Israel today issued a strong warning about the possibility that Iran could have enough uranium within a month to produce a nuclear bomb.

Another day of reckoning looms: Israel today issued a strong warning about the possibility that Iran could have enough uranium within a month to produce a nuclear bomb.

“We have made it crystal clear – in all possible forums, that Israel will not stand by and watch Iran develop weaponry that will put us, the entire Middle East and eventually the world, under an Iranian umbrella of terror,” Danny Danon, Israel’s deputy defense minister told USA TODAY.

This is not good. For Israel, Iran is a real and present threat. They have made it repeatedly clear that they wish to destroy Israel. Soon, very soon, they will have the capability. For Israel to stand by and let them get that capability would be insane.

What Israel can do, however, is unclear. As strong militarily as Israel is, it does not really have the ability to invade Iran and destroy its developing nuclear facilities. I fear that the only choice it might have is to use its own nuclear arsenal to hit Iran first.

As I said, this is not good. The options before us are truly frightening.

An Iranian news release today says that researchers at a local university have “designed and built” a manned spacecraft.

The competition heats up? An Iranian news release today says that researchers at a local university have “designed and built” a manned spacecraft.

Sounds very dubious to me. I suspect what really happened is that these Iranian university researchers did some work outlining their proposed design, and this has now been translated into a “built” spacecraft.

Iran now has enough enriched uranium to build six nuclear bombs.

Fiddling while Rome burns: Iran now has enough enriched uranium to build six nuclear bombs.

What gives me the willies is this quote:

Meanwhile, Iran, in collaboration with China and North Korea, has stockpiled more than 1,000 ballistic missiles capable of reaching all U.S. bases and oil fields in the region, Israel and several capitals in Europe. Iran currently is working on intercontinental ballistic missiles under the guise of its space program that will soon be capable of reaching any point on the planet. It has produced hundreds of cruise missiles, a clear threat to the flow of oil out of the Persian Gulf, and has armed its vessels with long-range ballistic missiles, with plans to expand its naval mission into the Atlantic Ocean and right behind the Gulf of Mexico.

According to a former intelligence officer of the Revolutionary Guards now defected to a country in Europe, Iran also has several neutron bombs (super-electromagnetic weapons). The source, who attended a commanders’ briefing by the Revolutionary Guards, said they have discussed a strategy in which “many planes will fall from the sky” — a clear indication that Iran is prepared to deliver an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack. The International Atomic Energy Agency has verified that Iran has test-launched ballistic missiles off ships in an exercise similar to an EMP attack.

Worse, the leaders of Iran have made it clear they are quite willing — in the name of Allah — to use these weapons to commit wholesale genocide.

“The Iranian nation is standing for its cause and that is the full annihilation of Israel.”

Iran’s military chief of staff: “The Iranian nation is standing for its cause and that is the full annihilation of Israel.”

They’ve said it multiple times. They mean it. They believe in genocide and intend to carry it out. And they will soon have the atomic bomb.

But don’t worry. In America the Democrats are making sure contraceptives are free to everyone.

The Iranian government today executed a Christian pastor because he refused to renounce his religion and convert to Islam.

Updated and bumped: As noted by one of my readers, Pastor Nadarkhani is still alive. The hanging reports are false. Not that this really changes anything. The man is still in prison and threatened with death simply for being Christian.

The tolerance of Islam: The Iranian government today executed a Christian pastor because he refused to renounce his religion and convert to Islam.

All the arguments used against Israel for taking a preemptive strike against a nuclear Iran are wrong.

All the arguments used to convince Israel not to take a preemptive strike against a nuclear Iran are wrong.

We must also add these words by Iran’s “Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution” Ayatollah Khamenei:

The Zionist regime is a real cancerous tumor that should be cut and will be cut.

Like Hitler, who in Mein Kampf told the world exactly how he intended to exterminate the Jews years before he had power, the Iranians have been quite blunt about what they intend to do once they have atomic weapons. This time, we should take them at their word, and stop them before they can do it. And since the U.S. isn’t likely to do it, the Israelis should.

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