The Insight lander on Mars as seen from orbit over six years

Insight as seen by MRO over six years
Click for movie.

Using photos taken by Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) from 2018 to 2024, researchers have compiled a short movie showing how the dust around the Mars lander Insight changed over time.

This video shows images taken by HiRISE between Dec. 11, 2018, just a couple weeks after InSight landed on Mars, and Oct. 23, 2024. In the images, InSight often appears as a bright, blue dot due to its reflection of sunlight. A dark halo was scorched into the ground by the spacecraft’s retrorocket thrusters; this halo fades away over time. Dark stripes that can be seen on the surface are tracks left by passing dust devils. [emphasis mine]

You can see the movie here. The image to the right was the first picture taken by MRO only three weeks after landing.

Insight eventually shut down because this dust accumulated on its solar panels, and the lander never was blessed with having a dust devil cross over it to blow that dust away. This video illustrates why. Out of the seven images making up the short movie, only three show dust devil tracks, and in each case only a few tracks are seen. No other tracks are detected.

In other words, over six years this region simply did not get a lot of dust devils. The odds of one crossing over InSight was thus quite low. Ironically, the image to the right shows that a dust devil crossed very close to the lander about the time it landed in 2018, probably just beforehand since the dark scorch created by the lander’s thrusters cover the track. No dust devil ever got that close again.

Land of knobs

Land of knobs
Click for original image.

Cool image time! The picture to the right, rotated, cropped, reduced, and sharpened to post here, was taken on July 17, 2024 by the high resolution camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). Labeled merely as a “terrain sample,” it was likely taken not as part of any specific research project, but to fill a gap in the camera’s schedule in order to maintain its proper temperature.

When the camera team does this, they try to pick interesting targets. In this case, they targeted this 400-foot-high pointy-topped hill. The smoothness of its slopes suggest this hill is made up largely of packed dust, possibly a hardened former dune. This hypothesis seems strengthened by the erosion on the eastern slopes, which appears to be areas where that packed sand has worn or blow away.

Think of sandstone in the American southwest. It is made of sand that has hardened into rock, but wind and water and friction can easily break it back into dust particles, resulting often in the spectacular and weird geological shapes that make the southwest so enticing.

But is this sand?
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“Thar’s ice in them hills!”

Overview map

Thar's ice in them hills!
Click for original image.

Cool image time! The picture to the right, cropped, reduced, and sharpened to post here, was taken on September 25, 2024 by the high resolution camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). It shows what the camera team labels as a “mound in the southern highlands.”

The mound in question sits in the center of the sunken depression, and at the highest resolution shows its top to be cracked and broken, as if something is attempting to break out by pushing up from below.

Everything about this picture screams near-surface ice. The cracked mound suggests ice sublimating into gas, which applies pressure to the surface and thus the cracks. The depression suggest that much of the near-surface ice at this location has already disappeared, causing the ground to sag. All the craters lack upraised rims. If caused by impacts, the ground here was soft enough that the impactor simply sank into the ground. Imagine dropping a rock you’ve heated into snow. It would simply leave a hole.

But there’s more. The white dot in the overview map above marks the location. In the inset, the lighter area surrounding this depression resembles an ice sheet that is slowly sublimating away. There are also other similar depressions in that lighter area. The lighter area also has fewer craters than the darker regions nearby, suggesting that this ice sheet covers the older impacts.

The location is in the southern cratered highlands in a mid-latitude region where many images indicate the existence of layers of ice deep below ground. This picture is more evidence of the same, but it also indicates the presence of ice very close to the surface as well.

The orbital data continues to tell us that Mars is not a dry desert like the Sahara, but an icy desert like Antarctica. There will be plenty of water for future colonists. All they will have to do is stick a shovel in the ground, dig it up, and process it.

Strange flat layers on Mars

Strange layers on Mars

Cool image time! The picture to the right, rotated, cropped, reduced, and enhanced to post here, was taken on July 16, 2024 by the high resolution camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). It shows what MRO’s camera team labels as “layers near ridge in Argyre Planitia.”

The layers are strange because there is so little topographic difference between them. Though the ground slopes downward from the south to the north, dropping about 1,300 feet, it does so almost smoothly. The layers show relatively little topographic relief.

And what caused the circular shape? Is it evidence of a buried crater? And if so, why so little relief at its rim?

As always, the overview map provides some answers.
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The strange beginning of a 300-mile-long meandering canyon on Mars

Overview map

Today’s cool image will be unlike most cool images, in that we will begin not with the image but with the overview map to the right. The long meandering canyon at the center of this map is Nirgal Vallis, a 300-mile long canyon on Mars that eventually drains to the east into a much larger drainage system that runs south-to-north several thousand miles into the Martian northern lowland plains.

At first glance Nirgal Vallis invokes a river system. It starts in the west as several branches that combine to form a single major canyon meandering eastward until it enters that south-to-north system. To our Earth eyes, this canyon suggests it was carved by water flowing eastward, the many drainage routes combining as they flowed downhill.

Today’s the cool image, its location indicated by the white dot, tells us however that liquid water might not have been what created this canyon.
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Strange mesas in the glacier country of Mars

Overview map

Strange mesas in the glacier country of Mars

Cool image time! The picture to the right, cropped, reduced, and sharpened to post here, was taken on October 2, 2024 by the high resolution camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). The white dot in the overview map above marks the location, inside the chaos terrain of Deuternilus Mensae and part of the 2,000-mile-long mid-latitude Martian strip I label “glacier country,” because practically every image of every part of its landscape has glacial features. For example, the splash apron around the picture’s largest crater as well as the material within it all suggest some form of glacial activity and near-surface ice.

The scientists label what they see here as “Mesas in Small Craters.” These features are located in a low flat plain that geologists think was created when the ground eroded away, leaving behind scattered high plateaus that indicate the previous surface elevation. The geological map [pdf] of this plain describes it as follows:

Smooth, relatively featureless materials with regions of variable albedo north of continuous cratered highlands; exhibits scattered clusters of small circular to irregular knobs.

Based on the many accumulated photos from MRO, the general conclusion is that we are looking at a sheet of ice/dirt and covered by a thin dust layer that acts to protect that ice from sublimating away. When wind blows that dust off and the summer sun hits that near-surface ice, however, it does sublimate in bursts, which thus provides an explanation for the erosion that caused these low featureless plains.

As for these strange terraced mesas inside these distorted hollows, my guess is that the mesas predate the icesheet and are made of material with less ice impregnated within it. As that ice sublimates away it creates the craters within which the mesas remain. The terraces suggest a earlier series of geological sedimentary history.

Unusual light-colored Martian dunes

Unusual light-colored Martian dunes
Click for original image.

Cool image time! The picture to the right, cropped, reduced, and sharpened to post here, was taken on September 27, 2024 by the high resolution camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO).

The picture was simply labeled a “terrain sample,” which usually means it was taken not as part of any specific research request, but to fill a gap in the schedule so as to maintain the camera’s proper temperature. When such gap-filler pictures are necessary, the MRO camera team tries to snap something of interest. Sometimes the pictures end up somewhat boring. This time however the picture highlights a dune field that is unusually light in color.

Since most Martian sand is volcanic in origin, it tends to look dark in orbital pictures. That this sand looks bright could be because it is inherently different, or it could be that lighting conditions make what normally looks dark to look bright instead.
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Etched terrain on Mars

Etched terrain on Mars
Click for original image.

Today’s cool image is another example of what I call a “What the heck!” image. The picture to the right, simply cropped to post here, was taken on September 22, 2024 by the high resolution camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO).

It shows what the scientists label as “etched terrain,” an incredibly twisted and eroded landscape that to me actually defies description. In trying to research what scientists have learned and theorized about this terrain, it appears they think it is material that flowed over older terrain (thus its lack of many craters) that was subsequently eroded by later processes.

Why it eroded so strangely however is not really understood. It could have been caused by near-surface ice sublimated to the surface and thus causing many breaks, but since this terrain is located right on the equator in the dry tropics, it is a very long time since water was present here.
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Martian mountains amidst a deep sea of sand


A Martian mountain surrounded by a sea of sand
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Cool image time! The picture to the right, cropped, reduced, and sharpened to post here, was taken on July 9, 2024 by the high resolution camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). The white dot on the overview map above marks the location, inside the deep enclosed and very large 130-mile-wide depression dubbed Juventae Chasma.

The mountain in the picture raises above the sand sea that surrounds it from 1,000 to 2,300 feet, depending on direction, as the downhill grade of the sand sea is to the east. Thus, on the west the mountain rises less, while on the east the height is the greatest.

The inset illustrates the extent of the sand sea. It covers the ground for many miles in all directions. The way the sand surrounds these mountains suggests the prevailing winds blow from the west to the east. In fact, the facts suggest that this sand is volcanic ash that was blown into Juventae from many eruptions that occurred over time to the west, where it got trapped. The wind and gravity deposited the sand into the 20,000 to 25,000-foot-deep chasm, where the wind was insufficient to lift it out again.

One wonders how deep that sand sea might be. The lack of any surface features at all suggests it could be quite deep, burying everything but the highest peaks. In fact, if a geologist could drill a core through that sand I suspect he or she might be able to document the entire eruption history of much of Mars.

Distinct gully draining the side of a Martian crater

Distinct gully in crater on Mars
Click for original image.

Cool image time! The picture to the right, cropped, reduced, and sharpened to post here, was taken on August 20, 2024 by the high resolution camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). The science team labels the entire picture simply as “gully,” obviously referring to that distinct and somewhat deep hollow in the middle of the picture.

Most gullies that have been found on Mars tend to look more eroded and rougher than this hollow. Here, it appears almost as if the process that caused this gully occurred relatively recently, resulting in its sharp borders that have not had time to crumble into softer shapes.

The crater interior slope is about 1,500 feet high. Whatever flowed down it however did not do it in an entirely expected manner. As it flowed it curved to the west, so that the impingement into the glacial material that fills the crater floor is to the west of the gully itself. Either that, or that impingement was caused by a different event at a different earlier time.
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Boxwork in the dry Martian tropics

Boxwork on Mars
Click for original image.

Cool image time! The picture to the right, cropped and enhanced to post here, was taken on July 17, 2024 by the high resolution camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). It shows what the scientists label as boxwork, a pattern of intersecting straight ridges criss-crossing each other in a generally random manner.

The ridges themselves are very small, only a few feet high. To make them more visible I have purposely cropped this section without reducing its resolution. I have also increased the contrast.

What caused them? According to this paper [pdf] about similar boxwork found on Mount Sharp in Gale Crater, the boxwork “formed when cements filled existing pore spaces and fractures in fractured rock, and these cements were left as topographic ridges after erosion.”

In other words, the surface hardened, then fractured. Later more resistent material, likely lava, filled the cracks. When erosion later stripped the top surface away, the lava was more resistent and so became the ridges we now see.
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Another cool hiking location on Mars

Overview map

Another cool hiking location on Mars
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Cool image time! The picture to the right, cropped, reduced, and sharpened to post here, was taken on August 10, 2024 by the high resolution camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO).

My reason to posting this I admit is selfish and tourist-oriented. This narrow ridge, about a mile long and about 300 to 600 feet high, appeals directly to my hiking passions. A trail along its length would provide any hiker some really spectactular views.

The scientists took the picture because of the geology. The white dot on the overview map above marks the location, a short channel dubbed Daga Vallis that connects two major canyons in the eastern part of Valles Marineris, the largest known canyon system in the solar system. This ridge and several nearby parallel ridges were apparently made of something, possibly lava, that was resistent to the theorized ancient catastrophic floods that scientists presently believe carved out these channels and canyons.

In the inset the dotted line indicates one possible hiking trail route that travels the full length of the ridge but then heads south to continue along the rim of a 1,200-foot-high cliff face. For future Martian colonists, I offer this site as a great place to set up a bed-and-breakfast, surrounded by many potential hikes of incredible stark beauty.

Giant dunes in a dune sea inside a Martian crater

Overview map

Giant dunes in a Martian crater

Cool image time! The picture to the right, cropped, reduced, and sharpened to post here, was taken on July 17, 2024 by the high resolution camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO).

The white dot on the overview map above marks the location, inside a thirty-mile-wide dune sea, or erg, that sits in the center of the floor of 80-mile-wide Russell Crater.

That erg is interesting in that it appears the dunes get larger and larger as you move from the perimeter to its center. Thus, the dunes in the picture are called mega-dunes, about 200-feet-high. They dwarf the smaller dunes at the erg’s edge.

This picture was taken as part of a long term monitoring program to track the coming and going of seasonal dry ice frost on these dunes. It is summer when this picture was taken, so there is relatively little visible frost, though the bright blue areas in the color strip could possibly be the last remnants from winter. In winter, data suggests the entire surface of these dunes is covered by dry ice frost.

As the location is at 54 degrees south latitude, it likely sits at the northernmost edge of the southern dry ice mantle that in winter covers each of the Martian poles, down to about 60 degrees latitude.

Meandering channels on Mars

Meandering channels on Mars
Click for original image.

Cool image time! The picture to the right, rotated, cropped, reduced, and sharpened to post here, was taken on August 2, 2024 by the high resolution camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO).

The scientists describe this as “meandering channels,” which seems appropriate. The downhill grade here is to the southeast. In wider views these channels extend from the northwest to the southeast about 31 miles total (with this location near the center), with the total elevation loss about 3,000 feet.

Note the splash apron around the 4,500-foot-wide unnamed crater as well as how the largest channel seems to terminate suddenly at the crater. Though at first glance it appears this impact occurred after the channels, that some of the channels cut into that splash apron suggests otherwise.
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A somewhat typical but strange crater in Mars’ Death Valley

A somewhat typical crater in Mars' death valley
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Cool image time! The picture to the right, rotated, cropped, reduced, and sharpened to post here, was taken on August 29, 2024 by the high resolution camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO).

The camera team labels the primary feature in this picture as “ridges,” but what I see is a strange crater that at first glance appears to be impact-caused, but at closer inspection might be something else entirely.

This unnamed crater is about one mile wide. It is only about fifty feet deep, but sits above the surround landscape by about 200 feet. That high position suggests strongly that this crater was not formed by an impact by is instead a caldera from some sort of volcanic activity, with the splash apron around it simply examples of past magma flows erupting from within.

The ridges inside the crater might be glacial debris, as this location is at 35 degrees south latitude, making near surface ice possible.
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Weird ring-mounds in one of Mars’ largest craters

Weird ring mounds on Mars
Click for original image.

Cool image time! The picture to the right, cropped, reduced, and sharpened to post here, was taken on August 16, 2024 by the high resolution camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). The science team labels these strange features “ring-mound landforms,” a term that has been used to describe [pdf] only vaguely similar features previously found in the Athabasca flood lava plain almost on the other side of Mars. That paper suggested that those ring mounds formed on the “thin, brittle crust of an active fluid flow” created by an explosive event. Since Athabasca is considered Mars’s most recent major flood lava event, the fluid was likely lava, which on Mars flows more quickly and thinly in the lower gravity.

Thus, in Athabasca the ring-mounds formed when a pimple of molten lava from below popped the surface.

But what about the ring mounds in the picture to the right?
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“What the heck?” lava on Mars

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Cool image time! The picture to the right, cropped, reduced, and sharpened to post here, was taken on August 19, 2024 by the high resolution camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). Labeled merely as a “terrain sample,” it was likely snapped not for any specific research project, but to fill a gap in the camera schedule in order to maintain its proper temperature.

When the science team does this they try to pick interesting locations. Sometimes the picture is relatively boring. Sometimes, like the picture to the right, it reveals weird geology that is somewhat difficult to explain. The picture covers the transition from the smooth featureless plain to the north, and the twisting and complex ridges to the south, all of which are less than a few feet high.

Note the gaps. The downgrade here is to the west, and the gaps appear to vaguely indicate places where flows had occurred.
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A pointy mesa once washed by theorized Martian ocean

A pointy mesa on Mars
Click for original image.

Today’s cool image returns to the same region yesterday’s cool image visited. The picture to the right, cropped, reduced, and sharpened to post here, was taken on July 21, 2024 by the high resolution camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). It was clearly taken to get a close look at this unusual pointy mesa.

MRO elevation data says this mesa is about 800 feet height. The color difference between the north and south flanks suggests the accumulated presence of dust on the north, suggesting the prevailing winds here come from the northeast and blow to the southwest. This conclusion is reinforced by the dark accumulated dust found in the southwest quadrants of all the crater floors in the full image. The wind blows this dust into the craters, where it gets trapped against the southwest crater wall.

Note the mesa’s wide base, with one crater partly eaten away on its eastern edge. The overall shape of this base suggests that it was carved by some flow coming from the southwest, as indicated by the arrow.
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The obvious visual evidence for assuming Mars once had catastrophic floods

The obvious visual evidence of past catastropic floods on Mars
Click for original image.

Since the first comprehensive orbital data of Mars was sent back in the early 1970s by Mariner 9, scientists have generally concluded that many of the features seen at the eastern end of the giant Valles Marineris canyon were caused by one or several catastrophic floods.

The picture to the right, rotated, cropped, and reduced to post here and taken on July 26, 2024 by the high resolution camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), provides a good example of why the scientists have come to that conclusion. It shows what the camera team labels a “streamline feature surrounding crater.” I have added the arrows to indicate the presumed direction of flow. The flow went around this 2.5-mile-wide unnamed crater because the impact had compacted it, making it resistent to erosion. The flow however was strong and large enough to wash away the plateau on which the crater sits, as well as cutting into the crater’s southwest rim. In addition, the rim on the southeast was also cut through at some point, this time from what might have been flow eddies as the flood pushed past.

Hence, the theory of catastrophic floods.

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A different kind of chaos on Mars

A different kind of chaos on Mars
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Cool image time! The picture to the right, rotated, cropped, reduced, and sharpened to post here, was taken on June 23, 2024 by the high resolution camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). I had originally chosen to feature a different picture of this spot, taken on August 1, 2024 in order to create a stereo pair, but this week the camera team featured this first photo, providing a caption.

This disrupted surface is characterized by a collection of rounded to flat-topped mounds of various sizes connected by narrow flat floors, typical of the aptly named “chaotic terrain” on Mars.

What could have caused this flat surface to break into pieces? You might imagine that a flat surface could be broken up if it was inflated or collapsed. One hypothesis is that large amounts of water were released from deep below the ground to cause the surface break up.

Normally on Mars, especially in the mid-latitudes, chaotic terrain is associated with glacial activity, suggesting that glaciers over time erode valleys along random criss-crossing fault lines to create the mesas and canyons. This patch of chaotic terrain however suggests a different formation process.
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Spring etch-a-sketch near the Martian south pole

Spring etch-a-sketch near the Martian south pole
Click for original image.

Cool image time! The picture to the right, cropped, reduced, and sharpened to post here, was taken on May 28, 2024 by the high resolution camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). Labeled merely as a “terrain sample,” it was likely snapped not as part of any specific research project but to fill a gap in the camera’s schedule so as to maintain its proper temperature.

The camera team tries to find interesting geology when they do this, and are frequently successful. In this case the image shows some truly alien Martian terrain at 77 degrees south latitude, about 475 miles from the south pole.

What are we looking at? I promise you it isn’t the iron filings found inside an Etch-A-Sketch drawing toy. My guess is that the base layer is the light areas, a mixture of ice and debris impregnated with dust and eroded into the unique Martian geological feature dubbed brain terrain. As for the dark lines and splotches, their explanation might lie in the time of year, the spring.
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The pimpled floor of Isidis Basin on Mars

The pimpled floor of Isidis Basin on Mars
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Cool image time! The picture to the right, cropped, reduced, and sharpened to post here, was taken on May 21, 2024 by the high resolution camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). Labeled merely as a “terrain sample,” it was likely taken not as part of any specific research project but chosen by the camera team to fill a gap in the camera’s schedule in order to maintain its proper temperature.

When they do this they try to pick a target that is somewhat interesting, though it is not always possible. In this case it appears they succeeded in capturing a location filled with lots of puzzling stuff, including low 60-to-80-foot-high mesas with either flat- or hollow-tops, shallow craters that appear almost buried, and other craters that appear so deep and shadowed that it is even possible these are skylights into underground caves.

In between these features the flat landscape has a scattering of ripple dunes, all oriented in the same direction and thus implying that the prevailing winds are or were blowing from the northeast to the southwest.
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Monitoring a changing spot on Mars

Monitoring a changing landscape on Mars
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Cool image time! The picture to the right, cropped, reduced, and sharpened to post here, was taken on July 18, 2024 by the high resolution camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). Based on its label, “Dark Filamentary Streak Year-Round Monitor Site in Promethei Terra,” it was apparently taken as part of a long-term project to monitor the changes that occur at this particular spot on Mars.

This monitoring began in 2008, not long after MRO began science operations. In that first image, taken in the Martian autumn, almost the entire terrain was covered with dust devil tracks, all running more-or-less parallel to each other in a northwest-to-southeast direction.

That unusual tiger-striped landscape prompted later monitoring. However, a follow-up photo in 2010, also in autumn, showed practically no dust tracks here at all. Another image, taken in 2011 during the Martian summer, showed new dust devil tracks, but instead of being aligned as in 2008, the tracks went in all directions, with only a hint of alignment to the southeast.
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Frozen Martian eddies at the confluence of two glacier rivers

Frozen eddies at the confluence of two glacial rivers
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Cool image time! The picture to the right, rotated, cropped, reduced, and sharpened to post here, was taken on July 3, 2024 by the high resolution camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO).

The science team labels the photo as capturing a “contact near Reull Vallis,” a 1,000-mile-long Martian canyon that flows down the eastern slopes of Hellas Basin, the death valley of Mars.

What I see isn’t a geological contact but a complex jumble of odd-shaped depressions and mesas, surrounded by an eroded surface that seems squashed and deformed by some process. If this is all we had to go on, I would simply label this as another “What the heck?” image on Mars and move on. However, the larger context of the overview map helps explain it all, at least as best as we can explain using orbital data.
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The strange terrain of the Martian southern ice cap

The strange terrain of Mars' south pole
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Cool image time! The picture to the right, rotated, cropped, and sharpened to post here, was taken on July 29, 2024 by the high resolution camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). It shows a section at the Martian south pole at the very high latitude of 87 degrees south, only about 100 miles from the pole itself.

The label for this picture is “possible water ice and mesas,” suggesting we are looking at an ice cap of water that is partly sublimated away.

In truth, things are much more complicated. It was summer when this photo was taken. Note the drainage in the lower right and the dark spidery lines there. In the winter on Mars atmospheric carbon dioxide falls as snow and coats the poles to about 60 degrees latitude with a thin mantle of dry ice. In the spring this mantle sublimates away, but does so in an counter-intuitive manner. The sublimation first occurs at the mantle’s base, and the trapped gas flows up until it finds a weak spot in the mantle and cracks through, spewing out and deposting dark splotches of dust.

At the south pole this upward flow always follows the same paths, producing the dark spidery patterns we see here. In the case of the drainage in the lower right, this is a drainage of gas eastward until it pops out at the slope, causing that depression to become darkly stained.

This is only part of the story of this complex geology, however.
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Crazy swirling Martian landscape

Crazy swirling Martian landscape
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Cool image time! The picture to the right, cropped, reduced, sharpened, and annotated to post here, was taken on July 1, 2024 by the high resolution camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO).

The science team labels this “Contacts between Likely Sulfates and Chaos Blocks.” That contact I have indicated with the dotted line. To the west the lighter terrain is likely the sulfate-bearing unit, similar to the sulfate-bearing unit that Curiosity has been traversing on Mount Sharp for the past year or so.

To the east are the chaos blocks, but I think that description is wholly inadequate. In truth, I haven’t the faintest idea how this terrain got to be the way it is. It is evident that a lot of dust and sand has gotten trapped in the hollows, leaving behind ripple dunes in some places, but why the higher ridges swirl and curve about as they do is utterly baffling.
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Monitoring gullies on Mars for changes

Overview map

Monitoring gullies on Mars
Click for original image.

Cool image time! The picture to the right, cropped, reduced, and enhanced to post here, was taken on June 29, 2024 by the high resolution camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). The scientists label the picture simply as “gully monitoring,” with an apparent goal of looking to see if this gully has changed since MRO took the first high resolution image two years previously. In the interim this terrain went from Martian spring, through summer and winter, and has now returned to spring.

As far as I can tell, no changes are visible, but then I am not using the highest resolution data available. Small changes might be detectable in the highest resolution using good detection software. Overall, the gully drops about 3,000 feet.

The white dot in the overview map above marks the location, on the southwest interior rim of an unnamed 30-mile wide crater. This region in the Martian cratered highlands was featured in a four part cool image series I did back 2023 (here, here, here, and here), with this as my conclusion:

Overall, our short survey of the southern cratered highlands suggests that the glacial material and ice found in the southern mid-latitudes affects the Martian surface differently than in the northern lowland plains. In the north the craters and the surrounding terrain often appear blobby, as if the ice is close to the surface and also a dominant component of the ground. Impacts therefore cause significant soft melt features, with craters often heavily distorted. Similarly, there is evidence of the existence of past mud volcanoes that once spewed water and mud from below ground.

In the south however the surface is at a higher elevation, and it appears the ice layer is deeper underground. Thus, it appears the ground is more firm, and the only obvious evidence of an underground layer of ice is revealed when sublimation and the subsequent erosion produce these large pits inside craters.

In the case of this crater, a small impact on its interior southwest slope apparently caused that underground layer of ice to melt temporarily and flow downhill, leaving behind the gully and flow features we see today. Based on the two MRO pictures taken a full Martian year apart, it appears the feature is generally stable and thus likely old, left over from that impact. If things are changing seasonally they are doing so in small amounts and slowly.

Layered mesas in Martian chaos

Layered mesas in Martian chaos
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Cool image time! The picture to the right, rotated, cropped, reduced, and sharpened to post here, was taken on May 19, 2024 by the high resolution camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). It shows a 2,500 to 3,000-foot-high mesa with what the scientists call “bedrock layers”, most obvious as the lower terraces on the mesa’s western slopes.

What makes this mesa especially interesting is its overall shape. It appears as if something has taken a bite out of it, resulting in that bowl-like hollow on the mesa’s southern half.

Was this caused by an impact? Or has some other long term Martian processes caused it?

This mesa is just one of many mesas in a region of chaos terrain dubbed Hydraotes Chaos. Such chaos terrain is thought to form when erosion processes, possibly glacial in nature, that carve out canyons along faultlines, leaving behind mesas with randomly oriented canyons cutting in many directions.
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Land of cracks

Land of cracks

Cool image time! The picture to the right, cropped to post here, was taken on June 28, 2024 by the high resolution camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). Labeled a “terrain sample,” it was likely taken not as part of any specific research project but to fill a gap in the camera’s schedule in order to maintain its proper temperature. When the camera team needs to do this, they try to pick something interesting, but don’t always have that option.

In this case, the landscape available included the channel shown to the right. About a half mile wide and only about fifty feet deep, the floor of this canyon appears to have a lot of trapped dust, forming ripple dunes, along with a lot of knobby protrusions, likely small mesas. The canyon walls appear layered, with the erosion processes producing different features on opposite sides. On the southeast the layers appear to produce distinct terraces, while on the northwest the cliff is very steep at the top and then forms a long gently descending slope that appears formed of alluvial fill (from that cliff) and formed from erosion and landslides.
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Some new “What the heck?” geology on Mars

What the heck is going on here?
Click for original image.

Cool image time! The picture to the right, rotated, cropped, reduced, and enhanced to post here, was taken on April 21, 2024 by the high resolution camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO).

My first reaction on seeing this picture was to scratch my head? What am I looking at? Are those fluted dark features going downhill to the south, or uphill to the north? What are they? Are they slope streaks? Avalanches? How do they relate to the flat-topped ground in the middle of the picture?

I have made it easier for my readers to interpret the picture by adding the “low” and “high” markers. We are looking at two parallel thin mesas about 1,400 feet high, with the saddle between them only dropping about 350 feet.

But what about the dark fluted features? To understand what these are requires more information.
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