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On Christmas Eve 1968 three Americans became the first humans to visit another world. What they did to celebrate was unexpected and profound, and will be remembered throughout all human history. Genesis: the Story of Apollo 8, Robert Zimmerman's classic history of humanity's first journey to another world, tells that story, and it is now available as both an ebook and an audiobook, both with a foreword by Valerie Anders and a new introduction by Robert Zimmerman.


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Trump to sue Justice Department over Mar-a-Lago raid and subsequent indictments

Trump defiant after being shot
Trump defiant

Fight! Fight! Fight! According to a report today by Fox News, Trump’s lawyers are about to sue the Justice Department for $100 million, claiming the Mar-a-Lago raid and subsequent now-dismissed indictments by Jack Smith (who the courts have ruled was appointed illegally) were done with the “clear intent to engage in political persecution.”

Trump attorney Daniel Epstein filed the notice to sue the Justice Department. The Justice Department has 180 days from the date of receipt to respond to Epstein’s notice and come to a resolution. If no resolution is made, Trump’s case will move to federal court in the Southern District of Florida.

…Epstein argued that the DOJ violated Florida law, intrusion upon seclusion, which is recognized as a form of invasion of privacy. Intrusion upon seclusion includes “an intentional intrusion, physically or otherwise, into the private quarters of another person” and the intrusion “must occur in a manner that a reasonable person would find highly offensive.”

“The FBI’s demonstrated activity was inconsistent with protocols used in routine searches of an investigative target’s premises,” Epstein wrote, adding that Trump “had a clear expectation of privacy at Mar-a-Lago. Worse, the FBI’s conduct in the raid – where established protocol was violated – constitutes a severe and unacceptable intrusion that is highly offensive to a reasonable person.”

Next, Epstein argued “malicious prosecution.” He wrote that the Justice Department and the special counsel’s office “brought a lawless criminal indictment” against Trump. Epstein pointed to the Supreme Court’s ruling that a president has immunity from prosecution for official acts. “As such, given the Supreme Court’s immunity decision and Judge Cannon’s dismissal of the prosecution on grounds that the Special Counsel’s appointment violated the appointments clause and his office was funded through an improper appropriation, there was no constitutional basis for the search or the subsequent indictment,” Epstein writes.

Considering that this same Justice Department decided to not prosecute Joe Biden for doing much worse (retaining classified documents insecurely in his garage when he wasn’t even the president and had no right to hold those documents at all), the claim by Trump’s lawyers of malicious prosecution seems entirely reasonable. That there is also strong evidence that the FBI and Smith’s office manipulated the search and the evidence illegally to score propaganda points gives this lawsuit an even stronger foundation.

More important, however, is that this lawsuit signals the hardnosed approach Trump will take against these partisan hacks should he win re-election in November. As such, Trump should be very aware that his life is certainly in real danger, as I predicted in March:

The assassination of Abraham Lincoln
The assassination of Abraham Lincoln

[F]from November to January will be a very dangerous time for anyone whom these corrupt government employees see as an enemy. Fake scandals like the Russian collusion hoax will the least of our worries. Do not be surprised or shocked if there were a number of assassination attempts during this time period on Republican elected officials, including Trump.

If I was him, I would not rely solely on government security. I would have my own people present at all times.

The July 13th attempt to kill Trump appears mostly to have happened due to incompetence and a willingness of too many Secret Service managers to not take protecting Trump very seriously, possibly for partisan reasons. Should he be re-elected however, that partisan laziness against a candidate they don’t like will likely shift into outright hate and fear, and could easily then morph into direct action to prevent him taking power.

Trump — as well as everyone who believes in freedom, the Constitution, and the rule of law — should be very afraid, and aware of this danger. Only by being aware will it be possible to fight back with the appropriate strength and determination.

The support of my readers through the years has given me the freedom and ability to analyze objectively the ongoing renaissance in space, as well as the cultural changes -- for good or ill -- that are happening across America. Four years ago, just before the 2020 election I wrote that Joe Biden's mental health was suspect. Only in the past two weeks has the mainstream media decided to recognize that basic fact.


Fourteen years ago I wrote that SLS and Orion were a bad ideas, a waste of money, would be years behind schedule, and better replaced by commercial private enterprise. Even today NASA and Congress refuses to recognize this reality.


In 2020 when the world panicked over COVID I wrote that the panic was unnecessary, that the virus was apparently simply a variation of the flu, that masks were not simply pointless but if worn incorrectly were a health threat, that the lockdowns were a disaster and did nothing to stop the spread of COVID. Only in the past year have some of our so-called experts in the health field have begun to recognize these facts.


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  • Brewingfrog

    $100 million? He’s low-balling it…

  • James Street

    I’ve read a lot of Trump’s books. They are mostly autobiographical telling stories of experiences he had and deals he made, and what he was thinking as he went through them.

    Trump loves lawsuits. He loves fighting. He will spend $100,000 in legal fees fighting a $10,000 frivolous lawsuit just to punch the guy in the nose and to discourage other frivolous lawsuits. And because he loves the fight. The more complicated a fight the more he loves it.

    I’ll admit I had problems when he talks about his love for revenge, but thinking about it, it is scriptural. I’m just used to limp-wristed preachers telling me I have to let other people use me as a punching bag.

    Trump is the right man for this moment in history. What a privilege to be alive.

  • Related:


    Gateway P: “European Union Tyrants Send Letter to Elon Musk – DEMAND X Owner Elon Musk CENSOR President Donald Trump During Upcoming Interview Tonight”

  • I will also include this story with this panel:

    “Secret Service apologizes to salon owner over break-in, bathroom use during Kamala Harris event”

    This is directly related to the government doing what it should never do.

    This story of the Secret Service burglarizing a private business along with the DOJ prompted FBI armed raid of a former president’s home is concerning. To say the least. Those in power have gone over the line and they do not appear to be inclined to reverse that trend.

    Oh, its coming:

  • wayne

    I was under the impression; the federal government has to allow you to sue the federal government….

  • Dave Walden

    Attn Trump:

    Discovery, discovery, discovery! Please do not “settle!”


  • Related:


    “I did not listen to the Elon Musk Donald Trump conversation yet, but I will listen to some of it today. I found this meme below to be hysterical as we find empowered politicians in the EU attempt to intimidate and ban Musk from talking with Trump on Musks own X social media platform. A direct threat to free speech.”


    “And I have said this about both before. Listening to Elon and his halting conversation style you want to jump out of the window. And add to that Trump and his unique style combined with Elons is a challenge, for me anyway. Two true genuine very successful geniuses in their fields. Love them or hate them you must recognize their successes and the sides they have both chosen in this modern-day fight for Freedom V Authoritarian Globalist Leftist rule. And that is how simple this all is boiled down to:

    Which side have you chosen?”

  • BLSinSC

    I do believe there’s a little “thingy” about suing Gov’t ee’s DIRECTLY if they exceed their LEGAL AUTHORITY to use their POWER! There’s no doubt that Joe, Garland, and Smith (along with an army of leftist lawyers) all had a hand in this – probably the segment of excrement oblama as well! All of them exceeded their LEGAL AUTHORITY by engaging in a RICO act to deprive PRESIDENT TRUMP of his freedom! Good luck to him and I do hope those people have to pay up PERSONALLY not only for the damages but for their DEFENSES! Oh, and it should have been $100 BILLION!!

  • wayne

    (not a lawyer…)

    “Federal Tort Claims Act”
    You have to exhaust all administrative remedies in effect at the agency first, then ask the Federal government for permission to sue them.

    Subject Change:

    Proof of life for Mitch McConnell?
    Has he been seen the past 6 months?

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