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Today’s blacklisted American: Professor’s suspension for having an opinion now more than 100 days long, with no end in sight

Georgetown University: No free speech allowed

They’re coming for you next: The suspension by Georgetown University of Ilya Shapiro from his position as executive director for the Georgetown Center for the Constitution because he posted a tweet critical of Biden’s most recent Supreme Court nomination is now more than 100 days long, with no clear end date.

Shapiro’s tweet, now deleted, had noted the Biden administration’s decision to make race and gender more important than a judge’s legal qualifications in picking Ketanji Brown Jackson for the Supreme Court was a bad mistake. For that crime, Georgetown University put him on administrative leave while it conducted “an investigation.”

It is now more than three months later, and the university not only has not completed this faux investigation, which really has nothing to investigate as all the facts are plainly visible for all to see, it apparently has no intention of telling anyone when the investigation will end:

The College Fix emailed Georgetown spokesperson Ruth McBain Monday to ask when the investigation would conclude and which policy or policies the university believes he violated, but has not received a response.

“It’s not even clear that the policies applied to me because I wasn’t a Georgetown employee when I made them,” Shapiro told The Fix via email. When asked whether he had been told if or when his administrative leave would end, Shapiro responded that “no timeline has been given.” However, he did say that “given that I didn’t violate any university policy, I’m confident that I’ll be reinstated.”

I didn’t include Shapiro in my blacklist series when this all happened in late January because it was being well covered by many other news sources, and I had ample other blacklist victims who needed their stories told as well. Now that the story is less hot and Shapiro continues to be blackballed by Georgetown University, merely for expressing a legitimate opinion, it seems important to raise the story again.

Shapiro was hired by Georgetown to head a department focused on studying the U.S. Constitution, which of course includes its Bill of Rights. And the first amendment to that Constitution is something that is supposed to guarantee freedom of speech. It seems Georgetown wants to only the appearance of teaching Constitutional law, while it instead imposes censorship and oppression.

Nor am I exaggerating the oppressive culture at Georgetown University. This is not the first, second, or even third story I have published about this racist and totalitarian college:

Though a private university, Georgetown received almost $300 million in outside research money, almost certainly most of it from the federal government. That funding should end, now.

Moreover, though this is supposed to be a Jesuit and Catholic University, its mission statement has nothing to do with Christianity. Instead, the college is now focused on being ” a forward-looking, diverse community devoted to social justice.” Though it mouths support of each person as an individual, a full reading of the university’s PR clearly shows its main interest is to favor people by their particular race and gender, not their individual achievement.

I can’t imagine any Catholic or Christian or even any parent or high school student ever considering this college as a place to attend. Why subject yourself to this ugliness?

Genesis cover

On Christmas Eve 1968 three Americans became the first humans to visit another world. What they did to celebrate was unexpected and profound, and will be remembered throughout all human history. Genesis: the Story of Apollo 8, Robert Zimmerman's classic history of humanity's first journey to another world, tells that story, and it is now available as both an ebook and an audiobook, both with a foreword by Valerie Anders and a new introduction by Robert Zimmerman.


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  • Max

    “Instead, the college is now focused on being ” a forward-looking, diverse community devoted to social justice.”

    I read somewhere today that the modern “social justice” is simply a renaming of an earlier model called “Lennon’s red terror”

    “Though a private university, Georgetown received almost $300 million in outside research money, almost certainly most of it from the federal government.”

    My oldest grandson, who is a sophomore in high school, takes AP classes from Utah University. (“Advanced placement” for college credits, because high school bores him)
    Last week he received a check for $500… Covid reimbursement of some kind… Apparently all the college students received money.
    His mother did some research and did some calls, and found out it’s legit, a real check. He went out and immediately bought a new cell phone.

    I did some word searches and found this. (The money the federal government is wasting is beyond comprehension!)

    “Rich estimates conservatively that 10 percent of enrolled students — 180,000 out of the 1.8 million students at all 116 California Community Colleges — are fake. If each of those receive an average of $5,000 in financial aid, the cost is up to $900 million for a single semester.”

    Read the article for details, examples, even a tutorial on how to fake an account to receive free money. The college gets a percentage because the more enrollment, the more money the college receives from the government. If they expose the fake accounts they lose a lot of funding.
    Under the Barack Obama and Biden presidency, crime pays with dividends and no accountability!

  • Concerned

    The Jesuits have always been a little crazy and lived on the edge. They’ve clearly gone over the edge as have many other Catholic colleges and churches. The institutionalized Marxist thought now goes all the way up to the false pope Jorge Bergoglio. He was installed after the previous pope was forced to resign under shady circumstances, the first one to do so in over 1000 years. I’m beginning to think the theft of that high church office and the US presidency just a few years later was related. The two most powerful and oldest moral and economic forces on the planet standing in the way of The Great Reset. Sounds conspiratorial? Maybe. But “wild” conspiracy theories are more frequently being proven as true these days.

  • Cotour


    1. The business of religion of all stripes at every point in human history has been used and abused in the quest of the few in pursuit of control and power over the many.

    ​2. The business of religion of all stripes at every point in human history has acted not always in the interests of what they have purported to represent themselves to be acting in the interests of.

    ​3. The business of religion of all stripes at every point in human history has been used as a ruthless tool in the abuse of power in the furtherance of business and politics.

    ​4. The business of religion of all stripes at every point in human history selectively teaches the exclusion of some.

    ​5. Humanity needs God, spirituality and religion and must be cognizant of their nature as it relates to those subjects and where the business of religion and politics can deliver them.

    6. All intellectual structures, entities and concepts of man have the potential to be perverted, corrupted and the power derived there of abused. jgl 4/3/21

  • Cotour: Points 1 through 4 are fundamentally wrong, because of their broad stereotypical generalizations. They suggest on your part a woeful ignorance of history including the history of all religions. Not all religions nor their “business” have been for the quest of “control and power” “at every point in human history.” This is so false as to be laughable.

    Point 5 and 6 are correct however. If you simply said this, your point would have been made, and been more creditable.

  • Cotour

    I will consider your criticism.

    Stay tuned.

  • Cotour

    I would just ask you, as I go over this once again to historically point out a formal religion that you would consider and exception.

    And I am not talking about what the idealistic “good intentions” or foundation of the belief system is.

  • Cotour: Read Conscious Choice. It will provide you an answer.

    And the ebook only costs $3.99!

  • Cotour: Also, what do you mean by “formal religion?” Are you making a distinction between an organized religion with a set power structure and one that does not have such a thing? The two both exist.

  • Cotour

    A formal religion meaning a belief system that is formerly structured that includes a hierarchy, such as a Pope and everyone in the organization that exists under him and administers the doctrine of that belief system, in this example the Catholic church.

    But it could be any formalized religion as such.

    Can you name one formalized as I have described religion that would support your contention?

    And lets make a distinction between the individual that is spiritual and adheres to a belief system and a formalized religion.

  • Cotour: I say again, read Conscious Choice.

  • Cotour

    And I ask you again: In the meantime, please provide me with one example that supports your contention.

  • Cotour: The religions of the Jews, the Quakers, and most Protestant sects, off the top of my head, have almost never been used with a power structure. Within their histories there are exceptions of course, but all have generally been bottom up, deriving their power from the individual, and creating societies that have been more just and more aimed at freedom and liberty of conscious (a term you need to learn, which is why I keep saying read Conscious Choice).

    I could also likely include several far eastern religions, but my knowledge of them is not strong enough to be sure.

  • Cotour

    Man’s good intentions seldom result in what was initially idealistically intended. Especially when we are talking about either religion or politics.

    Which is not at all saying that good does not or cannot come from those good intentions, not at all.

    These things, these good intentions do not exist in a pristine vacuum, they exist in the world and are run by man.

  • Cotour

    Any formalized religion conceived and structured by man has the absolute guaranteed potential to be perverted and abused. And they all have been at one time or the other, no matter the stated good intention, spiritual or otherwise. If there is power involved there will be abuses. It’s the nature of the human animal.

    From the Jewish religion to the Quakers to the Mormons, to the Egyptians to the Sumerians, to whom ever Eastern, Western it does not matter. The same is true of politics they are in many ways but two sides of the same coin in many instances.

    I want to note that I make a distinction and state the “business” of religion.

    I will relate just one quick story that I base at least a part of my firsthand observation on.

    Several years ago, I became very friendly with a group of older sisters getting ready to retire. I would cook and have them over to lunch and it was very informal, and they would more casually talk. I remember as they would relate their crazy stories of working around the world and being a front-line soldier in the church. I noticed that they all expressed certain doubts both about aspects of their religion and doubts in what they had been involved with for the last 40 and 50 plus years. You might expect, I know I did, that they would be more certain rather than jaded.

    I found this very interesting.

    I do not think they personally had doubts about their spiritual beliefs, but the machine that they were a part of, the business of religion, was a bit of a disillusioning slog. And them being involved in the internal politics that always emerges in such organizations concerning humanity was very clear to me. And that is so no matter how good the intentions of any religious organization are.

    And then we have big picture capital *R* religion that has existed throughout time and civilizations that ultimately becomes about shaping social and cultural control and of course politics and money. Just ask Martin Luther, ask the Pilgrims, ask the Founders.

    Ask the Pope, ask the Dali Lama. Even better, speaking of the Jews, ask Moses. Moses will tell you all about the business of religion.

    Let’s make a distinction between good intentions and the reality of human beings attempting to manifest those good intentions in the real world.

  • Cotour: What I see is a person coming up with reasons to avoid learning something. You do not know very much about these religions. In fact, everything you write confirms this.

    You need to stop being so closed in your own mind and learn from others. I am offering you that opportunity.

  • wayne

    Jordan Peterson
    “To be enlightened, you must understand what evil Is”

  • Cotour

    To Waynes point, although he may not mean it in this manner.

    “To be enlightened, you must understand what evil Is”.

    Understanding what evil is and where it comes from and what motivates it is my primary perspective, it’s not about the concepts, intents or details of any particular religion, per se. Most everything that I have posted here on BTB is about this exact subject coming from that perspective.

    “Which is not at all saying that good does not or cannot come from those good intentions, not at all.”

    I have provided you with several pretty solid examples that support my perspective and conclusions for you to comment on, and you just state that my perspective and conclusions are faulty? That I do not understand very much about “these” religions?

    Take a minute and write a short paragraph to describe what you believe I do not understand about this subject. Just calling me ignorant does not hold up especially when I have rationally supported my perspective.

    Where there is power there will be abuse, whether it be in religion or in politics, or business for that matter. That potential is ever present. “If men were angels there would be no need for government or laws”. Where do you think that quote is generated from? You do not agree? Tell me why.

    What would Lord Acton say?

    Lord Acton: “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men…”, which he made in a letter to an Anglican bishop.”

    What would Machiavelli say?: (And Machiavelli was a bit dark and a very practical man no doubt, chilling. But existing very close to real power he recognized the evil potentials that most all men (and women) who aspire to power can and in many instances must display and enforce in order to further acquire or retain their power.)

    “Machiavelli notably said that a ruler who is establishing a kingdom or a republic, and is criticized for his deeds, including violence, should be excused when the intention and the result is beneficial to him”

    “While fear of God can be replaced by fear of the prince, if there is a strong enough prince, Machiavelli felt that having a religion is in any case especially essential to keeping a republic in order. For Machiavelli, a truly great prince can never be conventionally religious himself, but he should make his people religious if he can.”

    And in modern times: S.O.M.: Strategy Over Morality describes a two-tiered “conversation” between a Public and their Empowered Leadership where the Public believes there is only a single, no tiered conversation occurring and that single conversation is assumed by the Public to relate to the Public’s morality and truth model perspective. “

  • GaryMike

    I have never been a religious person.

    Yet, I appreciate the role religion plays in the lives of so many others.

    I believe I’m safer in a world that embraces faith, even if I don’t.

  • Cotour


    I agree with you.

  • GaryMike and Cotour: In terms of religion, we are in agreement. However, the devil is in the details. Not al faiths or religions work well to create healthy societies.

  • Cotour

    I cannot argue with that statement.

    But that is an anemic response on the subject at hand and your issues with my observations and conclusions about power, politics and Religion.

  • Cotour wrote, “that is an anemic response.”

    No need to be insulting. I have written a whole history on the subject, which I have said you should read if you want a detailed response. That you apparently are searching for excuses not to is not my problem.

  • Cotour

    This “that is an anemic response.”, is in no way shape or form insulting, it is accurate.

    I have been plain spoken and accurate, I am not searching for any excuses. As a matter of fact, and I have stated this plainly previously, I encourage ANYONE that disagrees with me to explain their position and what I have wrong or that needs adjustment.

    Your inability or unwillingness to write one paragraph about how my interpretation of the subject at hand is incorrect says a lot about you, not me. Substantively responding in this conversation is beneath you? Now who is being insulting.

    I stand by my observations and statements, you have failed on this subject to convince anyone one way or the other.

  • Cotour: I have written a whole book on the subject. That was my response. That you consider this an “inability or unwillingness to write one paragraph” on the subject is absurd.

  • Cotour

    You sir are being absurd.

    I did not say that I would not review your book, but your inability to communicate anything other than in your opinion I am ignorant on the subject and that you wrote a book on the subject is ridiculous, dismissive and insulting. (Luckily, I am not insultable, I have a thick skin)

    Enjoy your day.

  • sippin_bourbon

    The “business of religion”.
    I think this is the source of the problem.

    Faith is not a business. It is an arrangement between you and the Almighty. (I mean “you” very generically here, to mean the individual).

    The business of any [organized or unorganized] religion is the business of Man. And Man is corrupt. If her were not, he would not need religion.

    It is among the failures of Man that leads to the attempt to use religion as a tool for control or domination.

    Therefore, I read Cotour’s points not as the “business of religion”, but as “Man using religion”.

  • wayne

    Good stuff.

    Don Draper
    “Do What You Have To…”

  • GaryMike

    RZ: “Not al(l) faiths or religions work well to create healthy societies.”

    I’ve been married once.

    She was a Muslim.

    One of the good ones.

  • GaryMike

    One further point: I’m now retired. My business partner for 28 years is a Jew.

  • Cotour


    You are deftly working around the edges of this issue.

  • Cotour


    How does the extreme Left I.E. the Democrats in this case use your own morality against you?

    There must be sufficient supplies of baby formula by law at the border in order that illegal immigrants are able to feed their infants. I really on its face have no problem with that. No reasonable and compassionate American has a problem with that I assure you.

    Jen Paski: :

    However, the Democrat party under the administration of their front man Joe Biden (D) has purposefully and strategically flooded the Southern border of your country with illegals in the millions for their own strategic political purposes in their goal of the retaining of their political power. You see it, you know it.

    And its YOU, the selfish entitled American that are the problem when you ask why you in your own country you can not find formula for YOUR baby. See how that works? You, the American citizen are absolutely and legally obligated to supplying these illegals that serve the Democrat party machines agenda with what ever they need. From transportation, to food, to housing, to healthcare. (But they are not mandated to have an experimental drug pumped into their body in order to work, but you are.)

    You, the selfish and entitled American are the problem here. And you hate brown babies! You want to deny food to and starve brown babies! That is the subtext anyway.

    There is a strategic political war on going for your mind and political and ideological control of your country.

    “Strategy Over Morality describes a two-tiered “conversation” between a Public and their Empowered Leadership where the Public believes there is only a single, no tiered conversation occurring and that single conversation is assumed by the Public to relate to the Public’s morality and truth model perspective.”

    The Democrats have 4 issues that they will be intensely focusing on in the coming months and years: 1. Racism, they promote it and must have it. 2. Abortion, unbridled. 3. Extreme illegal immigration. And # 4? Trump. And there will be a 5th component to this strategy, and that will be VIOLENCE! Bank on it. All of these components are essential to “Fundamentally change America”. Are you paying attention yet?–~D

  • wayne

    I haven’t been paying enough attention to actually make a coherent comment.

    “You Know You’re Right”

  • Cotour


    And in these efforts your natural, innate, hetero sexual tendencies and tastes, especially those of the white American male, who is clearly the enemy, must be socially and culturally “Adjusted” to a more inclusive and equitable degree where all women, black, white, brown, fat, skinny, gay, straight, trans, amputees ect. and any other combination of the above are what you are to desire, and it is what you will buy. By force if necessary.

    (And there are many beautiful and desirable fat, skinny, old and what have you women in the world. BUT NO ONE WANTS TO SEE THEM IN A BIKINI!)

    Gateway: “Another slap in face of their readers. Sports Illustrated put a dangerously obese woman and a 74-year-old dietician on the cover of the coveted Swimsuit Issue this year. They hate their audience and want a new one.”

    This is but one more example of an attempt at forcing an intellectualized reality by those on the extreme Left. They are attempting to use both your morality and your basic human nature against you. They attempt guilt you for who and what you naturally are in order to accomplish their “Fundamental Change in America” as per philosophical Marxist President Obama and the movement.

    And to be honest the extreme Right would have things exclusively their way if they could and they are also extremist zealots and are to also be rejected. The Extreme Left would argue that that is in fact how things have been in America and the world. And there is truth in that statement. But it was and remains that way because that is the natual state, the nature of the human being.

    Once again it is the teaching of mutual respect in our culture, society and in our schools relating to such things that is the answer, not teaching and promoting that the use of racism or whatever other *ISM* we are talking about is the way to counterbalance any perceived or real inequity that may have or does exist in America and or the world.

    There is a war on for your morality, your sexuality and your human nature and if you become so worn down that you allow them to redefine and have them humanity is lost.

    If you attempt to force a heterosexual male to desire what he naturally does not desire that is no better than the Communist Chinese, the North Koreans or what a Nazi would attempt to force in their population. It’s all just counter intuitive, wrong and clearly un and anti-American.

    Where is the trajectory of humanity going? I am not entirely certain, but things like this forcing of human nature can only lead to the extinction of humanity. And that is an acceptable answer to some on the extreme Left as insane as that sounds to you.

  • Cotour

    And here Jordan Peterson makes my point:

    “It’s a conscious progressive attempt to manipulate & retool the notion of beauty, reliant on the idiot philosophy that such preferences are learned & properly changed by those who know better,”

    I call it intellectualizing reality.

  • Cotour


    Spirituality or a belief in a God is an internal personal and pristine condition that no one other than the individual can corrupt. And whether that spirituality is based in a belief in a God, a belief in nature, or a belief in the expanse of the overarching universe, you personally internally recognize that there is something bigger and more than you. It is your personal conclusion about what your existence is in somehow based or influenced by.

    Formalized religion that must exist within a society or culture however is something entirely different. Formalized religion is a construct of man in an attempt to codify a belief system that exists within a culture or a society and that is accomplished by creating a hierarchy and a set of formalized rules and rituals that all adherents to the religion are to participate in and live by. And that condition to some degree is technically a bureaucracy I.E., a business model. Which does not mean that these many formalized religions cannot or do not do good works in those societies and cultures within which they exist, not at all. But there is a difference.

    This second condition “Formalized religion”, which is a construct of man, which has a hierarchy, which at its core essentially operates in some aspects as a business, which is not pristine, which has at its core all the good intentions that their formalized religion promotes because it is a creation of man has the potential to be abused.

    Why? Because this structure of man represents real power over how people behave, what they will and will not do, who and what they choose to support and what they are readily willingly to surrender their lives and die for. Very powerful indeed.

    And given it some further thought about these truths and these distinctions made, what I posted previously about the “Business” of religion is 100 percent accurate in the context of what I have further laid out and the fact that anything that is seen as having power over humanity will be used for advantage in the political world. And the only potential then becomes that that power will be abused. And this is universally true no matter what time in history North, South, East or West that formalized religion exists.

    I hope that I have clarified my position on this subject and invite anyone to provide me with any contra indicating information that might refute my conclusions.

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