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Today’s blacklisted American: Churches vandalized by leftists for their beliefs

Today's modern witch hunt
What the left really wants: To burn Christians at the stake.

Genocide is coming to America: Four churches in Olympia, Washington, were vandalized during the May 21st weekend by Puget Sound Anarchists, a pro-abortion group that makes believe it is anti-authoritarian but is willing to commit violence against anyone who dares to express an opinion it does not like.

From an anonymous post on May 22nd on their own website:

A Mormon church, Calvary church, Harbor Church, and St. Michael’s Catholic church all received facelifts in the early hours of Sunday morning. We dumped red paint over the entryways and left messages of “If abortions aren’t safe then neither are you,” “Abort the church,” and “God loves abortion.”

…While a little graffiti may be a small gesture in the war against patriarchal religious control, we wish to highlight that it’s easy and fun to attack. Our enemies are vulnerable and easy to find. [emphasis mine]

In another post from July 2021, this group proudly takes credit for destroying and damaging a garage full of police cars, adding

Be bold! Sabotage is fun!

In another post on April 24, 2022, the group celebrates vandalizing a bank ATM machine.

We fed the machine brake fluid, filled its mouths with spray foam. It was easy. May Day is right around the corner. If you can’t get out to the yintah, we encourage you to fight where you stand. Long live Anarchy!

The mention of May Day proves that this self-described “anarchist” group is linked with the left and Marxism, a link that is routinely found to be the case with such radicals. A closer look at the literature on their webpage reinforces this. It also shows their support for the bigotry of critical race theory, where people are ranked merely by their race, with some deserving extra rights and others oppression.

What these goons are telling us, in plain language, is that they have no intention of accepting the rule of law, should any ruling go against their agenda. Even should the Supreme Court overrule Roe v. Wade, all that will mean is that the legality of abortions will be determined by state legislatures, not a nine-person unelected court in the District of Columbia. Though abortions will still be allowed in Washington state, along with at least twenty other states, this won’t be good enough for Puget Sound Anarchists. Rather than work within the law to make all states allow abortion, as they believe, they instead enthusiastically advocate violence and physical harm against their opponents, even in states where abortion is allowed.

As has been noted repeatedly in the past six years, for these leftists their violence is considered speech and must be permitted, while any speech by their opponents is violence and must be silenced. And increasingly these brown-shirts are teaming up with Democrats in positions of authority to enforce this mantra, nationwide.

And the Democrats — who control all levels of government in Washington state — appear quite eager to help! Though the Puget Sound Anarchist website provides direct evidence that it is helping to organize violence and vandalism in the Pacific northwest — and has been doing so for years — there has been no local government action. No one has been arrested, no investigations have occurred, and no subpoenas issued against the people operating the site. I strongly suspect these storm-troopers could even kill someone, proudly brag about on their site, and the Democrats in Washington state would merely shrug their shoulders and do nothing.

But then, this is what the voters in Washington state have voted for, time and again for decades, in election after election. And they will get even greater horrors soon if they don’t wake up and kick out of power the thugs who is now running their state.

Genesis cover

On Christmas Eve 1968 three Americans became the first humans to visit another world. What they did to celebrate was unexpected and profound, and will be remembered throughout all human history. Genesis: the Story of Apollo 8, Robert Zimmerman's classic history of humanity's first journey to another world, tells that story, and it is now available as both an ebook and an audiobook, both with a foreword by Valerie Anders and a new introduction by Robert Zimmerman.


The print edition can be purchased at Amazon. Or you can buy it directly from the author and get an autographed copy.

The ebook is available everywhere for $5.99 (before discount) at amazon, or direct from my ebook publisher, ebookit. If you buy it from ebookit you don't support the big tech companies and the author gets a bigger cut much sooner.

The audiobook is also available at all these vendors, and is also free with a 30-day trial membership to Audible.

"Not simply about one mission, [Genesis] is also the history of America's quest for the moon... Zimmerman has done a masterful job of tying disparate events together into a solid account of one of America's greatest human triumphs."--San Antonio Express-News


  • Jay

    Since this happened in Olympia, I bet these anarchists are from the nearby state liberal arts college – Evergreen State. These anarchists never cross the Cascades to the east side (dry-side) of the state.
    One of these groups from Portland threatened to come our county to protest and raise hell. The sheriff told them to pack a lunch. They never showed up.

    No Realist, Eastern Washington, the one true Washington, does not need Russia’s help in breaking away from western Washington.

  • Col Beausabre

    “A Mormon church, Calvary church, Harbor Church, and St. Michael’s Catholic church”

    What, no mosques? Of what could be argued is the most repressive religion of all major ones and contains some of the most fanatical believers. Of course not, it is oppressed in fascist Amerika.

  • Edward

    Anarchists have a group? Doesn’t that completely defeat the purpose?

    “Stranger Than Fiction” (1 minute)

  • sippin_bourbon

    Attacking the groups that, by constitutional law, have zero say in legislation nor apart of the judicial system.

    Make perfect sense.

    This is proof that it is not about preserving a SCOTUS decision, or the laws that are effected by it. It is about trying to intimidate the populace.

    And, based on previous efforts by DAs in WA, I would expect to see no action, even if the individuals are identified. The elected liberals and socialist cannot ban or force communities of faith out of the state, but they are happy the let Antifa, et al, do it for them.

  • ” . . . war against patriarchal religious control. . . .”

    What does that even mean? Sounds profound, but looks like a bunch of syllables thrown together. Maybe read more, and listen less.

  • Joe

    What these people did to places of worship is totally reprehensible. But as was stated earlier, isn’t organized anarchy defeating the purpose? It seems these people need to get a life. Maybe if they actually have to get out and pay for things and do the hard things they might change their mind. Elon Musk is leaning to the right more and more each day it seems.

    Still, both sides seem to be asking the wrong question. The question they ask is, “Should abortion be legal and if so under what restrictions, if any?” This is wrong. The correct question should be, “What business is it of the governments what medical procedures are appropriate for anyone?”

  • Jeff Wright

    Here’s a quote to use:

    The NOW is drenched in more children’s blood than the NRA.

  • wayne

    “Michael Malice: Totalitarianism and Anarchy”
    Lex Fridman Podcast 200 (July, 2021)

  • Cotour

    ON MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND THEY SPIN IN THEIR GRAVES (Copy and share with a neighbor)

    * The term “Homeland Security” has nothing to do with the security of our homeland, it apparently only has to do with the security of the permanent government, its interests and its power? “Biden’s Department of Homeland Security Announces It Will Not Conduct Immigration Enforcement in Uvalde, Texas at This Time” (Not to mention the southern border remains wide open as per the day one agenda (D).

    * Gas Lighting president? “Joe Biden Says The ‘Protest’s In The Summer Of 2020 ‘Unified’ People Of Every Generation”. Really?

    * Good guys with guns once again due to official politically correct protocol did nothing when they should have done something? “Ramos fired outside school for 12 minutes, inside for over an hour”

    * “Texas Department of Public Safety Official Says Cops Were Reluctant to Take Out Uvalde Shooter Because ‘They Could’ve Been Shot’”

    * “During this time, one brave mother drove 40 minutes from work, was handcuffed for trying to enter, talked police into freeing her, breached the perimeter, and went in and got her children out of the building.” (In Texas there was no one on scene with a gun? Really?)

    * “Off duty Border Patrol Officer Albarado getting a hair cut leapt up from the barber’s chair, grabbed the barber’s shotgun, and drove straight to the school, where eight-year-old Jayda and her mother were inside” He rescued 20. No politically correct protocol, just appropriate action?

    * The midterm elections approach, will they take place?

    * “Documents Reveal Secret US Plans For Apocalyptic Scenarios When President May Activate Wartime Powers for National Security Emergencies”

    * How will “WE” (The permanent government (D), define what a National Security Emergency is? Monkey Pox stalks America, and its next election?

    * “Nine Monkeypox cases identified in U.S.”

    Tell me what you see that is currently ongoing in America. Looks like Political Correctness (D) & (RINO) will kill us all?

    The first goal of the American Constitution? Over time it forces the Political Realm manipulators to reveal themselves.

    Are you seeing what I see?–~D

  • Realist

    Intel Slava Z

    Hungary does not consider that Russia poses a threat to any of the NATO members – government spokesman

    Intel Slava Z
    News of the liberated territories.

    1. In the Kherson region, a structure of its own Ministry of Internal Affairs will be created, which will be directly subordinate to the CAA of the Kherson region.
    2. The Zaporozhye region switched to Moscow time and is not going to return to Ukrainian time.
    3. Russian radio stations launched in Berdyansk. The work was carried out by specialists from the Crimea.
    4. Points of simplified issuance of Russian passports are planned to be opened in Kherson. The CAA of the Kherson region wants to speed up the process of passportization.
    5. The head of Energodar, wounded during the assassination attempt, said that he was recovering and would return to work in 3 weeks.
    6. The representative of the Zaporizhzhya VGA Rogov proposed to transfer all the military bases of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to Russia.
    7. In Skadovsk, the process of paying social benefits began + the restoration of the monument to Lenin, which was demolished by the Nazis from the Right Sector, was announced.

  • Realist

    Donbass: Up to 16,000 Ukrainian personnel about to be cut off in one or more cauldrons in Lugansk

  • Edward

    Joe thought that: “The correct question should be, ‘What business is it of the governments what medical procedures are appropriate for anyone?’” but he is not entirely correct.

    Although Obamacare has fundamentally transformed government into our medical guardian (agree with government or forfeit your right to medical care)., the real question, as it has always been, “is it acceptable to euthanize your own children?” In addition, we could also ask, “What kind of parent kills her own children?”

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