitable:

    In most cases, DEI is used simply to advance careers and ideological agendas, but as this individual has demonstrated, there is plenty of room for fraud.

  • pzatchok

    “This is no different, and the Elected Officials of Color has been around for more than a decade.”

    Meaning they have been secretly holding a racist no whites government sponsored party annually for over ten years.

  • pzatchok

    The city’s first Asian-American mayor defended the event, saying, “I’ve been a part of a group that gathers, representing elected officials of color across all different levels of government in Massachusetts. A group that has been in place for more than a decade, and the opportunity to create a space for people to celebrate and rotate who hosts.”

    So its not just city government but the whole of the state who sponsors racist parties against white people.

    I know exactly what their first excuse will be.
    “We just wanted a space that our minorities felt safe and could openly talk without the influence of white people around.”

    Like I always say. You you can reverse the roles in the statement and it sounds racist then it was originally racist. What would they say about a whites only party?

  • pzatchok

    When you can,,,


  • Edward

    Tom Billings wrote: “This is why the solution is not reform or ‘a good scrubbing’. That will only put off the day when the next wave of reaction does something similar. The only change that will work is to replace the social institution of the University, and its dependent institutions, with some other means of passing knowledge, from one generation to the next, that does not accept support from any State. That task is going to be a screaming, howling nightmare, but it must be done, or we will find ourselves back under agrarian culture hierarchies, like the University, defaming and undermining the highly productive networks of industrial society around the world. Yes, that includes Israel.

    There was such an institution. It was used for centuries. Apprenticeships.


    “Oh, it was without doubt a mistake. Boston mayor Wu, IMO, is just sorry the email was “mishandled” and sent to those “people” she is forced to associate with. ”

    Read the rest………………..

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