Phobos-Grunt is now expected to fall to Earth sometime around January 16

It’s official: Phobos-Grunt is now expected to fall to Earth sometime around January 16.

Meanwhile, the head of the Russian space agency is looking for a scapegoat for his country’s recent space failures.

Roskosmos chief Vladimir Popovkin told the Izvestia daily he could not understand why several launches went awry at precisely the moment the spacecraft were travelling through areas invisible to Russian radar. “It is unclear why our setbacks often occur when the vessels are travelling through what for Russia is the ‘dark’ side of the Earth — in areas where we do not see the craft and do not receive its telemetry readings,” he said. “I do not want to blame anyone, but today there are some very powerful countermeasures that can be used against spacecraft whose use we cannot exclude,” Popovkin told the daily.

With leadership like this, Russia might soon join the U.S. as a country unable to get astronauts into space.

A Russian scientist has found large amounts of methane being released in the atmosphere in the Arctic

A Russian scientist has found large amounts of methane being released into the atmosphere in the Arctic, far more than previously predicted.

It is speculated that these releases are the result of the Earth’s warming climate during the past several hundred years. And because methane is a far more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, its release will feed into that warming.

Phobos-Grunt: what’s in a name?

Some English commentary from Russia: Phobos-Grunt: what’s in a name?

And this is the part when I point out that Russia’s unmanned Mars missions, which have not been successful so far, have a name problem that goes beyond Phobos-Grunt.

Mars-94? M1 No. 520? Seriously? What is this dour nonsense? Soyuz-Fregat was an improvement, but still, considering the consistent failure rate of the Mars missions, it’s time to get serious about breaking that curse. Take a page out of the Americans’ book, just this once, and inject some optimism into your space program. The Americans give their *successful* spacecraft names like Phoenix! And Spirit! And Opportunity! So name your spacecraft a variation on the word Hope! Throw caution to the wind and name it Kickass! Certainly don’t name it after terror, even if the satellite you plan on exploring is already stuck with that unfortunate name.

An update on the efforts to save Phobos-Grunt

An update on the efforts to save Phobos-Grunt.

“The first pass was successful in that the spacecraft’s radio downlink was commanded to switch on and telemetry was received,” said Wolfgang Hell, ESA’s Service Manager for Phobos–Grunt. Telemetry typically includes information on the status and health of a spacecraft’s systems. “The signals received from Phobos–Grunt were much stronger than those initially received on 22 November, in part due to having better knowledge of the spacecraft’s orbital position.”

The second pass was short, and so was used only to uplink commands – no receipt of signal was expected. However, the following three passes in the early morning of 24 November proved to be more difficult: no signal was received from Phobos–Grunt.

Russian space agency head says there is still a chance to save Phobos-Grunt

The head of the Russian space agency said yesterday that there is still a chance to save Phobos-Grunt.

“The probe is going to be in orbit until January, but in the first days of December the window will close” to re-programme it, he told Russian news agencies at Russia’s Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

He also said that the probe will not pose a threat, and will burn up in the atmosphere if it should fall to Earth.

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