July 27, 2021 Zimmerman Space Show podcast

The podcast of my two-hour appearance last night on The Space Show with David Livingston is now available here.

Thank you to David and tor everyone who called or emailed questions. Twas a very good show, to my mind. It also allowed me hone my verbal description of my new book, Conscious Choice. When I finish a book, I tend initially to get buried in the details in describing it in interviews. This appearance allowed me to get an idea on how to talk about the book quickly, in summary. I think it went well, and will certainly get better with future appearances.

On the radio

For those who wish to listen to me and even call in to ask a question or comment or disagree with something I have said, I will be on The Space Show with David Livingston. tomorrow night for probably two hours, beginning at 7 pm (Pacific).

As always, your calls will be welcome. I don’t bite, though as John Batchelor says, I can get grumpy.

In addition, I will be on WCCO-AM in Minnesota to talk space stuff on the next night, March 31st, for forty minutes, beginning at 10:00 pm (Central).

November 5, 2020 Zimmerman Space Show podcast

The podcast of my two-hour appearance on The Space Show yesterday is now available here.

As always it was a fun show, with David Livingston starting out by asking me to give my sense of the consequences of the election (no matter who wins) on the aerospace industry. Things went all over the place after that, from Mars exploration to China’s space program to Elon Musk.

On the radio

If you find yourself bored after watching the first hour of this year’s State of the Union speech by Trump, you can always switch channels and listen to me on The Space Show with David Livingston. tonight! I will be on from 7 pm to 9 pm (Pacific), talking about a whole range of topics.

I would also encourage my readers to call in with questions and thoughts. The give and take of conversation makes things so much more fun.

October 14, 2019 Zimmerman Space Show appearance

David Livingston has now posted the podcast for my two hour appearance on the Space Show last night, making it available for download.

David had this to say about the show in an email this morning, “Thanks for a good, passionate, and opinionated discussion. A Zimmerman show at its best!”

The discussions on Starship, Musk, and the Thirty Meter Telescope I think were especially interesting. Other topics included the debt vs NASA’s budget, China’s future in space, and the lies of the Green New Deal.

July 30, 2019 Zimmerman Space Show podcast

David Livingston has now made the podcast of my two hour appearance on the Space Show available. You can either listen or download the podcast here.

Another show. I will admit when the conversation shifted to the federal budget and the desires of space geeks to have lots of money for space, regardless of the debt it creates, I got a little hot. I then referenced this essay by me from November 2011: NASA, the federal budget, and common sense.

Everything I wrote then still applies. Worse, no one in our federal government has attempted any of it. The federal budget continues to rage out of control, and what NASA spends continues to be spent poorly.

May 7, 2019 Zimmerman Space Show podcast

David Livingston has now made the podcast of my two hour appearance on the Space Show available. You can either listen or download the podcast here.

I would call this one of the best shows. Among the topics discussed was the smallsat rocket revolution, the corruption of governmental rule expressed by the creation of Gateway without the approval of elected officials, and the Chinese threat to the U.S. space industry and military.

Annual Space Show fund-raising campaign

The Space Show has begun its annual fund-raising campaign.

As someone who has appeared on David Livingston’s show more times than anyone else, I hope my readers will consider supporting the Space Show with some generous donations. David was one of the few people, along with I, advocating commercial space back when the idea was considered insane. In many ways it was his effort with the Space Show that helped drive the revolution toward private space that is now remaking the entire aerospace industry and thus making the exploration and colonization of the solar system finally possible.

July 17, 2018 Zimmerman/Livingston podcast

The podcast of my two hour appearance on The Space Show is now available here. I like this quote from David’s summary of the program at the link:

Bob spent the better part of the first segment of the program responding to Linda and in the customary Zimmerman fashion, making the case for private commercial space to champion because of freedom and liberty and the core values of the country.

Twas a really interesting show. Lots of very good questions as well as intriguing dialogue from callers.

March 19, 2018 Zimmerman Space Show podcast

My two hour appearance with David Livingston on the Space Show last night is now available and can be downloaded as a podcast here.

This show was particularly interesting because of the high quality of questions from the callers. In fact, in many ways I think it might have been one of my most interesting Space Show appearances in a long time. Definitely worth a listen.

On The Space Show Monday March 19 7 pm PDT

Several recent stories regarding Trump’s space policy has prompted David Livingston to quickly schedule a Bob Zimmerman appearance on The Space Show for Monday, March 19, 7 pm (Pacific). The show will last at least ninety minutes. David especially wanted my analysis of Trump’s comments about the Falcon Heavy and SpaceX and how those comments have the big space contractors Boeing and Lockheed Martin quaking in their boots. Their fear and terror is further compounded by the present lack of a NASA administrator, which is made even worse by the announcement that the acting interim administrator is retiring at the end of March.

You can listen to the show live at the Space Show link. We are hoping that a number of my readers will call in with questions as well as their thoughts. The Space Show toll free number is 1 (866) 687-7223. David does not screen calls, though he expects those who call to have good questions or thoughts that will further the conversation in an entertaining way. And I don’t bite!

The Space Show’s annual fund-raising campaign

David Livingston has begun his annual campaign to show support for The Space Show.

The year 2017 is quickly coming to a close. Now is the time to support The Space Show/OGLF by making a contribution to help maintain and further develop our programming and show access. If you pay U.S. federal taxes, you get a tax deduction for your gift. The same is true for those of you paying California taxes as we are both a federal 501C3 nonprofit corporation and a California Public Benefit Corporation….

Per above, you can make your donation online using Pay Pal at the above links (or click on the Pay Pal logo on the right side of our home page). For those of you who prefer mailing a check, please make your check payable to One Giant Leap Foundation, Inc. and mail it in care of me to P.O. Box 95, Tiburon, CA 94920 USA. Remember, your gift makes possible The Space Show programming and all of the services we provide including our blog

David has most generously permitted me to appear on the Space Show more than any other guest, a gift for which I am deeply grateful. More important, he has led the way in the effort to encourage commercial private space. I hope my readers here will help him continue this effort.

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