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The insidious presence of porn in K-12 public schools

The Harrisonburg school board
The Harrisonburg school board and its superintendent, just one of many
school boards nationwide that have been promoting the queer agenda to little
kids, against the wishes of parents.

In the past three years it has become routine to see stories almost weekly of school board meetings where parents arrive en masse complaining loudly about the pornography they have discovered openly available in school libraries. Similarly, there are numerous other stories of public school teachers and programs eagerly promoting the queer agenda in the classroom, sometimes doing so secretly when faced with parental opposition.

The situation however is far more insidious than suggested by these stories alone. It seems that this issue has been building for a long time, unnoticed by parents and kept quiet by school officials and teachers as they introduced these materials widely in school curriculums and libraries.

For example, why is it that these pornography books, clearly written to appeal to young minds, have appeared so widely in so many schools throughout the nation? The books haven’t just appeared in states controlled by Democrats, but many places, from Florida to Arizona to Georgia to Michigan to Pennsylvania to Maine to Rhode Island to Wisconsin to Virginia. It seems absurdly impossible that so many different and widely spaced school systems would so completely and all at once accept such graphic sexual materials, written for children under twelve.

And yet, these books have been purchased by schools everywhere, in every state in the union. Such widespread eagerness suggests a strong organized effort within the education community to promote the teaching of sex to little kids. This is confirmed by a review of the queer agenda books recommended to teachers and schools by Scholastic, which is one of the main sources for school librarians. From its own webpage, celebrating the queer agenda:

These books incorporate and celebrate LGBTQIA+ themes and experiences. They present thoughtful stories around concepts like acceptance, secrets, and struggles. These stories will give a voice to students who have at times felt like no one is listening.

“The ability for a child to see themselves, a peer, or a family member reflected in a book is priceless,” says Kieran Slattery, a fifth-grade teacher who identifies as a queer transgender man in western Massachusetts. “For some, it can be truly life-changing. It can mean the difference between feeling devastatingly alone to feeling like there’s a place for them in the world.”

Scholastic also has pages listing “2+ Inspiring LGBTQIA+ Books” as well as a “Read with Pride” program that promotes these books.

Nor is Scholastic the only school book publisher pushing such books. In the United Kingdom there is Teachwire, promoting the same thing to schools and teachers. It also appears that such material is being pushed heavily to K-12 schools by queer advocacy groups like GLSEN.

None of this would matter if the education community simply ignored these recommendations. Instead, it appears that from top to bottom teachers, administrators, and educational experts in academia have decided in the past two decades that it is not only perfectly reasonable to allow little kids access to pornographic material that for centuries was considered wholly inappropriate (sometimes even for adults), these experts think it is essential to force the porn down everyone’s throats, whether parents want their kids to see it or not.

how public schools see your kids
How public schools see your kids

This demand seems closely tied to the monopolistic nature of the public school system. For more than a century parents have relied entirely on this centralized educational system run by the government, assuming that it was interested in teaching their kids as the parents wished. That belief however has long been false. The public schools became a political tool of the left decades ago, and it is now using that tool to indoctrinate little children in the most vile of beliefs.

This public school indoctrination is further fueled by the monolithic control by the left of the educational academia that trains teachers and administrators. The queer agenda is pounded into them, which they then carry to the schools and publishers, where they promote it widely.

In other words, the rot within the public education system is widespread, deep, and pervasive. It is this depth that helps explain why so many school boards have aggressively fought with parents when parents showed up to protest. The people who run for school boards generally come from this educational community, and have been well trained to defend the queer agenda at all costs. Kids must be groomed to become sexually perverted, because that is the only right thing to do!

What is the solution? Many think the public schools can be reformed by aggressive action both in legislatures and by parents. Maybe, but I have strong doubts. Even if you can get the school boards changed, the teachers and administrators in the government-run schools will still come from that leftist academia, since the rules are written requiring teachers and administrators to be trained by that academia. Moreover, based on recent events, it appears the political will to force these academic institutions to change is very weak.

The rot is too deep in public education. Changing it from within is likely impossible.

Instead I think the solution is for parents to quickly and immediately abandon these public schools, to create alternatives among themselves that go back to teaching the basics. Parents should found new private schools, or team up with other parents to create their own small school “pods,” the equivalent of a 21st century one-room schoolhouse. Or they can home school, a very viable approach that has proven to work. Such alternatives would automatically drain all funding from the public schools, because their funding is based on attendance.

Parents should also search for and find other school book publishers, such as Brave Books and Conservative Children’s Books, both of which focus on the basics from a classic American perspective. And if parents and teachers wish to buy from traditional sources like Scholastic it is essential that every book purchase undergo a very careful review. It is no longer safe to assume these publishers have decent morality, and will not try to sneak in the queer agenda when you are not looking.

The bottom line above all is aggressive action. We are in this sinking Titanic without enough lifeboats because we didn’t pay attention for decades. The schools cannot be fixed by simply writing stern letters or making a two-minute appeal during open comments at a school board meeting.

It is time to do something, and to do it fearlessly. Parents must work to create a new school system, independent of the educational-government complex that is poisoning their kids.

I wonder if enough parents will have that courage.

Genesis cover

On Christmas Eve 1968 three Americans became the first humans to visit another world. What they did to celebrate was unexpected and profound, and will be remembered throughout all human history. Genesis: the Story of Apollo 8, Robert Zimmerman's classic history of humanity's first journey to another world, tells that story, and it is now available as both an ebook and an audiobook, both with a foreword by Valerie Anders and a new introduction by Robert Zimmerman.


The print edition can be purchased at Amazon. Or you can buy it directly from the author and get an autographed copy.

The ebook is available everywhere for $5.99 (before discount) at amazon, or direct from my ebook publisher, ebookit. If you buy it from ebookit you don't support the big tech companies and the author gets a bigger cut much sooner.

The audiobook is also available at all these vendors, and is also free with a 30-day trial membership to Audible.

"Not simply about one mission, [Genesis] is also the history of America's quest for the moon... Zimmerman has done a masterful job of tying disparate events together into a solid account of one of America's greatest human triumphs."--San Antonio Express-News


  • Cotour

    But they are smiling, they look like they are such nice people.

    They all have the highest of credentials.

    They are smarter, why would anyone question their intent and what they teach?

    Does not make sense.

  • Edward

    Robert wrote: “Scholastic also has pages listing “2+ Inspiring LGBTQIA+ Books” as well as a “Read with Pride” program that promotes these books.

    I came across a video in which the commenter reviewed someone who was supporting “minor attracted persons,” a euphemism for pedophiles. She concluded that the “+” symbol in the alphabet soup label was the left’s way to hide these pedophiles in plain sight. (1 minute)

    Clearly, our schools are no longer training our children on how to be good citizens who work hard for the man but are now training them to service the alphabet soup community, even the minor attracted ones.

    Keep this in mind the next time you see the pride parade pass you by. Some of them are proud to be minor attracted.

    Robert wrote, sarcastically: “Kids must be groomed to become sexually perverted, because that is the only right thing to do!

    The right thing for the educators, who may be there for the wrong reasons. They may have been attracted to teaching children not because they want to teach but for some nefarious reason. How many times have you heard that parents are not to be told something that happened or was taught at school? What kind of person tells children to not tell their parents something?

    We were raised to trust teachers. As adults, we continued to trust them. Can we trust them anymore? We used to defend them against low pay; can we defend them anymore?

    Robert wrote, seriously: “It is time to do something, and to do it fearlessly. Parents must work to create a new school system, independent of the educational-government complex that is poisoning their kids.

  • Cotour

    I will contribute this :

    You are not focusing on the correct stories in the news.

    You should not be focusing on a story like this, it is inequality that needs attention.

    Its inequality that needs to be focused on.

    Where is your compassion putting up a story like this? They are *OUR* children!

  • John Fisher

    Just as with woke companies, the indoctrination establishment will only be dealt with by starving it. Home school your children and don’t send them to college.

  • wayne

    “Your Children Are Schooled to Be Factory Workers”
    Zach Lahn
    Jordan B. Peterson EP 370 (June 26, 2023)

  • GaryMike

    John Fisher: “…the indoctrination establishment will only be dealt with by starving it.”

    They should understand there is an available, much shorter, process.

    Tickling them will distract them.

  • DJ

    My daughter’s long time friend from childhood just left her position as a Principal in a Phoenix Elementary school district. She could not take the pressure being put on her and is glad she left. She is only 34 years old. The good ones (the ones we want to teach our kids) are leaving.

  • James Street

    Normal people don’t get upset when they can’t talk to children about sex.

    “Elton John Singles Out Anti-Grooming Laws as Why He’s Done Performing in the US”

    Wayne, I just happened to listen to the first part of that Jordan Peterson / Zach Lahn interview on my commute home from work tonight. When Zach Lahn had kids he wanted the best for them and looked at educational choices. He’s become affiliated with the Acton Academy where rather than a teacher standing in front of kids lecturing, the children form groups to use the Socratic method to solve problems presented to them.

    Jordan Peterson’s latest format is to do one or two interviews a week with people in different occupations and experiences. Every single one is brilliant.

  • DJ: Then the good ones should form their own schools, one-room schoolhouse in nature at a minimum.

  • Dave

    My wife and I chose homeschooling for our two daughters in the early 90’s. Back then in Southern California, the push was already underway in the government schools to take ownership of the kids. Back then it was the seemingly innocuous push by the school boards for schools to provide breakfast for the kids, thus alleviating the responsibility of the parent to provide that important meal for their own child(ren). Within several years we were seeing state court cases issuing rulings that when children go in the doors of the school, parental rights are severely curtailed. After all, you’re “consenting” to let the school teach (“indoctrinate”) your child when you enroll them.

    We were on the forefront of the homeschooling movement when we started lo those many years ago. We joined a co-op school in the high school years through which parents pooled teaching resources for more advanced classes. Our girls thrived, graduated, passes SATs with well above average scores, and earned college degrees.

    The homeschooling community is thriving in our area thanks to the dedication of parents who want the best education possible for their children. They’ve made many sacrifices (some great) to protect their kids from the insidious indoctrination and character-quashing environment found in most of our public schools.

    We used to joke that the only things our children missed out on from not attending public schools were 1) learning how to swear, smoke, and do drugs, 2) learning how to fight with fist, knives, and guns, 3) and learning how to disrespect themselves and others (especially teachers).

  • Delilah

    Parents should look up the pornography laws, child pornography, sex trafficking, etc. in their state, and send the full text to the school board, all principals, and the teachers’ union to put them on record that anything that is presented in written, video or oral manner than violates pornography laws will form the basis of lawsuits on any or all adults found to have participated. This includes librarians who order books, curriculum committees, whoever orders textbooks and other written instructional materials, as well as teachers, aides, support staff, and administrative staff.

    If I still had kids in school, I would send a letter covering this to every teacher my child has a class with, plus the prinicpal, with a copy to all school board members.

  • James Street

    The left has also militarized librarians (who our taxes pay) to pervert children and take down America. They are no longer little old ladies that help you find books to write a paper on the Civil War.

    Publisher Says American Library Association Is Offering Guidance on Disrupting Conservative Events

  • GaryMike

    I was a teacher for a couple decades. It was about teaching mostly children 60/40.

    Then it became about the risk of accusations about inappropriate touching. The 40 never complained.

    Sorry, I’m out of here. Good luck.

    The Left always ruins everything. They think they’re special.

    Yeah, you leftie folks do ruination better than no one else.

    Psychiatry should complain they’re not making their fair share of the free market.


  • GWB

    And yet, these books have been purchased by schools
    A lot of them have not been purchased by the schools. It depends upon how the laws have shifted in the last 20 years, but a lot of books are donated to the schools. This was actually a tactic used as far back as the 90s – whatever ideological group buys up some books and donates them to their school library.

    There is supposed to be a vetting process. But, as you mention, that is entirely controlled by education-school credentialed administrators. There was for a time some places where parents came in to vet those books, but that got squashed (or withered after whatever particular controversy died out). But some have successfully demanded the vetters produce documentation on why any particular book donation was not accepted.

    Check into your local jurisdiction, and find out if donations are how a lot of books get into your school or public libraries. Then, act accordingly.

  • GWB

    June 27, 2023 at 7:41 am

    Parents should look up the pornography laws,

    You might be surprised at what you find some places. And shocked at what is not considered “child pornography.”
    This is why the left spent decades pulling down obscenity laws all over the country.

  • Jeff Wright

    I feel cheated.

    I never had hot teachers wanting to make out when I was a teen in the age of Porky’s

    All my school marms were mean and ugly:

    This is what I watched in the ‘70s as a little kid:

    -fast forward to the theater scene.


  • wayne

    Aerosmith –
    Livin’ On The Edge (1993)

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