March 29, 2024 Quick space links
Courtesy of BtB’s stringer Jay. This post is also an open thread. I welcome my readers to post any comments or additional links relating to any space issues, even if unrelated to the links below.
- JPL releases video that allows viewers to explore a 360 panorama of Curiosity’s location in Gediz Vallis
Makes a nice complement to the many Curiosity images and overview maps I post.
- 20th anniversary of Aviation Week cover that asked, “Can tiny SpaceX rock Boeing?”
Wudda think? Did it?
- Launch tower at the pseudo-commercial launchpad at China’s Wenchang coastal spaceport nearing completion
China is reserving this pad for its pseudo-commercial companies, thus allowing it to maintain full control over what they do.
Courtesy of BtB’s stringer Jay. This post is also an open thread. I welcome my readers to post any comments or additional links relating to any space issues, even if unrelated to the links below.
- JPL releases video that allows viewers to explore a 360 panorama of Curiosity’s location in Gediz Vallis
Makes a nice complement to the many Curiosity images and overview maps I post.
- 20th anniversary of Aviation Week cover that asked, “Can tiny SpaceX rock Boeing?”
Wudda think? Did it?
- Launch tower at the pseudo-commercial launchpad at China’s Wenchang coastal spaceport nearing completion
China is reserving this pad for its pseudo-commercial companies, thus allowing it to maintain full control over what they do.