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Giant iceberg breaks off from Antarctica

We’re all gonna die! A giant section of the Antarctic ice shelf, about the size of the state of Delaware, has finally broken off from the main ice cap.

The Science article immediately tries to tie this event to global warming, as articles in this pro-global warming journal are always eager to do. The problem is that there is no way to really do that, as the author himself is forced to admit.

Climate change has a new poster child: a massive iceberg the size of Delaware—one of the largest ever recorded—that early this week calved off Larsen C, the largest remaining ice shelf off the Antarctic Peninsula, scientists announced today. Although researchers cannot explicitly connect the calving event to warming air or water, those monitoring the event are now concerned that the entire shelf, after shedding more than 12% of its area, could follow the fate of its more northern peers, Larsens A and B, which collapsed entirely in 1995 and 2002, respectively.

The Antarctic icecap has been growing in recent decades. Just because a big piece broke off this week tells us nothing about the overall global climate. Furthermore, take a look at the map at the link. On the scale of the entire Antarctica icecap this iceberg is actually only a tiny piece. Such calving events are actually the normal process that occurs at the icecap, and every scientist who studies this subject knows it. Like a glacier, the icecap accumulates snow and ice in its center, which slowly flows outward to the sea, where it eventually breaks off to rejoin the Earth’s normal water cycle. There presently is little evidence that more ice is exiting the icecap than is accumulating at its center.

Genesis cover

On Christmas Eve 1968 three Americans became the first humans to visit another world. What they did to celebrate was unexpected and profound, and will be remembered throughout all human history. Genesis: the Story of Apollo 8, Robert Zimmerman's classic history of humanity's first journey to another world, tells that story, and it is now available as both an ebook and an audiobook, both with a foreword by Valerie Anders and a new introduction by Robert Zimmerman.


The print edition can be purchased at Amazon. Or you can buy it directly from the author and get an autographed copy.

The ebook is available everywhere for $5.99 (before discount) at amazon, or direct from my ebook publisher, ebookit. If you buy it from ebookit you don't support the big tech companies and the author gets a bigger cut much sooner.

The audiobook is also available at all these vendors, and is also free with a 30-day trial membership to Audible.

"Not simply about one mission, [Genesis] is also the history of America's quest for the moon... Zimmerman has done a masterful job of tying disparate events together into a solid account of one of America's greatest human triumphs."--San Antonio Express-News


  • LocalFluff

    The temperature hasn’t increased for 20 years, so even if there were any ice melting going on, it would have nothing to do with the temperature or CO2 emissions.

    The climate doomsday myth is passing now. Trump opened the door and the smart rats are running out in time. I mean, they were in on the fraud only to suck up to the power, now that the power has changed they will change. Santer, maybe The leading climate researcher, has made a 180 degree turn and proclaimed that there is no warming at all going on and that the climate models have been totally wrong by assuming huge reinforcing effects that we now know don’t exist. It has always been known that the direct effect of CO2 on temperature is tiny. The whole fraud was built on this tiny effect being multiplied several times by causing frozen methane to thaw or changing the cloud coverage or the area covered by reflecting snow. All extremely speculative and all proven to be wrong. And if one looks at the huge good effects of CO2 emissions on agriculture and wild vegetation, one would like to burn fossil fuel even without using the energy from it.

  • Cotour

    3 million years ago the earth created the ice that covers Ant Arctica, and now mans activities have caused a giant piece of that ice the size of Long Island to break off. It won’t be long now, these must be signs of the end times.

    Q: Will this giant iceberg now float into the ocean and then crash into some highly populated coastal city and destroy it? This is a concern I have.

    Q: As the giant iceberg floats around in the ocean, before it crashes into which ever coastal city it will crash into, won’t it cool the ocean as it moves and kill all sea life that it comes in contact with?

    Q: Will the ice breaking off and floating away from where it was created change the earths rotation or orbit around the sun?

    I have sooo many questions that are making me very uneasy with these goings on that man has caused. These things never happened before man started his assault on the earth, when will it end? How will it end?

  • Citizen Quasar


  • Citizen Quasar

    Test 10

  • Cotour

    Are scientists keeping an eye on this?

    Something else for me / everyone to start worrying about. I heard there is a laboratory in South America run by the children of escaped WW 2 Nazi’s that are now developing these apes. How long before they take over? You know these things that are depicted in the movies are in general based on real science and are likely to be more true than not.

    Thank God for the Second Amendment, America will be the last place they will come. Unless we become so politically correct and invite them in and give them rights, and give them welfare and finance them until they are well settled and strong, and we protect their religious rights where they worship ritually killed human babies, and their religion ultimately demands that we all submit to their beliefs and destroy our Constitution. (This sounds very familiar, where have I heard this before?)

    We are so like a cylindrical rod incised with one or more helical or advancing spiral threads.

  • Michael Miller


    ” We’re all gonna die ! ”

    LOL ! Spit out my coffee when I read that !


  • wayne

    (you need to stop reading huff-po!)

    You’re thinking of “being attached to another object by an inclined plane wrapped helically around an axis.”
    Big Bang Theory :
    -Physics definition of Being Screwed

    You must be joking!

    Have iceberg’s ever “crashed into a coastal City?”
    A: No.
    Does melting ice kill sea creatures?
    A: No.
    Does floating ice alter the orbit of the Earth?
    A: No

  • wayne

    Planet of the Apes
    “Get your stinking paws off me…”

  • wayne

    I’m not paying my taxes anymore…

  • Cotour

    Its close enough to Australia and the Great Barrier reef to totally destroy it! Thats the most likely place that it will wind up.

  • Cotour

    Thinking about it, this giant iceberg may be a very big monetary opportunity. Remember the story of they company that was going to tow an iceberg to the middle east to supply the UAE with fresh water? This thing is a perfect opportunity, should last the UAE 200 to 500 years.

    How close do you think they can get it to shore? No good, did some research, the greatest depth of the Gulf of Oman is only 300 feet, the berg is at least 600 feet.

  • LocalFluff

    This ice berg is the deluge and will come home to you and drown you (which actually might be a good thing if one literally imagines it for a moment…) No! Just vote right and close your windows and you’ll be safe. So say all of us.

  • LocalFluff

    Row row row

  • wayne

    After we subject every single square inch of the UAE, to 6 psi of overpressure & 800 rads of prompt-radiation, they will guzzle salt-water, and they will love it.

  • Cotour

    Attempting to calculate the number of tugs it would take to get the berg to move, just move. And how long it will take to get it to within 100 miles or near the UAE.


    (Wayne, your dark S.O.M. tendencies are showing.)

  • LocalFluff

    You’re pretty all around educated, aren’t you? I thought you were just pretending, but it’s getting hard to believe that now.

  • Willi

    You guys are just too too much…

  • Agenor

    Mr. Zimmerman, with all respect I urge You to be a little more precise on this matter.
    Antartic sea-ice is (was) growing, Antartic land-ice is melting. Yes, the Antarctic is a continent, it has land-ice.

    And if you’re wondering how this is possible. Well, Sea-ice contains a lot of salt, land-ice doesn’t. Salt not only changes the freezing temperature of the water but also its density. Less dense things tend to swim on denser things, and less salt gives a higher freezing temperature. So the less salty (melt)water swims on the saltier ocean water, where it freezes easier than the ocean water.

    Btw. Your own link speaks specifically of sea-ice.
    If you’re interested, this site provides the newest data.

  • Edward

    Be careful about wanting precision. Antarctic temperatures rarely rise above the freezing point of water, so little of the ice there melts. Most of it either sublimates away into the atmosphere (not fast enough to overwhelm the snowfall accumulation) or flows in glaciers to the sea — but Robert specifically mentioned glacial mechanism for Antarctic land-ice to exit.

    Your link was about the Arctic ice cap, but Robert’s report was about the Antarctic ice cap.

    We can discuss this topic endlessly, but it is generally accepted that the Antarctic is not losing ice. In fact, on the assumption that Antarctic sea ice was decreasing, a research ship got stuck in it, a couple of years ago. It got so severely stuck that the rescue ship also got stuck, requiring yet another rescue ship to save the day. Reality is not matching the predictions, which means that the predictions are wrong.

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