A House investigation has found that the Obama administration acted to make the sequestration cuts as “painful as possible” for rural schools.

A House investigation has found that the Obama administration acted to make the sequestration cuts as “painful as possible” for rural schools.

I have made no excuses for Chris Christie and the abuse his underlings heaped out in New Jersey against innocent citizens. It was wrong, and it makes me much less likely to support Christie in future campaigns. At the same time, it is also important to note that this one event pales in comparison to the number of similar abuse-of-power stories I’ve noted coming from the Obama administration. When it comes to improperly using the power of government to hurt innocent citizens, Obama and his underlings make Christie look like an amateur.

The House is about to vote on a trillion dollar spending bill that no one has really read.

This sums it up: The House is about to vote on a trillion dollar spending bill that no one has really read.

It might include some specific cuts, but in general this budget plan is a surrender to more spending.

The only real solution to this madness, however, really rests with the voters. The spenders in both parties have to be fired, and the only way to do that is to fire them. Sadly, I see no sign of that happening in the hardcore Democratic states such as New York, California, and Illinois, to name just a few. There, the voters are so partisan that they’d rather die than vote for a Republican. And die they will.

Among Republican voters at least there is pressure from the right to spend less. To make it effective, however, the voters still have to do some firing, as far too many Republicans elected officials are willing to go along to get along.

A federal court has thrown out the net neutrality rules imposed by Obama’s FCC appointees, stating that the commission had overstepped its authority.

The law is such an inconvenient thing: A federal court has thrown out the net neutrality rules imposed by Obama’s FCC appointees, stating that the commission had overstepped its authority.

Have you noticed how the left always comes up for these meaningless terms — “net neutrality”, “single payer”, etc — any time they want to expand their power over our lives?

Another innocent patient, having lost his insurance due to Obamacare, is now threatened with death.

Finding out what’s not in it: Another innocent patient, having lost his insurance due to Obamacare, is now threatened with death.

I cannot be more accurate. Read the story. The man is not getting treated because his policy was cancelled because of Obamacare.

Thank you Obama and the Democrats. I am so glad you care.

And there’s this horrible story of a disabled family now out of luck: “We did not put ourselves in this situation,” she told The Daily Caller. “The government put us in this situation.”

And we have only just begun. Stay tuned from more horror stories as Obamacare spreads its wings over the entire healthcare industry this year.

“Over the weekend, it seems as though the national media finally figured out what most ObamaCare critics have predicted all along.”

“Over the weekend, it seems as though the national media finally figured out what most ObamaCare critics have predicted all along.”

And what did these giants of intellectual thought finally figure out? They discovered, as conservatives have been trying to explain for four goddamn years, that Obamacare is a insane mess, it doesn’t work, it is raising costs, it is preventing people from getting health insurance, and it should never have been passed in the first place.

What a shock!

The Spanish language Obamacare website is unreadable to Spanish speakers.

Incompetence beyond belief: The Spanish language Obamacare website is unreadable to Spanish speakers.

The site, CuidadoDeSalud.gov, launched more than two months late. A Web page with Spanish instructions linked users to an English form. And the translations were so clunky and full of grammatical mistakes that critics say they must have been computer-generated — the name of the site itself can literally be read “for the caution of health.”

“When you get into the details of the plans, it’s not all written in Spanish. It’s written in Spanglish, so we end up having to translate it for them,” said Adrian Madriz, a health care navigator who helps with enrollment in Miami. [emphasis mine]

I normal expect the government to do a poor job in most things, but this level of idiocy astonishes even me. For example,

As for the language, Plaza, the New Mexico professor, said a recent examination by her research students concluded that the translations were done “by a computer-generated process” and came across as awkward.

“There are problems with the verbs and word order that make sentences hard to understand,” said Plaza, who helped develop an audio version to help residents in New Mexico sign up. “Sometimes,” she added, “it’s just the terms they use.”

The website translates “premium” into “prima,” but that Spanish word is more commonly used to mean a female cousin, Plaza said. A more accurate translation, she said, would be “cuotas,” ”couta mensual” or “costo annual.”

It is a good thing the Democrats have demanded Obamacare go into effect right away, as they are also the ones in charge of implementing it.

Seven months after the IRS scandal broke, the FBI has finally contacted some of the conservative groups that were harassed by the tax agency.

Seven months after the IRS scandal broke, the FBI has finally contacted some of the conservative groups that were harassed by the tax agency.

“After seven months of no contact from federal investigators, a small number of our clients recently received a request for an interview from the FBI,” said Jay Sekulow, chief counsel for the American Center for Law & Justice, which represents more than three dozen groups.

He said the clients were evaluating FBI’s request but were troubled by the revelation of Ms. Bosserman’s political leanings. “This development creates a serious conflict of interest and raises more questions and doubts about the Obama administration’s promise to get to the bottom of what happened,” he said.

The last paragraph refers to the fact that Barbara Bosserman, the person named by Obama to lead the FBI investigation, is also a big time donor to Obama’s campaign. The conservative groups have very legitimate reasons not to want to talk to the FBI under these circumstances, as anything they say might instead be used against them by this very partisan use of government power.

We must once again contrast how Obama has dealt with this admitted misuse of government power with that of Chris Christie. Tells us a great deal about Obama, doesn’t it?

One health insurance company has now announced that the mix of old/sick and young/healthy buying insurance under Obamacare is far worse than expected.

Repeal the damn law! One health insurance company has now announced that the mix of old/sick and young/healthy buying insurance under Obamacare is far worse than expected.

In other words, the only way the company can make a profit is to raise its premiums so high — in order to pay for the costs of its mostly sick customer base — that no one will be able to afford to buy the insurance.

But then, none of this is a surprise to conservatives. You can’t outlaw Adam Smith’s laws of economics, as Obamacare tries to do. All that will happen is that you will distort the market enough to destroy any businesses in it. Just ask anyone who lived in the communist bloc in the 20th century.

Some individuals who thought they had enrolled in a healthcare plan on the Obamacare website are discovering that their insurance company has no record of them.

Some individuals who thought they had enrolled in a healthcare plan on the Obamacare website are discovering that their insurance company has no record of them.

This is what you get when you ask the DMV to run your healthcare system. Big government bureaucracies always, repeat, always do a bad job at these kinds of large scale complex tasks.

But then, anyone who read anything written about Obamacare by conservatives back in 2009 and 2010 would have been warned that this was going to happen. It ain’t a surprise, except to liberals who refuse to consider anything conservatives say because it must be racist!

Speaking of contrasts, compare the reaction when evidence revealed the Obama administration intentional made life difficult for citizens during the government shutdown.

Speaking of contrasts, compare the reaction when evidence revealed the Obama administration intentionally made life difficult for citizens during the government shutdown.

The point here is not to excuse Christie or his administration, only to point out the disgusting hypocrisy of the press and the Democrats. It is bad when a Republican does it, but when a Democrat does it who cares?

Update: And then there’s this: “In less than 24 hours, the three networks have devoted 17 times more coverage to a traffic scandal involving Chris Christie than they’ve allowed in the last six months to Barack Obama’s Internal Revenue Service controversy.”

Heads roll in New Jersey over traffic scandal.

Heads roll in New Jersey over traffic scandal.

The speed in which Christie is firing people strongly suggests to me that he did have nothing to do with the scandal, was out of the loop as he claims. Otherwise, these fired individuals would have some leverage that they could use against Christie to protect their jobs.

Also, compare the speed of Christie’s actions with the stonewalling we have seen by Obama in connection with the IRS scandal. I think the difference is illustrative.

A Colorado Democratic Senator has asked his state insurance agency to hide the numbers of people whose insurance was cancelled because of Obamacare.

Facts are such inconvenient things: A Colorado Democratic Senator has asked his state insurance agency to hide the numbers of people whose insurance was cancelled because of Obamacare.

As much as the Democrats want to make believe the Obamacare disaster hasn’t happened, it has. There are millions of people who had health insurance of their choice on December 31 that now do not have health insurance. God help them should a catastrophic health issue arise for them without that insurance. What will they do?

More than eight months after an outraged President Obama said he would get to the bottom of the IRS harassment of conservatives, we finally find out who is heading his investigation.

More than eight months after an outraged President Obama said he would get to the bottom of the IRS harassment of conservatives, we finally find out who is heading his investigation: a big name Democratic Party donor.

“By selecting a significant donor to President Obama to lead an investigation into inappropriate targeting of conservative groups, the Department has created a startling conflict of interest. It is unbelievable that the Department would choose such an individual to examine the federal government’s systematic targeting and harassment of organizations opposed to the President’s policies. At the very least, Ms. Bosserman’s involvement is highly inappropriate and has compromised the Administration’s investigation of the IRS,” Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Darrell Issa wrote in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder yesterday. “We request that you immediately remove Ms. Bosserman from the ongoing investigation.”

In other words, Obama and his administration are stonewalling, which strongly suggests that they had everything to do with approving and directing this harassment of their political opponents.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has now expressed outrage over the revelation today that his aides created traffic jams to hurt a political opponent.

Hm. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has now expressed outrage over the revelation today that his aides created traffic jams to hurt a political opponent.

Has he fired anyone? We shall see. If he is sincere about this happening without his knowledge, he will be able to fire people quickly. If not, he will have to make some backroom deals, which will take time.

In a story that concerns the upcoming presidential campaign, emails show that top aides to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie purposely closed lanes to the George Washington Bridge in an effort to hurt the mayor of Fort Lee for not endorsing Christie.

In a story that concerns the 2016 presidential campaign, emails show that top aides to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie purposely closed lanes to the George Washington Bridge in an effort to hurt the mayor of Fort Lee for not endorsing Christie.

Private messages between Governor’s Christie’s deputy chief of staff and two of his top executives at the Port Authority reveal a vindictive effort to create “traffic problems in Fort Lee” by shutting lanes to the George Washington Bridge and apparent pleasure at the resulting gridlock. The messages are replete with references and insults to Fort Lee’s mayor, who had failed to endorse Christie for re-election and they chronicle how local officials tried to reach the Port Authority in a vain effort to eliminate the paralyzing gridlock that overwhelmed his town of 35,000, which sits in the shadow of the bridge, the world’s busiest.

Read it all. The emails are ugly, and exhibit a gleeful nonchalance towards the problems the lane closures were causing.

Politics can be a dirty game, but for a politician or his aides to do such a thing is despicable. The actions did more harm to the citizens trapped in unnecessary traffic jams than it did to the mayor of Fort Lee. Based on this evidence I am far more reluctant to support Christie for President.

Five years of hate and falsified news at NBC.

Five years of hate and falsified news at NBC.

This article is important because it documents the repeated times NBC has been caught deliberately faking news stories by dishonestly editing material. Worse, it also shows that, despite being caught at it, the network has refused to stop. If anything, it appears they have doubled down on their dishonesty in the last two years.

This says nothing good about NBC. It also tells us something far more terrible about its audience.

The agony of the world’s most influential focus group pollster.

The agony of the world’s most influential focus group pollster.

Key paragraphs:

The crisis began, he says, after last year’s presidential election, when Luntz became profoundly depressed. For more than a month, he tried to stay occupied, but nothing could keep his attention. Finally, six weeks after the election, during a meeting of his consulting company in Las Vegas, he fell apart. Leaving his employees behind, he flew back to his mansion in Los Angeles, where he stayed for three weeks, barely going outside or talking to anyone.

“I just gave up,” Luntz says.

His side had lost. Mitt Romney had, in his view, squandered a good chance at victory with a strategically idiotic campaign. (“I didn’t work on the campaign. It just sucked, as a professional. And it killed me because I realized on Election Day that there’s nothing I can do about it.”) But Luntz’s side had lost elections before. His dejection was deeper: It was, he says, about why the election was lost. “I spend more time with voters than anybody else,” Luntz says. “I do more focus groups than anybody else. I do more dial sessions than anybody else. I don’t know s–t about anything, with the exception of what the American people think.”

It was what Luntz heard from the American people that scared him. They were contentious and argumentative. They didn’t listen to each other as they once had. They weren’t interested in hearing other points of view. They were divided one against the other, black vs. white, men vs. women, young vs. old, rich vs. poor. “They want to impose their opinions rather than express them,” is the way he describes what he saw. “And they’re picking up their leads from here in Washington.” Haven’t political disagreements always been contentious, I ask? “Not like this,” he says. “Not like this.” [emphasis mine]

My agony too. One of the most frustrating aspects I experienced while living in liberal havens like New York and Maryland was the inability to find anyone who disagreed with me politically who was also willing to listen to what I had to say. I ain’t a fool. I’m very well educated. I’m also a nice guy who strongly believes in the right of anyone to freely follow their dreams, no matter their race, religion, ethnicity, or political beliefs. But as soon as I would express a conservative opinion I was insulted and shut out, ostracized and blackballed.

The future is not good if this does not change. And there is strong evidence that it is not going to.

And then there’s this: Liberals’ bigoted and ignorant view of conservatives.

Have you ever been pigeon-holed at a party by a liberal? I recommend avoiding it at all costs, but if it happens, go with it. You’ll get an education in what our opponents actually think as he rails, whines and complains about the terrible, inhuman monster that lurks on the fringes of American society.

This scourge is called a “conservative,” and I hope I never meet one in a dark alley. They apparently carry automatic weapons as they stalk the streets, hating science and hunting the poor for sport.

You’ll quickly note how your liberal monologist – they literally never shut up – is a scholar of all things conservative. Of course, he has never actually met one, living as he does in an urban sewer like San Francisco or in a subsidized academic enclave of Marxist fantasy like Berkeley. But who needs experience when you can get convenient bite-sized morsels of pre-processed ideology from MSNBC.

Read it all.

Nearly two thirds of the fraud and waste lost by the federal government in 2013 was paid by HHS, the agency running Obamacare.

Nearly two thirds of the fraud and waste lost by the federal government in 2013 was spent by HHS, the agency running Obamacare.

The total amount lost by either fraud, waste, or error equaled $106 billion, slightly down from 2012’s $108 billion figure. Of that, about $65 billion occurred in Health and Human Services.

But hey, what’s a few billion dollars here and there. It’s not like the federal government has a debt problem, does it?



It’s nice to see that despite being on vacation in Hawaii, the President can still carve out some time – between rounds of golf and snorkeling – to insult his political opponents. After all, nothing encourages bi-partisanship in the New Year like a little name calling and mudslinging. While enjoying his multi-million-dollar vacation (oh yeah… you and I paid for that) Mr. Obama decided to chastise Republicans for leaving DC without extending long-term unemployment.

The ability of Obama and the left to consider themselves completely blameless in all situations, with no responsibility ever when the things they do go wrong, is repeatedly astonishing.

Even if you have health insurance, it might be cheaper to pretend to be uninsured and pay cash instead.

Even if you have health insurance, it might be cheaper to pretend to be uninsured and pay cash instead.

This article points out the one fact that might actually be a benefit of Obamacare: The law is so screwed up that it is forcing many people out of their health insurance, where they might discover that by negotiating directly with doctors and hospitals. And that negotiation, more than any thing else — including every regulatory scheme proposed by any politician from the left or the right — will really lower the cost for healthcare.

Scientists so good they can predict things after it happens

Normally I would post this tidbit when I do my monthly update of the Sun’s solar cycle, due out in sometime in the next week. However, this piece of news is so ridiculous that I have got to post it now, just so everyone can see how far science in the modern world has declined.

For the past three years I have documented the number of times the solar scientists at the Marshall Space Flight Center have changed their prediction for the number of sunspots during this solar maximum. They have revised their prediction so many times with such a large range that it appears that they really don’t have any real system or theory for making this prediction, but are merely guessing based on instinct, opinion, or tea leaves. Moreover, they do not archive their earlier predictions. If I wasn’t documenting them here monthly, there would be no way to know that while today they predict one thing (very close to what is the right number), two years ago their prediction was way off, In recent months, because the changes have become so absurd, I have been making screen captures of each change.

For the past two months they have been stating that the sunspot maximum had occurred during the summer of 2013 with an average daily sunspot number of 65. Below is my screen capture from when they made this change in November.
» Read more

“I have closed all my businesses in Ventura County, California.”

Sign of the times: “I have closed all my businesses in Ventura County, California.”

And the business owner is happy about it!

Never have I operated in a more difficult environment. Ventura County combines a difficult government environment with a difficult employee base with a difficult customer base.

Freedom not only requires that each person be free to follow their own dreams, it also demands that everyone else respect that desire and effort. If you read the story above, you will discover that in this part of California at least, no one respects this business owner’s desire and effort. Instead, from the government to his customers, everyone was out to destroy him, no matter what he tried to do.

So rather than follow his dream, he is shutting down and getting out. Very sad.

Obamacare does not provide any easy way for a family to add a new baby to their insurance plan.

Finding out what’s not in it: Obamacare does not provide any easy way for a family to add a new baby to their insurance plan.

There’s another quirk in the Obama administration’s new health insurance system: It lacks a way for consumers to quickly and easily update their coverage for the birth of a baby and other common life changes. With regular private insurance, parents just notify the health plan. Insurers will still cover new babies, the administration says, but parents will also have to contact the government at some point later on. Right now the HealthCare.gov website can’t handle such updates.

It’s a reminder that the new coverage for many uninsured Americans comes with a third party in the mix: the feds. And the system’s wiring for some vital federal functions isn’t yet fully connected. [emphasis mine]

To paraphrase something George Will once said, the law is a blunt instrument, not designed to do many complex things. But with Obamacare the Democrats have asked it to do something incredibly complex, run the health insurance business. It can’t do it, and because of this it is now causing a great deal of heartache and misery for many people, a large number of whom are sick and vulnerable.

But we all know that the Democrats care about the sick and vulnerable, which is why they insisted that Obamacare be enforced now without delay.

The 30 counties with the highest medium income just happen to be where most people work for the federal government.

I am shocked, shocked! The 30 counties with the highest medium income just happen to be where most people work for the federal government.

The only county among the Top 5 for median household income not located near Washington, D.C., was No. 3 Los Alamos County, N.M.—which is the smallest county in that state, and which is also home to the U.S. Energy Department’s Los Alamos National Laboratory. The median household income in Los Alamos County in 2012, according to the Census Bureau, was $112,115.

Frontpage picks Ted Cruz as their 2013 man of the year.

Frontpage picks Ted Cruz as their 2013 man of the year.

From one end of the country to the other, the voices of the inevitable, Democrats and Republicans, politicians, pollsters and pundits, in ink-stained print, on the sprawling feeds of cable news and the endless whirl of the Internet, boomed their message.

Ted Cruz was wrong. Ted Cruz was doomed. Ted Cruz would destroy the Republican Party. Ted Cruz was a mad fool for taking on ObamaCare in all the wrong ways. But as the old year tips into the new, Cruz is standing tall and ObamaCare is being torn apart by its namesake in a frantic effort to save his popularity.

The truth is the truth. If you stand for it, without fear, you will win. Eventually, the bullies and naysayers will have to back off, simply because the truth will have become self-evident to everyone.

A survey of New York businesses cannot find any businesses whose healthcare costs have gone down due to Obamacare.

A survey of New York businesses cannot find any businesses whose healthcare costs have gone down due to Obamacare.

Instead, the survey finds that premiums have gone up, across the board, for everyone.

Once again, who voted for this law? Who has defended it through thick and thin? Who shut the government down to prevent any changes to it?

The bottom of the barrel.

The bottom of the barrel.

NBC News was once a trusted source for news, a destination millions of Americans turned to in times of national events. It’s now a punchline, a disgrace.

This didn’t happen overnight, and it didn’t happen by accident. There was a conscious decision on behalf of the management team to change, and change it did. You don’t scrape the bottom of the barrel and come up with the type of loathsome, hate-filled bile spewers regularly filling those airwaves by accident. You scrape all the way to the bottom because this is what you want.

It is very important to emphasize the level of hate coming from this so-called outlet of news. It is also very important to emphasize how unaware or glad NBC is that its reporters and anchors express this hate, repeatedly.

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