The White House has disavowed the apology to the Muslim protesters issued by its embassy in Egypt.

The White House has disavowed the apology to the Muslim protesters issued by its embassy in Egypt earlier today.

“The statement by Embassy Cairo was not cleared by Washington and does not reflect the views of the United States government,” an administration official told POLITICO.

In other words, the Obama State Department isn’t cowardly, it’s simply incompetent. What a relief!

The U.S. Embassy in Egypt, response to the attack by Islamic protestors today, has apologized to them.

That’s telling ’em! The U.S. Embassy in Egypt, in response to the attack by Islamic protesters today, has apologized to the protesters because their feelings might have been hurt by a film critical of Mohammad.

The full embassy statement is beyond belief:

The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.

Freedom of speech means you have the right to offend others, with no apologizes. Considering the violence continually perpetrated by Islam, it is perfectly justified to criticize this hateful religion. In fact, to its face I say Islam is a stain on the Earth which oppresses millions while killing hundreds of innocents on a daily basis.

For the Obama State Department to apologize for our country’s belief in freedom of speech, on this day of all days, September 11, is unspeakable. What kind of cowards are these people?

Cairo protesters today scaled the U.S. Embassy wall in Egypt and pulled down the American flag to protest a film they say is insulting to the prophet Mohammad.

Feel the love! Cairo protesters today scaled the U.S. Embassy wall in Egypt and pulled down the American flag to protest a film they say is insulting to the prophet Mohammad.

In related news, a television station has canceled the airing of a documentary on Islam because of threats it and the filmmaker have received.

Several points:
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Iran now has enough enriched uranium to build six nuclear bombs.

Fiddling while Rome burns: Iran now has enough enriched uranium to build six nuclear bombs.

What gives me the willies is this quote:

Meanwhile, Iran, in collaboration with China and North Korea, has stockpiled more than 1,000 ballistic missiles capable of reaching all U.S. bases and oil fields in the region, Israel and several capitals in Europe. Iran currently is working on intercontinental ballistic missiles under the guise of its space program that will soon be capable of reaching any point on the planet. It has produced hundreds of cruise missiles, a clear threat to the flow of oil out of the Persian Gulf, and has armed its vessels with long-range ballistic missiles, with plans to expand its naval mission into the Atlantic Ocean and right behind the Gulf of Mexico.

According to a former intelligence officer of the Revolutionary Guards now defected to a country in Europe, Iran also has several neutron bombs (super-electromagnetic weapons). The source, who attended a commanders’ briefing by the Revolutionary Guards, said they have discussed a strategy in which “many planes will fall from the sky” — a clear indication that Iran is prepared to deliver an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack. The International Atomic Energy Agency has verified that Iran has test-launched ballistic missiles off ships in an exercise similar to an EMP attack.

Worse, the leaders of Iran have made it clear they are quite willing — in the name of Allah — to use these weapons to commit wholesale genocide.

An Obama-backed Muslim Group is now blaming Congresswoman Michell Bachmann for Sikh shooting this past weekend.

The civility of the left and Islam team up! An Obama-backed Muslim Group is now blaming Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) for the Sikh shooting this past weekend.

What did Bachmann do? She raised questions the Obama administration’s links with Islamic terrorists groups. And of course, that must obviously explain why a white-supremacist went on a rampage killing innocent Sikh worshipers in Wisconsin.

The Muslim leader who was heading an “Tolerance in Islam” conference in Turkey was attacked by one of the attendees.

Islamic good will: The Muslim leader who was heading an “Tolerance in Islam” conference was attacked by one of the attendees. With video of the attack.

In response to the attack, Morou [sic] said, “I am fine now, the damage is moral… We are here to speak about tolerance, but those people are ignorant of true Islam. I don’t know what his [the attacker’s] political orientation is, and regardless, this is not part of Islam.”

And in what part of Islam do we not see this kind of violence and intolerance?

The Democratic candidate for Secretary of State of Missouri claims that no Jews were killed on 9/11, while also suggesting that Jews were involved in the attack itself.

The modern Democratic Party: The Democratic candidate for Secretary of State of Missouri claims that no Jews were killed on 9/11, while also suggesting that Jews were involved in the attack itself.

“Why [was] 9/11 was a official holiday for all Jewish people who worked in the the WTC?” Alam said in a discussion titled, “Was 9/11 a conspiracy??”

Asked earlier this week about this statement, Alam reaffirmed his position. “My question was, ‘What’s the reason not a single Jew was killed on that day,’” Alam said, according to the Washington Free Beacon. “Was there a single Jew killed on that day?”

Gee, I wonder what he would say to these people?

The Stoning of Christians — in Michigan

Even though Dearborn, Michigan lost a $100,000 court suit for falsely arresting and denying Christians their freedom of religion during the annual Dearborn Arab Festival, it appears the police in Dearborn have not learned their lesson. Not only do they do nothing to prevent the throwing by Muslim children of rocks, bottles, garbage, eggs, and concrete at a group of Christians who are merely standing on the sidewalk holding signs, the police eventually force the Christians to leave. As one man tells the police, “You’re rewarding riotous behavior. You’re teaching that crowd that if they riot, they’re rewarded by that rioting by kicking out the people they don’t want.”

Watch the video below the fold. It is very important to note again that these Christians were doing nothing but standing there with their signs on a public street. The response of the Muslim crowd is hardly in accordance with American principles of tolerance, and reveals a savagery and hate that is horrifying. And the willingness of the police to allow the violence is despicable.
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So how’s that old Arab Spring going?

“So how’s that old Arab Spring going?”

Not so good, based on the candidates running for president in Egypt.

Then there is this key paragraph which sums up the West’s entire response to the totalitarian Islamic threat since 9/11:

One of the basic defects of the Bush administration’s designation of a “war on terror” was that it emphasized symptoms (bombs and bombers) over causes (the underlying ideology). In the war of ideas, the West has chosen not to compete, under the erroneous assumption that the ever more refined delivery systems for its sensual distractions [the internet] are a Big Idea in and of themselves. They’re not.

We aren’t fighting an emotion (“terror”), we are fighting violent Islamic radicals who believe that God has given them the right to kill anyone who disagrees with them.

“[Christians and Jews] are inferior and smaller, more cowardly and despised.”

From the Palestinian Authority: “[Christians and Jews] are inferior and smaller, more cowardly and despised.”

Two points: 1. This was read on the PA’s official television network by a a young girl as part of a children’s show. 2. Our federal government, under the Obama administration, has sent the PA hundreds of millions of dollars to fund this kind of bigotry and hate.

“The Iranian nation is standing for its cause and that is the full annihilation of Israel.”

Iran’s military chief of staff: “The Iranian nation is standing for its cause and that is the full annihilation of Israel.”

They’ve said it multiple times. They mean it. They believe in genocide and intend to carry it out. And they will soon have the atomic bomb.

But don’t worry. In America the Democrats are making sure contraceptives are free to everyone.

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